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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9545
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English elstva.
But Milosevic and reached another goal: he waited for an even more blatant pro-American party in the country razzhireet on nutrient broth fear and horror - and gave her power. Formally, the party has given the Americans on Milosevic demonstrative violence and in terms suverenitizma defeat Milosevic - but in terms of the theory of the pack is his, as part of the pack, winning. The return on trial is not evidence of the spiritual and moral opposites Milo: Shevich pilots of American bombers. From the life of any mafia we know that the killer after them important "order" customers typically eliminate. But the fact of the elimination of killer villain-customer (apparent opposition) does not mean that the killer - • 155 the embodiment of noble and lofty spirituality. Both play in the same team. And in politics - only instead of silent assassination often play a noisy spectacle court. To completely confuse the audience-suverenitistam head. So the guards Milosevic, they know the theory of the pack could, being next to the cartridge, to feel safe more than all the other inhabitants of Serbia. Another thing is that when these guards will depart at a safe distance for Milosevic, they immediately become candidates in the bodies of number one - that was like. I do not know if anyone was killed their guards Milosevic - and know I will not, and so I can bet that yes. On the single-use some of the characters mafias average population of the planet is allowed to know. But it is not difficult to guess that the highest policy and subject to the same laws! Secret Chiefs intent gives the behavior of the middle and lower parts of their hierarchy. Thus, the appointment of Milosevic's clear he's the best "one-time killer" - but it can only be understood from the standpoint of the theory of the pack. The answer to the question about the real reasons for the attack on Yugoslavia in 1999 (and also in the First World) is found only in the third, not available to all stages of the theory of the pack. Bombing planetary rulers - and to me this is particularly clear in-law glavravvina - achieves what and achieved: the state of the oppressed Serbs, and sliding down to the lower level of degradation. But they seem to have little known. It was under Napoleon and Gktlere: like here it is their victory, chaos, fires, sheep scatter methanation - en rolled "winners". There can be seen a grand figure of the Master. 156 • Someday, when the power in Russia again comes, at last, a pro-Russian ruler (in the last thousand years, the figure was only two - pro-Russian, or what is the same, progileysky ruler in the theory of the pack called "Svyatoslav"), to the same armed with the theory of the pack, that justice will be restored - and will be a monument to the Serbian Neugodnikov the summer of 1941. In Moscow sticks out a lot of monuments of different cattle, their glorification of the powers that be have found the strength and energy, but in relation to the Serbian Neugodnikov, with their lives to defend Russia, the desire in itself is not found. As, however, not found with respect to Sviatoslav (Rus freed from the yoke of the first Jewish). On the monument Serbian Neugodnikov begs relief, it would seem, to the mysteries of the First and Second World Wars not related: during the US bombing of the Serbs dancing on the bridges! What could be more beautiful than contempt for the power pack of the world ?! How many people were not afraid to regard my life is lower than the high moral principles of Eternity! Bridges in Belgrade, if you remember, were all but crowded. While in mnogosottysyachnoy "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" Army executioners, in numbers comparable to the population of the whole of Serbia, I found just the only one who has awakened the conscience and he unselfishly helped Neugodnikov. Of course, it was not an American (which can be expected from this synthetic nation of moral freaks prityanuvshy one another from all nations of the world?), But not German and not English - and French, the officer-staff officer, selflessly conveyed the Serbs information planning • 157 decisive military operations of the army, "the Judeo-internal cal" pack. In short, the picture: the world center (completely emasculated), retainers (rare, but there are). Well, methanation - the point of application of animal hatred and slander the world flock. Dancing on the condemned to the destruction of bridges, Serb Neugodnikov defended the honor of not only Serbia, but the spirit of the methanation general light of the Eternal, the motherland in the most exalted sense of the word. Imagine a project of the monument: a pedestal in the wreckage of the fuselage of the two downed over Serbia advocated by aircraft - from Hitler and from the US. The pedestal of the four sides, one people with hunting rifles against men in SS uniform, on the other - on the bridge dancing people ... On the other parties do not know. One side can give a scene of the Inquisition (in the Middle Ages, America and Israel were still in the womb inquisitorial Europe), and the fourth to leave emphasized free - symbolizing the fact that Neugodnikov belongs to eternity. By the downed aircraft fuselages, by the way, and you can add a bunch of fagots inquisitorial. As for the theory of the pack (simple considerations are not enough), then when the world crowd went crazy in the fields with little sprinkled earth heaps of corpses (fact!), And when all said that the war was "Judeo-vnutrennicheskaya" hierarchy starts against Milosevic (historical documents !) - I do not believe it. Neither the second nor the first. The theory that contradicted the pack ... "It would seem that the facts tell us ... but for simple reasons of work ..." 158 • Chapter Fifty-fifth of the second volume of 'catharsis' - "Theory of the pack" (in the first edition of "Russia: the lowdown Love") "Wrong» Bulgaria Bolhrad So, on this planet are three processes: - Psychological disintegration, domestic and domestic; - Spatial polarization Biophilia and necrophilia; - Change in the ratio "vneshnikov" and "liners" on the planet as a whole. "Vneshniki" gradually exterminated, mainly with its own hands, as "liners" and Neugodnikov gravitate to different areas (in the 41- m have been those Serbs who laughed in the face of those who took arms against the invaders, and went to their fellows in America - they, like the traitors from other nations, there is good); "Swamp" fills all. Oh, probably, "strange" Italians who chose to remain in spite of the benefit in the devastated post-war Russia, and naturally beautiful fate of his son mentioned in the chapter "The mystery man, who made the cross to Calvary." One of the classic, but individual cases. And now another, more massive and less personalized. Location: the very south of the Russian Empire, the angle between the west coast of the Black Sea and the Danube - South Bessarabia, Bugeac steppes (now - the south-west of Odessa region near its border with Moldova and Romania). Despite the warm climate and magnificent beauty, huge size, long for several tens of kilometers freshwater lake Yalpug, Bugeac steppe 159 many centuries been a place like a curse. Smooth rough terrain from the Black Sea to the mainland, the absence of geographical barriers in the east and north of paying these fertile place, if not in the crossroads of Europe, it is, in any case, one of the most convenient for the movement of large military units roads. Naturally, many of the invaders and to follow them in waves washed over the crowd Budzhaks- Kie steppes, breaking and destroying everything in its path. Survivors fled the locals - and the rich land around the beautiful lake were empty. Throughout the history of mankind only the entry of such lands in the largest empire ensured prosperity for them dared to live. So with Bugeac steppes in the second half of the XVIII century, Catherine the Great declared that the land ceded to the Russian Empire, now forever pass into the possession of the Romanov dynasty, and that all who wish to resettle in this region will be exempt from taxes for 40 years. Also ensure that recruits into the army recruited from this region will not. The words of Catherine the Great had an effect, and Bugeac steppe flooded immigrants from various European countries. Every nation dwelt separately, and therefore there were villages Albanian, German, Moldovan, Gagauz and even French. There were Russian - of the Old Believers who fled from the godless mockery "of new Orthodox." It was called the Old Believers' Lipovans "- there is a strange name, is believed to be the name of the forest in which they settled away from the persecutors. Prosperity settlers immediately began: not only the rich were soon plowed prairie land and waters of the lake; even the ravines around the lake at that time was a great place for hunting. There were waves of migration and Bulgaria - but they do not occur for commercial reasons, such as de 160 • Lali remaining nations have moved here, but for different reasons. The last of the "neugodnicheskih" resettlement wave came at the beginning of the XIX century, in the era of the reign of Alexander I. began in 1806. Russian-Turkish war, the victorious Russian king, knowing the approach of war with Bonaparte, he wanted to finish quickly and make peace. And the world was made - Zaden to Napoleon's invasion of Russia. With such haste in making peace and that the Turks are not in the dark about what is happening in Europe and perfectly understood the reason why Alexander I in a hurry to release 60,000th Moldovan army under the command of Admiral Chichagov peace terms favorable to Russia could not be . In particular, Russian troops were obliged to leave the already liberated from the Turks Bolgarii1 territory. Bulgarians over the centuries of Turkish occupation a good experience for yourself, chty carriers such true faith is experiencing difficulties with women Muhammad: Bulgarians slaughtered with impunity, looted, raped. For the Turks one of the favorite entertainment was, for example, to harness some of the Bulgarian youths in a vehicle and lashing whip them, to disperse the cart so that the wind whistled in my ears. In short, mocked with the greatest pleasure. People are such that one is with a request like, although words can say the most compassionate, and others - no. Bulgarians who remained in Bulgaria, does not take this opportunity to pass them by 1 At that time the Ottoman Empire was not occupied Only Bulgaria, and other Orthodox countries - Serbia, Greece, Wallachia (southern Romania today), Moldavia (includes, in addition to the current territory of Moldova, more and north-east of Romania - Moldavia and Bukovina) and other smaller territories. • 161 6 durilka protection of Russia, chosen power of the Turks, of course, not from Christian humility. The real reason is that remains to be objects of humiliation unconsciously liked - ordinary sadomasochism, one of the manifestations of herd thinking. Those who did not like bullying really, having the opportunity to leave, joined the departing Russian troops - Neugodnikov. Indeed, the Russian army, to liberate the occupied by the Turks of Bulgaria, was, in essence, of two immiscible categories of people: - German generals, slightly dilute Russian type traitor Admiral Chichagova - necrophylic beginning (including drunkenness "Russian" officers); - Recruiting soldiers in those days dialed mainly of ethnic Russian, will not please the landlord or the warden and several officers such as Kutuzov or Count Tolstoy - albeit diluted, but biophil beginning. Bulgarians settlers did not belong to the nobility and virtue has only one of its social position, and talked, of course, not with the "vneshnicheskim" generals, and to recruit Russian soldiers. Thus, the population had to choose between the Turks and recruits necrophilia-Biophilia. Yes, the choice was precisely this: not to go to Russia, not to the Romanovs-the Germans, not a Russian at all, but Neugodnikov. Live and enjoy the experiences under the whips of the Turks, or go to recruit soldiers to leave home? "This - for such" - of course, with the Russian army went mainly those Bulgarians who were inclined to independence of thought alien to the German regulation inanimate. Accordingly, those Bulgarians who remained in Bulgaria, on the other hand, had advantages 162 • substantially opposite orientation subconscious. Picture outcome was impressive: the family of Bulgarians - thousands and tens of thousands of people - threw their economy, and if there were horses or oxen, and a private carriage, the cargo, which can be taken away, and carts in long procession joined the baggage train troops from the Russian, recruits. Those who discovered his desire to leave, crossed the Danube and settled mainly on the banks of a large, tens of kilometers long lake Yalpug and part went on to the Sea of Azov, deep into what was then the Russian Empire, away from the Turks. On the shores of Lake Ialpug was in 1821 founded the city of Bolgrad, which became a kind of capital of the Bulgarian people - at least, intellectual and cultural center of his life. This is understandable: after all, the Turks did not have time to realize that remaining in Bulgaria trusting expression is already quite possible - it is only natural "vneshnicheskim." The period of prosperity for the Bulgarian Bolhrad ended with the fall of the tsarist - in 1917. In the 18th there were Romanians, who became famous in Europe by the fact that their hearts are not disposed to work, and to robbery. Devotion Romanians Hitler is not accidental, but as psychological patterns as Croats and devotion to the Führer. Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: