IV. - Augustine - De Dialectica - Сочинения и рассказыNow that these have briefly been set up, let us consider the individual parts. There are two first ones. 1. simple, as it were the material (building blocks) of dialectic; 2. those which are called conjuncts, where the finished product, as it were, appears. The section on the simplexes is called «De Loquendo» (on the utterance). The section on the complexes is divided into three parts: 1. those collocations of words being set aside which do not make a complete sentence, those which complete a sentence, so that a question is not raised or disputation is not called for is called «De Eloquendo» (on speaking). 2. When a sentence is completed so that it is judged (evaluated) as a simple sentence, that section is called «De Proloquendo» (on the sentence, on the statement). 3. That section in which a sentence is made in such a way that we judge concerning the connective itself until we come to the conclusion is called «De Proloquiorum Summa» (on the conclusion; on the syllogism). Let us more closely examine the various parts. Категория: Библиотека » Философия Другие новости по теме: --- Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: