Литература по фокус-группам. - Метод фокус-групп - С. А. Белановский

- Оглавление -

37. Academy for Educational Development (1989). Handbook for Excellence in Focus Group Research. Washington, DC: Academy for Educational Development

38. Advertising Research Foundfnion (1985). Focus Groups: Issues and Approaches. New York: Author.

39. Agar, Michael (1986). Speaking of Ethnography. (Sage University Paper, Qualitative Research Methods series, VoL2) Beveriy Hills, CA: Sage.

40. Axelrod, Myril D. (1975). Marketers get an eyeful when focus groups expose products, ideas, images, and copy, etc to consumers. Marketing News 8: 6-7. (Also pp. 51-54 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

41. Axelrod, Myril D. (1975). Ten essentials for good qualitative research. Marketing News 8:10-11. (Also pp. 5 5-59 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

42. Bartos, Rena (1986). Qualitative research: What it is and where it came from. Journal of Advertising Research 26. RC3-RC6.

43. Becker, Howard S. (1958). Problems of inference and proof in participant observation American Sociological Review 23: 652-660.

44. Becker, Howard S. (1958). Writing for Social Scientists. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

45. Bellenger, Danny N. , Kenneth L Bemhardt, and Jac L Goldstucker (1976). Qualitative research techniques: focus grouop interviews, pp. 7-28 in Danny N. Bellenger, Kenneth L Bemhardt, and Jac L Goldstucker (eds. ) Qualitative Research in Marketing. Chicago: American Marketing Association (Also pp. 13-34 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

46. Bellenger, D. , Bernhardt, K. L, & Goldstucker. J. L (1979). Qualitative research techniques: focus group interviews. In J. Higginbottom and K. Cox (Eds. ), Focus group interviews: a reader. (Pp. 13-34). Chicago: American Marketing Association-

47. Bender, Deborah R, & Ewbank, Douglas (1993). The focus group as a tool for health research: Issues in design and analysis. Paper presented at the Social Science Plenary Session at the Annual Meeting of the International Clinical Epidemiology, Network Bali, Indonesia, Jnuary, 1993.

48. Brotherson, M. J. (1990). A qualitative orientation toward early en-tervention research: Indicators of rigor. DEC, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 22, 1990.

49. Brotherson, M. J. (1994). Interactive focus group interviewing: a qualitative research methods in early intervention. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 14, 101-118.

50. Brotherson, M. J. , & Goldstein, B. L (1992). Qua liny design of focus groups in early childhood special education research. Journal of Early Iny-ervention, 16, 334-342.

51. Brotherson, MJ„ & Goidstein, B. L. (1992). Time as a resource and constraint for parents of young children with disabilities: Implications for early intervention servicts. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 12, 508-527.

52. Calder, Bobby Jo (1977). Focus groups the nature of qualitative marketing research. Journal of Marketing Research 14: 353-364.

53. Carlson P. Hocus focus. The Washington Post February 14, 1993.

54. Converse, Jean M. and Stanley Presser (1986). Survey Questions: Handcrafting the Standardized Questionnaire. (Sage University Paper, Quantitative Reseach Methods series, VoL 63) Beverly Hills, CA Sage.

55. Denzin, Norman K. (1978). The Reseach Art: Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods (2nd ed. ). New York: McGraw-HilL

56. Downs, C, Smeyak, G. P. , & Maryin, E (1980). Professional interviewing. New York: Harper & Row.

57. Fern, E. F. (1982). The use of focus groups for idea generation: the effects of group size, acquaintanceship, and moderator on response quantity and quality. Journal of Marketing Research, 19, 1-13.

58. Fern, Edward F. (1983). Focus groups a review of some contradictory evidence, implications, and suggestions for future research. Advances in Consumer Research 10: 121-126.

59. Fielding, Nigel G. and Jane Fielding (1986). Linking Data. (Sage University Paper, Glaser, Bamey G. and Anselm L Straus (1967) The Discovery of Gronded Theory. Chicago: Aidine.

60. Filstead, W. (1979). Qualitayive Methods: a needed perspective in evalution research. In T. Cook and C. Reichardy (Eds. ), Qualitative and quantitative methods in evalution research Beverly ills, CA Sage Publicitions.

61. Goffman, Erving (1981) Forms of Talk. Philadelhia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

62. Goldman, Alfred E (1962). The group depth interview. Journal of Marketing 26: 61-68. (Also pp. 43-50 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

63. Goldman, Alfred E and Susan S. McDonald (1987) The group Depth Interview: Principles and Practices Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall

64. Greenbaum, Thomas L (1987). The Practical Handbook and Guide to Focus Group Reseach, Lexington, MA Lexington Books.

65. Greenbaum, T. (1988). The practical handbook and guide to focus group research. Txington, MA D. C. Heath and Company.

66. Gubrium, Jaber F. (1987). Oldimers and Alzheimer'&The Descriptive Organization of Senility, Greenwich CT: JAI Press.

67. Hannah, Maggie (1978)& A perspective in focus groups. Viewpoints 18: 4-8. (Also pp. 75-78 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

68. Hayes TJ. , Tatham C. B. (1989). Focus Group Interviews: A Reader. Chicago: American Marketing Association

69. Hedges, S. (1985). Group interviewing. In R Walker (Ed), Applied qualitative research, (pp. 239-269). Brookfield, VT: Gower.

70. Higginbotton, J. & K. Cox (Eds. ) (1979). Focus group interviews: a reader. Chicago American Marketing Association

71. Hochschild, Arlie R (1983). The Managen Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley, CA University of California Press.

72. Ingersoll, Fem and Jasper Ingersoll (1987). Both a borrower and a lender be: ethnography, oral history, and grounded theory. Oral Histkry Review 15: 81-102.

73. Janis, Irving L (1982> Groiptechink (2nd ed). Boston: Houghton-Mifflin

74. Kaboolian, Linda and William A Gamson (1983) & New strategies for the use of focus groups for social science and survey research. Presented at the meeting of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.

75. Kaden, Robert J. (1977). Incomplete use keeps focus groups from producing optimum results. Marketing News 11:4. (Also pp. 120-121 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

76. Kennedy, Frank (1976). The focused group interview and moderator bias. Marketing Review 31: 19-21. (Also pp. 88-91 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

77. Kirk, Jerome and Marc L Miller (1986). Realiability and alidity of Qualitative Researh. (Sage University Paper, Qualitative Researh Methods series, Vol. 1) Beverly Hills, CA Sage.

78. Knodel, John, Apichat Chamratrithirong, and Nibhon Debavalya (1987). Nhailand's Reproductive Revolution: Rapid Fertility Decline in a Third-World Setting. Medison, WI: University of Wisqnsin Press.

79. Knodel, John, Napaporn Havanon, and Anthony Pramualatana (1984). Fertility transition in Thailand: a qualitative analysis. Population and Development Review 10: 297-328. Ruger, Richard A (1988) Focus Groups: A Practical guide for Applied Research. Newbury ark, CA Sage.

80. Kolbert E Test-Marketing a President. The New York Times. August 30, 1992.

81. Kruger, RA (1988). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research. Newbury Park, CA:Sage Publications.

82. Lander, Judith (1978). Clients: check qualitative researcher's personal traits to get more; qualitative researchers: enter entire marketing process to give more. Marketing News 12: 10-12. (Also pp. 85-87 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

83. Latene, Bibb, Kipling Williams, and Stephen G. Harkins (1979). Many hands make light work the causes and consequences of social loafing. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 37: 822-32.

84. Lazarsfeld, Paul F. (1972). Qualitative Analysis: Historical and Critical Essays. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

85. Levy, Sidney J. (1979). Focus group interviewing, pp. 34-42 in Jamts B. Higginbotham and Keith К Cox (ids. ) Focus Group Interviews: A Reader. Chicago: American Marketing Association.

86. Mangold W. (1967). The groups discussion. In: Konig R Handbuch der empirischen Sozialforschung. Stuttgart, 1967.

87. Merton, Robert К (1987). The focused interview and focus groups: continuities and discontinuities. Public Opinion Quarterly 51: 550-556.

88. Merton, Robert К. , Marjorie Fiske, and Patricia LKendall (1956, 1990). The Focused interview. Glencoe, IL Free Press.

