which are subject to disputation are either simple or complex. Those are
simple which are pronounced without any connection with another sentence, e.g.
«omnis homo ambulat» (every man walks). They are complex when judgment is made
concerning their conjunction (Tr. when the truth or falsity of the connective
is the question), e.g. «si ambulat, movetur» (if he is walking, he is moving /
if walking is going on, movement is going on). But when judgment is given
concerning the conjunction of sentences, it must wait until we come to the
culmination (of the syllogism; a Stoic commonplace, tr.). The «summa»
(conclusion) is that which is made up of concessions (results from ...) What I am
saying is this: Whoever says «si ambulat, movetur» (if he is walking, he is
moving) wants to prove something, so that when I concede that this is true, he
needs only to say what walks and the conclusion will follow and now cannot be
denied, that is, that he moves -- or he simply has to say that it does not
move, so that the conclusion again follows and cannot be denied (not not be
conceded), namely that he does not walk. And again in like manner if someone
says «this man walks», it is a simple sentence; if I concede this one and he
adds another, «Whoever walks, moves», and I likewise grant this one, from the
conjunction of sentences, though uttered singly and conceded singly, the
conclusion follows, which is now of necessity conceded, namely «Therefore, this
man moves».
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