Серебринская Мария. The problem of shyness in preschoolers - проблемы застенчивости у дошкольников

The problem of shyness in preschoolers   - проблемы застенчивости у дошкольниковIntroduction

I decided to study the problem of shyness in preschool children , as it is quite serious and can have a significant impact on the further development of the child and his socialization . We know that preschool childhood - this is a special period in the development of the child, when children develop the most basic abilities that are necessary for anyone in any kind of activity . Shyness ( which includes a new fear , fear of attention to himself , a tendency to check the correctness of their actions through the evaluation and opinion of others, etc.) and blocks the development of emotional and intellectual spheres of the child's personality . Uncertainty shy child in their value for other people it blocks the emerging need- motivational sphere , does not allow him to fully meet the needs of communication available . In addition , shyness is dangerous because they are older it prevents networking , achieving success in personal and professional life . In this connection , the problem of shyness in children is relevant today .

The most ubiquitous and complex problem of interpersonal relationships - shyness. American psychologist Zimbardo identified a number of difficulties due to shyness that arise in interpersonal relationships adults. Among them, such as the difficulty in getting acquainted with the people , there is a negative emotional states in the course of communication , difficulties in expressing his opinion , excessive restraint, presenting himself unfortunate that impedes adequate assessment shy man other people excessive introversion , etc. In psychology, there are many different versions of the nature of shyness. Thus , psychoanalysis sees it as a symptom expression on a conscious level raging subconscious deep psychic conflicts . In addition, analysts believe that shyness is formed as a result of trauma to a child in any communication situation .Behaviorists believe that shyness is an acquired fear responses to social stimuli . Shy people simply lack the social skills needed to fully communicate with other people. Sociologists associate shyness with a sense of personal distress and seek its roots in social ecology I.

Supporters of existential psychology also emphasize the link shyness with a sense of personal insecurity caused by the fear of being rejected by others. Researchers personality traits see it as an increased sensitivity to the dangers of having an innate character. In the context of human emotions and feelings of shyness is seen as synonymous with fear (D. Baldwin, K. Gross) , then as an expression of feelings of shame or guilt ( Stern , B. Zenkovsky D. Izard ) . However, all psychologists point connection with the peculiarities of shyness and self-consciousness of the child associated attitudes towards people : self-doubt, negative self-esteem, distrust of others. Sources shyness allocated psychologists :

- Fear of people (the main source of shyness );

- Submission of a shy child about himself ;

- Birth order (precedence );

- Sensitivity to shyness parents and children to each other ;

- Inheritance of shyness.

Everybody knows that the foundation of shyness , of course, begins in childhood . Its appearance depends on the education of parents , educational institutions and social environment. Manifestation of shyness is very diverse : from physiological manifestations to the internal conflict and human thought processes .

Shy child - a child who , on the one hand, kindly refers to others , seeks to communicate with them, and on the other - does not dare to show their communication needs , which leads to disruption of consistency in the interaction. The reason for these violations lies in the special nature of the ambivalent relationship shy child to himself. It has a high overall self-esteem, feels the best and at the same time doubt a positive attitude toward myself other people, especially strangers . Therefore, in dealing with them shyness manifests itself most clearly .

Attitude towards him from shy preschoolers a high degree of reflexivity on the fixity of his personality in any kind of interaction. A shy child stung his inner self characteristics of his personality is such that everything he does, is passed through the kernel image in which "live" another questioning the high value of his personality. Anxiety about " my self" often obscures the content and collaboration , and communication. These children are scanty play activities for their unsolvable even the simplest everyday task - to step up to another , ask for a toy , to agree on a joint game .

Do shy child special structure need-motivational sphere : the personal motives always act for him as a principal , screening and educational , and business that hinders the deployment behavior adequate to different forms of communication. In communicating with loved ones , where the nature of adult relationships is clear and familiar to the child's personality factor goes into the shadows , and in communicating with strangers , he clearly comes to the fore , provoking protective behaviors that may occur in the " care in itself," and sometimes adopting "mask of indifference ."

Emotional instability often hinders the harmonious development of the child. Emotions are like a mirror, reflects the state of man and his relation to something . I saw this in the study subjects. Child perceives the world around , going through what was happening to him , forms his attitude to what surrounds it, selects certain activities and situations and rejects others. All these experiences occur emotionally. All okrashivaetya emotions - whether it's a feeling or imagination, thinking or memory. Our world - a struggle of opposites. Avoid exposure to negative emotions impossible. Any active part in life, along with the successes and achievements , suggests failure , errors and failures. It is a harsh law of life : only approaching obstacles and barriers, rising after the "fall " , to learn from mistakes , people themselves and their relationship to the world knows . It is important to teach children not to succumb to difficulties , not to lose heart , calmly and courageously accept the failures and mistakes .

On the basis of studying the subject can draw conclusions :

1. Shyness is a problem in psychological and pedagogical literature considered in sufficient detail. Describes the definition , types of manifestations, age dynamics , gender differences , and the reasons for the behavior of shyness.

2 . With the help of experimental studies can identify a group of shy preschoolers and features of their personality and behavior (evasion of the first to start a conversation , any business venture , ask a question ) .

3 . There are various intervention programs to help solve this problem.

So I came to the conclusion that shyness - a phenomenon socially conditioned . Under understand shyness shyness , isolation , insecurity, shyness, sensitivity , embarrassment, and autism as an extreme manifestation of shyness. Nature shyness as diverse as its definition . The main source of shyness - fear of people . Its appearance depends on the education of parents , educational institutions and social environment. The experience begins with an intense shyness increase awareness of the "I ". Do shy preschooler personal motives are always the main , blocking and cognitive, and business that hinders the deployment of appropriate behavior . Behavior shy child deprives him of the most important and necessary in life - social and interpersonal communication . And this in turn leads to isolation and loneliness

The list of the used literature
1) E.E. Alekseev Psychological problems of children of preschool age. - SPb.: Speech, 2007. - 224 C.
2) Zimbardo F. Shyness (what it is and how to cope with it). -
SPb.: Peter Press, 1996. - 256 C.
3) Mukhina Century. C. Age psychology: the phenomenology of development, childhood, adolescence: a Textbook for students. the universities. - 4-e Izd., stereotype. - M: Publishing center «Academy», 1999. - 456 C.
4) G.A. Shirokov Workshop for child psychologist / G.A. Shirokov,
Е.Г. zhad. - Ed. 5-E. - Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2007. - 314, [1] C.: Il.


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Категория: По направлениям » Для детского сада » Для психолога в детском саду

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