89. Merton, Robert K. and Patricia L Kendall (1946). The focused interview. American Journal of Sociology 51: 541-557.

90. Merton, Robert K. L, George G. Reader, and Patricia L Kendall (1957). The Student Physician. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

91. Morgan, William T. (1986). The science of qualitative research Journal of Advertising Research 26: RC16-RC19.

92. Morgan, David L. (1986). Personal relationships as interface between social networks and social cognitions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 3: 403-422.

93. Morgan, David L (forthcoming) (1988). Adjusting to widowhood:

do social networks really make it easier?» Gerontologist, 5, 112-118.

94. Morgan, David L & Spanish, M. T. (1987). Social interaction and the cognitive organisation of health-relevant behavior. Sociology of Health and Illness, 7, 401-422.

95. Morgan, David L, and Margaret T. Spanish (1987). Post-crisis social psychology, an integration of role theory and social cognition. Presented at the meetings of the Pacific Sociological Association.

96. Morgan, D. L (1988). Focus groups as qualitative research Beverly Hills, CA Sage

97. Morgan, D. L (1993). Successful focus groups: Advancing the state of the art Newbury Park, CA Sage.

98. Morgan, D. L, & Spanish, M. T. (1984). Focus groups: A new tool for qualitative research Qualitative Sociology, 253-270.

99. Patton, M. (1980). Qualitative evalution methods, Beverly Hills, CA Sage.

100. Patton, M. (1982). Qualitative methods and approaches: what are they? In К Kuhns and S. Manorana (eds. ), Qualitative methods for institutional research, 34, 3-16. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.

101. Pramualratana, A, Havanon, N. & Knodel,J. (1985). Exploring the normative basis for age at marriage in Thailand: an example from focus group research Journal of marriage and Family, February, 203-210.

102. Punch, Mauricee (1986). Politics and Etiiics of Fieldwork (Sage University Paper, Qualitative Reseearch Methods series, Vol 3) Beverly Hills, CA Sage.

103. Rook, Karen S. (1987). Reciprocity of social satisfaction among older women. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 52: 145-154.

104. Rosenstein, Alvin J. (1976). Quantitative — yes, quantitative — applications for the focus group, or what do you mean you've never heard of «multivariate focus groups? Marketing News 9: 8 (Also pp. 118-119 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

105. Rossi, Peter H. , James D. Wrigth, and B. Anderson [ed] (1983). Handbook of Survey Research New York: Academic Press.

106. Speedling, Edvard (1982). Heart Attack New York: Methuea

107. Smith, J. M. (1972). Interviewing in market and social research Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul

108. Stewart, D. & Shamdasani, P. (1990). Focus groups: Theory and practice. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

109. Summers, J. A. DellOliver, Q. Tumbull, A. P. , Benson, H. A, Santelli, E, Campbell, M & Siegel-Causey, E (1990). Emining the individualized family servies plan process: What are family and practitioner preferences? Topic in Early Childhood Special Education, 10, 78-99.

110. Tayior, Shelly E. and Susan T. Fiske (1981). Getting inside the head* methodologies for process analisis in attribution and social cognition, pp. 459-524 in John К Harvey, William Ickes, anf Robert RKidd(eds. ) New Directions in Attribution Reseearch, VoL 3. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrencee Er-Ibaum.

111. Templeton, Jane F. Gearing up for focus groups. Food and Beverege Marketing. March, 1990.

112. Templeton, Jane F. Peer prestige puts POW in salespower. Sales and Marketing Management. June, 1987.

113. Templeton, Jane F. (1976). Research as giraffe: an indentity crisis. Advances in Consumer Research 4: 442-446. (Also pp. 70-74 in Higginbotham and Cox, 1979).

114. Templeton, Jane F. (1987). Focus Groups: A Guide for Marketing & Advertising Professionals. Chicago: Probus.

115. Thome, Barrie and Nancy Hanley [eds. ] (1975). Language and Sex Difference and Dominance, Rowley, MA Newbury House.

116. Thurstone, L. L. and E. J. Chave (1989). The Measurement of Attitude. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

117. Welch, Joe L (1985). Researching marketing problems and opportunities with focus groups. » Industrial Marketing Management 14:245-253.

118. Wells, William D. (1974). Group interviewing, pp. 133-146 in Robert Ferber (ed. ) Handbook of Marketing Research. New York: McGraw-Hill (Also in Higginbotham and Cox).

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