Al-Ghazzali. Confessions. Translated by Claud Field (London, 1909).
Ansari of Herat. The Invocations of Sheikh Abdulallah Ansari of Herat. Translated by Sardar Sir Jogendra Singh (London, 1939).
Ансельм Кентерберийский. Сочинения. М.: Канон, 1995.
Attar, Selections. Translated by Margaret Smith (London, 1932).
Augustine, St. Confessions (numerous editions).
Аврелий Августин. Исповедь. М.: Renaissance, 1991.
Aurobindo, Sri. The Life Divine, 3 vols. (Calcutta, 1939).
Baker, Augustine. Holy Wisdom (London, 1876).
Beausobre, Julia de. The Woman Who Could Not Die (London and New York, 1938).
Bernard of Clairvaux, St. The Steps of Humility (Cambridge, Mass., 1940).
Bernard of Clairvaux, St. On the Love of God (New York, 1937).
Bernard of Clairvaux, St. Selected Letters (London, 1904) An admirably lucid account of St. Bernard's thought may be found in The Mystical Doctrine of Saint Bernard, by Professor Etienne Gilson (London and New York, 1940).
Bertocci, Petter A. The Empirical Argument for God in Late British Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass., 1938).
Bhagavad Gita. Among many traslations of this Hindu scripture the best, from a literary point of view, is that of Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood (Los Angeles, 1944). Valuable notes, based upon the commentaries of Shankara, are to be found in Swami Nikhilananda's edition (New York, 1944), and Professor Franklin Edgerton's literal translation (Cambridge, Mass., 1944) is preceded by a long and scholarly introduction.
Бхагавад Гида. СПб. 1994.
Binyon, L. The Flight of the Dragon (London, 1911).
Boehme, Jakob. A good introduction to the work of this very difficult writer is The Mystic Will, by Howard H. Brinton (New York, 1930).
Боэций. Утешение философией и другие трактаты. М.: Наука, 1990.
Brahmananda, Swami. Records of his teaching and a biography by Swami Prabhavananda are contained in The Eternal Companion (Los Angeles, 1944).
Camus, Jean Pien'e. The Spirit of St. Francis de Sales (London, n. d.).
Caussade, J.P. de. Abandonment (New York, 1887).
Caussade, J.P. de. Spiritual Letters, 3 vols. (London, 1937).
Chantal, St. Jeanne Francoise. Selected Letters (London and New York, 1918).
The Following of Christ. Unknown author, but mistakenly attributed to Tauler in the fist English edition (London, 1886).
Frost, Bede. The Art of Mental Prayer (London, 1940).
Frost, Bede. Saint John of the Cross (London, 1937).
Garrigou-Lagrange, R. Christian Perfection and Contemplation (London and St. Louis, 1937).
Goddard, Dwight. A Buddhist Bible (published by the editor, Thetford, Maine, 1938). This volume contains translations of several Mahayana texts not to be found, or to be found only with much difficulty, elsewhere. Among these are "The Diamond Suntra", "The Surangama Sutra", "The Lankavatara Sutra", "The Awakening of Faith" and "The Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch".
Guenon, Rene. Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta (London, n. d.).
Guenon, Rene. East and West (London, 1941).
Guenon, Rene. The Crisis of the Modem World (London, 1942).
Генон Р. Кризис современного мира. M.: Арктогея, 1991.
Heard, Gerald. The Greed of Christ (New York, 1940).
Heard, Gerald. The Code of Christ (New York, 1941).
Heard, Gerald. Preface to Prayer (New York, 1944).
Hilton, Walter. The Scale of Perfection (London, 1927).
The Himalayas of the soul. Translated by J.Mascaro (London, 1938).
Hugel, Friedrich von. The Mystical Element in Religion as Studied in Saint Catherine of Genoa and Her Friends (London, 1923).
Ibn Tufail. The Awakening of the Soul. Translated by Paul Bronnie (London, 1910).
The Imitation of Christ. Whitford's translation, edited by Е. J. Klein (New York, 1941).
John of the Cross, St. Works, 3 vols. (London, 1934-1935).
Jones, Rufus. The Spiritual Reformers in the 16th and 17th Centuries (New York, 1914).
Jones, Rufus. The Flowering of Mysticism (New York, 1939).
