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*** Природа разумна в той же степени, в какой разумен сам человек. Причина в том, что первичен для всех процессов природы закон иерархического роста энтропии-информации – конкретизация второго начала термодинамики и её выражение в принципе максимума производства энтропии-информации (максимума способности превращений). Возникновение Вселенной, элементарных частиц, галактик, законов физики и химии, жизни и разума – всё сущее имеет своей причиной и путём для создания иерархический рост энтропии-информации, в котором количества информации внутри каждой следующей ступени меньше, чем в предыдущей. Человек наблюдает последние ступени иерархического роста энтропии-информации , а потому считает, что Вселенная развивается в направлении роста порядка. Это заблуждение. Самопроизвольное возникновение и эволюция жизни и разума в сопоставимых с Земными формах есть высоковероятный закономерный процесс во Вселенной, ограниченный физико-химическими условиями планетных систем звёзд. Дарвинизм описывает выживание выживающих. Нейтралистские случайные изменения есть выражение детерминизма природы. В силу действия при образовании мутаций аналогов спонтанных и индуцированных переходов А. Эйнштейна частота мутаций возрастает настолько, как нужно для образования видов и новых таксономических градаций, если оно возможно. Разум природы отличается от разума человека одним – при переходе по ступеням иерархии энтропии-информации в живой и неживой природе “аксиомы” создают предыдущие ступени иерархии роста энтропии-информации. Свои аксиомы разум человека придумывает произвольно. Средствами логики невозможно обосновать аксиомы, которые мозг человека принимает за основу новых ступеней иерархии энтропии-информации, поэтому процесс последовательных приближений в описании природы не имеет запретов. Теорема Гёделя о неполноте строго утверждает познаваемость природы и не исключает "исчерпывающего" предела этого процесса.
Aleksandr M. Khazen “Nature’s Intelligence and Intelligence of Man” E-mail: akhazen@yahoo.com
The book “Nature’s Intelligence and Intelligence of Man” is the first to eliminate the contradiction between the Second Law of Thermodynamics and existence of life. This book pioneers an elegant and non-controversial solution for the paradoxes of random-determinism synthesis in the emergence and evolution of Life on Earth. The book postulates that emergence and evolution of Life on Earth is a highly feasible process in the Universe, taking place at all times when warranted by conditions created by certain properties of stars and their planetary systems. Life and Intelligence are an uninterrupted continuation of the very hierarchy of the information synthesis process which controls the existence of the Universe and shapes its physio-chemical laws. It is particularly true of Carbon as chemical element which corresponds to a maximum of entropy-information at atomic electron shell level. Nature’s and Man’s intelligence are based upon the comprehensive concept of synthesizing information from random events under specific conditions and criteria of stability of random selection. Therefore Man’s comprehension of Nature is possible. Ambiguity of conditions and undependability of human memory during the memorize process is the principal disparity between Nature’s and Man’s intelligence. The “Nature’s Intelligence and Intelligence of Man” is a serious scholastic work, describing an original scientific study. However, similarly to Darwin’s “Origins of Species” or Winner’s “Cybernetics”, it is written as a digest for scientists. Book structure, including synopses of chapters, is given below. Chapter I. Quest for ultimate metamorphosis capability is Nature’s principal law. In the Communication Theory the concept of Information is based upon uncertainty which gets eliminated as the objective is being achieved. Nature has no objective to achieve. In the scope of Nature Information is a physical variable – entropy-information. Nature is irreversible: the axis of time differs from the space axes of coordinates. Therefore entropy-information should be utilizing the terms of the complex variable functions’ theory, being the sole mathematical structure where coordinate axes are not on a par. The emergence and evolution of Life and Intelligence is an individual occasion resulting from a joint action of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Principle of Maximum Entropy Production (Ultimate Metamorphosis Capability). Information as a physical variable is created through the process of information synthesis which incorporates a chain: random events – conditions – memorize. By and large, the memorize is controlled by the criteria of stability in a complex plane. Those criteria clearly point out to the ratio of randomness and unequivocal laws of physics for any evolutionary phase of a species. Synthesis of the information is an hierarchic process, a “ladder” with exponentially decreasing height of the “steps”.
