words (coniuncta) are those which signify several things when put together,
e.g. when we say «homo ambulat» (a/the/0 man walks) or «homo festinans in
montem ambulat» (a/the/0 man walks, hurrying to the mountain), etc. There
are some complex utterances which form sentences, like those which have been
cited, and others which do not form sentences, but require something, like
those we have just cited when you subtract the verb «ambulat» (walks) which we
put there. Although «homo festinans in montem» forms a complex expression, the
sentence is left dangling from it. Leaving aside, then, those complex
expressions which do not form sentences, we are left with those which do. There
are two species of these: 1. either they are made into sentences subject to
affirmation or denial, e.g. «omnis homo ambulat» (all men walk/any man walks)
or «omnis homo non ambulat» (no man walks), or 2. a sentence is formed which,
though it presents a proposal to the mind, can neither be affirmed nor denied,
as when we command, wish, curse, etc. E. g., if someone says «perge ad villam»
(go to the town) or «utinam pergat ad villam» (I wish he would go to the town)
or «Dii illum perduint» (may the gods damn him), it cannot be argued that he is
lying or believed that he is telling the truth. For he is affirming or denying
nothing. Thus these sentences are not brought into question and do not require
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