Jorgensen, Johannes. Saint Catherine of Sienna (London, 1938).
Lao Tzu. There are many translations of the Tao Ten King. Consult and compare those of Arthur Waley in The Way and Its Power (London, 1933), of F.R.Hughes in Chinese Philosophy in Classical Times (Everyman's Library) and of Ch'u Ta-Kao (London, 1927) reprinted in The Bible of the World (New York, 1939).
Лао-цзы. Дао-дэ-цзин.
Law, William. Several modem editions of the Serious Call are available; but many of Law's finest works, such as The Spirit of Love and The Spirit of Prayer, have not been reprinted in recent years and are hard to come by. An excellent antholege of Law's writings. Characters and Characteristics of Wlliam Law, was compiled by Alexander Whyte towards the end of last century (3rd ed., London, 1898).
Leen, Edward. Progress through Menial Prayer (London, 1940).
McKeon, Richard. Selections from Medieval Philosophers, 2 vols (New York, 1929).
The Mirror of Simple Souls. Author unknown (London, 1927).
Nicholas of Cusa. The Idiot (San Francisco, 1940).
Nicholas of Cusa. The Vision of God (London and New York, 1928).
Николай Кузанский, Сочинения в 2 тт. М.: Мысль, 1990.
Nicholson, R. The Mystics of Islam (London, 1914).
Oman, John. The Natural and the Supematunal (London, 1938).
Otto, Rudolf. India's Religion of Grece (London, 1930).
Otto, Rudolf. Mysticism East and West (London, 1932).
Patanjali. Yoga Aphorisms. Translated with a commentary by Swami Vivekananda (New York, 1899).
Патанджали. Йога сутра. М.: Наука, 1992.
Ponnelle, L. and L.Bordet. St. Philpi Neri and the Roman Society of His Time (London, 1932).
Poulain, A. The Graces of interior Prayer (London, 1910).
Pourrat, P. Christian Spirituality, 3 vols (London, 1922).
Pratt, J.B. The Pilgrimage of Buddhism (New York, 1928).
Radhakrishman, S. The Hindu View of Life (London and New York, 1927).
Radhakrishman, S. Indian Philosophy (London and New York, 1923-1927).
Radhakrishman, S. Eastern Religions and Western Thought (New York, 1939).
Ramakrishna, Sri. The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Translated from the Bengali narrative of "М" by Swami Nikhilananda (New York, 1942).
Пол Репс. Плоть и кости Дзен. Харьков: Аре, 1991.
Rumi, Jalal-uddin. Masnavi. Translated by E.H.Whinfield (London, 1898).
Джалаладдин Руми. Поэма о скрытом смысле. М.: Наука, 1996.
Ruysbroeck, Jan van. The Adornment of the Spiritual Marriage (London, 1916) Consult also the studies be Evelyn Underbill (London, 1915) and Wautier d'Aygalliers (London, 1925).
Sales, St. Francois de. Introduction to the Devout Life (nemerous editions).
Sales, St. Francois de. Treatice on the Love of God (new edition, Westminster, Md., 1943).
Sales, St. Francois de. Spiritual Conferences (London, 1868). Sales, St. Francois de. See also J.P.Camus.
The Secret of the Golden Flower. Translated from the Chinese by Richald Wilhelm. Commentary by Dr. C.G.Jung (London and New York, 1931).
Stocks, J.L. Time, Cause and Eternity (London, 1938).
Stout, G.F. Mind and Matter (London, 1931).
Sutra Spoken by the Sixth Patriarch, Hui Neng. Translated by Wung Mou-lam (Shanghai, 1930). Reprinted in a Buddhist Bible (Thetford, 1938).
Suzuki, B.L. Mahayana Buddhism (London, 1938).
Suzuki. D.T. Studies in Zen Buddhism (London, 1927).
Suzuki. D.T. Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra (Kyoto and London, 1935).
Suzuki, D.T. Manual of Zen Buddhism (Kyoto, 1935).
Tagore, Rabindranath. One Hundred Poems of Kabir (London, 1915)
Tauler, Johann. Life and Sermons (London, 1907).
Tauler, Johann. The Inner Way (London, 1909).
Tauler, Johann. Consult Inge's Christian Mysticism, Rufus Jones's Studies in Mystical Religion and Pourrat's Christian Spirituality.
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