What is chaos? Entropy. What does it mean - information? Why and how information re-emerges? How much information is there in an engineering project? What does word “spontaneous” mean? Forwards... into the blind alley of balance. The principle of maximum generation of entropy (The principle of ultimate metamorphosis capability). Entropy-information as a function of a complex variable. Synthesis of information in terms of entropy-information as a function of a complex variable. Hierarchy of entropies during the synthesis of information. How can Biology define reception, value and irreplaceability of information? “Maxwell’s Demon” is interaction between entropy as a dimension of uncertainty and information as eliminated uncertainty. Conclusions. Chapter II. Life - hierarchic synthesis of information. Life in the Universe emerges with a high probability, based solely on Carbon, and in forms compatible with those on Earth. The reason is six-dimensional symmetries at the level of phase space, defining atom’s electron shells. The significance of physio-chemical processes that ensure Life is in their ambiguity - at each of their hierarchic level they create an opportunity for the occurrence of random events. In particular, genetic code is not optimal in the abstract mathematical sense. Hierarchic synthesis of information at the genesis and evolution of Life is the gist of the Maximum Entropy Production Principle.
Carbon is a quintessential base for the emergence of life in the universe. Pre-biological evolution in M. Eigen’s definitions. The emergence of Life in the Universe is a routine, recurrent event. Information processes during initial phases of Life’s evolution. Learning during the synthesis of genetic information. Paleontology inside the cell. Phagocytosis is the premise for the emergence of eucariotic cell. 109. Emergence of multi-cell organisms. Absense of abstract optimality of coding as a peculiarity of DNA and RNA. Amiable, antagonistic and suicidal symbiosis. Conclusions. Chapter III. Darwinism's paradoxes of randomness. In hierarchic synthesis of information on life forms learning does not pursue any objective. It is the survival of the fittest. It is what Darwin’s natural selection is all about. In formation of life forms random events must be limited by constraints. Continual evolution does accommodate leaps that are inevitable when mounting the hierarchic steps of entropy-information.
“The mighty power of twisting other man’s ideas”. Classic form of random events inventory in Darwinism. Interaction of random events in Darwinism, and witnesses of evolution’s perpetuity. Significance of regularities in Darwinism’s randomness. Environment’s influence on Life’s evolution. Why are vertebrates typical? True transitional forms in Life’s evolution. True and vulgar causes for Darwin’s selection from the random. Struggle for survival is not mutual elimination. Of inheritance of “acquired characteristics”. L.S.Berg’s Nomogenesis. Cambrian explosion. Sources of immunity. Darwinism is a model of Life’s evolution. Conclusions. .Chapter IV. Determinism in Life’s evolution. Determinism in Life’s evolution is shaped by hierarchical thresholds when its variables change. In particular the existence and value of the thresholds is reflected in random neutralist changes of species and individual life forms. The result of reading DNA information (as a learned random selection), which is dependent upon ontogenesis’ provisions, is compatible with the determinism of Life. Mutations are the return of a living system to discreet equilibriums. That is why as a result of Einstein’s analogues of induced transitions the frequency of mutations increases during the formation of species.
Determinism in Life’s evolution is shaped by hierarchical thresholds when its variables change. Random neutralist changes are a manifestation of Life evolution’s determinism. What is information within DNA? What does “read” genetic information mean? Reading DNA by cloning its links “alphabetically”. Einstein’s spontaneous and induced processes are components of mutagenesis. Synthetic theory of evolution. Evolution’s Driving Force in terms of physics. Three instances when one may ask of Nature “Why?” and “What for?” Conclusions Chapter V. Sexual reproduction is a form of competition between equilibrium and maximum generation of entropy-information. Exponential reproduction is the principal observable portent of life. It is contested by the pursuit of equilibrium. There are circumstances when such equilibrium is achieved. It is a “blind alley” of equilibrium manifested in a paradoxical model of a “inanimated” object which is, in fact a “canned” source of Life, for instance, bacteria spores. At further hierarchical steps of entropy-information’s growth the contest between growth of entropy and pursuit of equilibrium is manifested in diploid and haploid chromosome packs in a cell. The diploid are closer to equilibrium. In primitive eucariotic life forms they become a form of “inanimated” cell, which is the source of future reproduction. In superior life forms, their abundant internal ecological niche finds the way out of the blind alley of equilibrium (in a dynamic form) through a haploid cell. Those are sex cells (gametes), incapable of supporting Life autonomously. The return of “blind alley cells” to a diploid (reproduction) form is the sexual process. This process has advantages in the natural selection because it expands the range of random events, compatible with reproductive conditions.
Procariotes’ competition between the pursuit of equilibrium and generation of entropy-information. Evolution of sexes in Darwinist terms. Examples of competition between pursuit of equilibrium and generation of entropy for predecessors of sexual reproduction. Concrete manifestation of randomness in sexual reproduction. Cloning and Aging. 276. Links between hierarchy layers during the synthesis of Information. Instances when entire organisms turn into an egg. Self-generation of life. Examples of leap pattern in contemporary evolution of Life. Conclusions. Chapter VI. Life’s energy source and information. Generation of energy in Nature is based upon thermodynamic cycles. Those cycles are made possible by at least two forms of energy. For the energy of Life such forms are chemical and electric energy. Mechanical work and heat do take part in the process, but are auxiliary. The Nature is established in a pahse space. The features of such space are reflected by the quasi-crystals. The features of quasi-crystals result in a structural complementarity - a well-known concept in Biochemistry. The determinism of emergence and evolution of Life is the result of Time’s irreversibility.
Thermodynamic cycles are means of energy generation in Nature. Heat and information. Second Law of Thermodynamics. Required and sufficient determination of the axiomatic definition of entropy-information and Laws of Thermodynamics. The significance of free energy for the existence of Life. Basics of Life Energy’s thermodynamic cycles. Exchange of electrical charges in thermodynamic phases of metabolism. Biomembranes and Electricity. Media with negative elasticity module are the basis of thermodynamic phases to conduct mechanical work in live systems. Life emerges and exists because it increases planets’ Entropy beyond inanimate treshold. L.A. Blumenfeld’s concept of “Proteine-Machine”. Redundant generation of energy in life forms. Quasi-crystals as essential structures of all life forms. The Principle of Structural Complementarity and its link with quasi-crystals. Conclusions. Chapter VII. The electric component of Life’s energy as the main cause of formation of nervous systems and the brain. From initial phases of evolution Life memorizes the intra-cell organelles, then independent cells specializing in control of metabolism. The reason is electric energy as a component of the energy of metabolism and its redundancy. Logical operations are what nervous systems chiefly rely upon in two extreme instances: in emergence of rudimentary nervous systems, and in developed brain, capable of abstract thinking. In transitional periods the logical operators YES, NO, OR are components in processing of random signals. The most important anatomical feature of the nervous system and the brain is the randomness of links, limited by constraints which guarantees reproduction of nervous systems and brains throughout generations, and capability of evolution towards anatomical and functional development. In terms of requirements for modern computers human brain breaks all records of component imperfection.
Why Life evolves towards creation and development of the brain? Membranes and ion channels. The electric component of Life’s energy as the main cause of formation of nervous systems and the brain. Branching of neurons is the consequence of electric charges in their restraining membranes. Nervous pulse (signal) and its transmission as a form of dispersal of excessive energy with participation of waves. Neuromediators as chemical compounds “transmitted” by “wires” as electric signals. When did rudimentary logic first appear in nervous systems? Hormonal systems. The main principle of feedback in a live organism. Conclusions. Chapter VIII. Why rods and cones are facing away from light source? In an eye rods and cones are facing away from the light (into the non-transparent layer). Light reaches them after refracting in four layers of transparent neurons. Brain receives from the eye the distribution functions of neural pulses that are contigent upon both the image captured by the eye and the arrangement of rods and cones. Visible image creates interactions between those distribution functions and other sensory organs’ signals. The significance of electric component of Life’s energy for the functioning of sensory organs. Randomness of signals, limited by constraints, is crucial for the organs of vision. Classic optics of vision. Paradoxes in vision’s optics. Anatomy of retina. Principle of "a map". Retina's signals. Conclusions. Chapter IX. Synthesis of information in the brain The brain anatomically emerged due to randomness in neuron congregation. Constraints introduce into it the layered hierarchy. The previous history of Life introduces the hierarchy of various functional departments. The operating principle of the brain is hierarchic synthesis of information which includes the principle of the ultimate generation of entropy. Brain core is the superior layer in such hierarchy. In vegetative system and in superior nervous activity the neuromediators are partially similar. Man’s and Nature’s intelligence are same by definition. Man’s intelligence differs from that of Nature by ethereality of conditions and memorizing.
Correlation of principles of anatomic emergence of the brain and its function. Do ants know arithmetics? “Thought Communicating” by substances. Sensory and extra-sensory perception: similarities and differences. Direct electrical exchange of nerve pulses between beings. Possibility of radiation transmission of nerve impulses. The conscious and the subconscious. What is Intelligence? 509. Why Evolution of Life led to human Intelligence? Conclusions. Chapter X. Why can Nature be comprehended? The World can be comprehended because human brain can initiate the hierarchy of information synthesis on the basis of casual axioms. This is firmly expressed in Gedel’s concept of incompleteness: logic can not substantiate axioms that form the basis of its conclusions. Therefore Man can build models of Nature, correcting them as his knowledge increases. Models may become absolute truth, since absolute truth is always a predictable error with range of application clearly defined.
Axioms are the basis for human Intelligence operation. Spoken languages. Mathematics is the language of Science. The "unreasonable" effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences. The models in the sciences. Gedel’s theory of incompleteness is the expression of comprehensibility of Nature. Faith and Science, Faith and Religions. On scientific errors. Once again, on Darwinism. “Gold Age” hypothesis. Irreversibility of Time and History. How do we know the Truth? Can machines think? Conclusions.
Цикл книг: Книга 1. А.М. Хазен. «Введение меры информации в аксиоматическую базу механики» Неужели в основах современной классической механики, которой больше 150-ти лет, можно найти что-то новое? Неужели квантовая механика может быть объединена с классической? Неужели таинственная необратимость проста как колумбово яйцо? Да! Можно! Как сказал Ньютон – Природа проста. Она не роскошествует излишними причинами. Информация и энергия – главные понятия для всех процессов и объектов природы, но их надо использовать не интуитивно, а строго. Всё это вы поймёте, прочитав эту книгу.
Книга 2. А.М. Хазен. «Что такое – время?» Что должно быть первичным в математическом аппарате при отображении необратимости времени? Как определить производную при необратимом времени? Что такое – температура и как она связана со свойствами времени? Каков критерий перехода по ступеням иерархии на основе принципа максимума производства энтропии? Ответы на эти нетривиальные вопросы вы найдёте в книге.
Книга 4. А.М. Хазен. «Законы природы и "справедливое общество"» В чём заключалась главная ошибка Дарвина и Маркса? Что знает физика о "справедливом обществе? Какое отношение имеют размеры женских ягодиц и секс к проблеме выживания человечества? Существует ли свобода слова в науке? Ответы на эти и другие вопросы вы найдёте в книге.
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