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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9547
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English Living water is alive in motion - one looking to another. A son of glavravvina knowledge even in general trifling second stage theory of the pack had to pull all but ticks.
Since the vast majority of Russian and Russian-speaking readers firmly forgotten the basics of Russian folk wisdom, you have to repeat the message in a language familiar stylized suverenitizm: knowledge about the amazing properties of the unconscious, it is important, but outside of the natural sciences it can only come to life in the space theory of the pack. The Russian is still obvious wisdom: life puts in search of live and dead water not anyone, and the remarkable Ivan the Fool (one of the "aliases" - Pierre (o) Bezukhov). And only to him and turned on the shoulder this task. The word "feeling" in testya- "glavravvina" in general was one of the most popular. "It would seem, according to the results of this series of experiments ... but the feeling ..." Or, even more mysterious: "It would seem, according to the newspapers ... but from simple considerations ..." Now I understand: the feeling - a process (a kind of living water) and simple arguments - is the foundation for moving toward a true result (something like a dead water). If you like, simple ideas - such a system postulates that leads to success in contact with the continuum of the human mass. The benefits you get used to the feeling so much that you forget that not all of them possess. Sometimes even surprised: why ordinary sov- Teesta with whom you are trying to speculate, for you do not keep up? Not catching up? STRANGENESS - keyword in practice the knowledge of the Truth. For devoid of critical thinking Tolparov everything that happens 147 around is understandable from the standpoint of being duped suverenitizma. Neugodnikov the power of the critical mind says "inconsistencies" such explanations (like the strange behavior of commissioners in the summer of 1941, a strange attitude of the crowd to Pilate, Russia and so on. P.) And identified oddities as the steps, select the level THEORY STAI and then the theory of life. Let us briefly recall the amount of information that the population of Russia were allowed to learn through the media in relation to what was happening around Serbia. With some preliminary comments. World journalist tribe (even those suverenitistov who wish to understand anything), based on the facts, tastefully described the horrors that the Serbs were doing with the surrounding nations. Among other facts cited and the results of space exploration Americans - the photos on the huge fields out of a hastily sprinkled with soil clearly visible piles of corpses, it goes without saying, of civilians who were shot Serbs. Later, after the war, it turned out, however, that they were ordinary potato fields and no dead bodies, besides hastily sprinkled with a thin layer of soil, there was never. Even after the destruction of the main economic projects of Serbia and the bombing deaths of many Serbs, one of the senior British politicians admitted that he cited as a justification for aggression information about the genocide of non-Serbs exaggerated at least forty times. How many times they multiplied in fact, a hundred, two hundred, or a thousand, subsequently clarified was not, and indeed a recognition of British politics, even an excuse for an attack on Serbia 148 was a liar, the "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" world press, including Russia, has not caused interest. But be that as it may, despite the presence of some pro-Serbian background in all countries, with the possible exception of Israel and the United States, the world 'iudo- vnutrennichestvo "in government documents announcing his enemy Yugoslav President Milosevic, and knowing in advance what any bombing to get Milosevic (it clearly shows the history of wars, including the ultra-modern), however, the beginning of the bombing. With the natural consequences of destruction and casualties. Oddly, Milosevic has arranged everything so (once admitted, it follows that the fact gave "good" his subconscious), which was in the hands of the world's "Judeo-internal rennichestva" on the bench about the "Judeo-vnutrennicheskogo 'Court in The Hague. The act strange because not whether Milosevic's desire (or psychoenergetic command from a superior in its world flock) of being arrested, he, like, say, Wen Laden, whom the world "Judeo-vnutrennichestvo" also declared an outlaw, would remain inaccessible to enemies of his people forever. So, why in our world quite a large object of the attack was chosen is Serbia? The point, of course, not in the Milosevic. Of course, any leader of any country is criminal, and is criminal so that all of them can be put to a wall and shot from one machine gun, in this sense, too, is worthy of Milosevic trial and sentencing. But an elementary sense of justice revolts against what Milosevic announced deadline. Even if the potato fields were sown not really potatoes and dead bodies, even if the world existed, and portrayed the political regimes, much more rigid and bloody than in Yugoslavia. Therefore, the purpose of aggression (racist Milos 149 HIV), declared "Judeo-liners" is false, and initially, consciously or unconsciously, the purpose were those who came under attack and - the Serbian people. The principle is known since ancient times: they wanted (but did not venture to say), then it happened. But the theory of the pack is clearly that the purpose of the bombing was not just the partial destruction of the Serbian people - it is not a problem - but that did not spare the resources and lives of its pilots and soldiers evacuation orders to push the whole nation to commit collective dishonesty in the form of extradition of Milosevic aggressor. (You can, of course, to speculate how basely give her in peace. But with all the aggression clearly - mean.) Spihivanie downhill meanness as true, although not pronounce the purpose of murder - the same story, "Pontius Pilate!" Another thing is that the plot of this life, he is not blessed sycophants (the descendants of the ancient theater audience), and hereditary suverenitistam simply not umu- The fact that the claimed "Judeo-liners" pretext for aggression against Yugoslavia, to put it mildly, far-fetched, noticed many - at least in Russia. Accordingly, there were people who tried to formulate a more plausible explanation of hidden causes of aggression. Often, for example, bluntly stated that actually the Americans just had to get rid of obsolete stocks of bombs and missiles, and throw them at people for planetary moralists method cheaper than recycle weapons factories. But drop bombs moleno was against any country - and there are some countries more vulnerable, and there are certainly more bloody regime. Why they chose to Serbia? 150 Journalists izmyslivali other reasons, too suvereniticheskie, of which the most intelligent, perhaps, is that Americans with the help of countries covered vassals world of drug dealers, which the Serbs in Kosovo poprizhat. In fact, even simple considerations that a multibillion-dollar deal as drug trafficking, can not be controlled from the world's financial center, the United States, therefore, drug lords could not lobby for an attack on Serbia and the US government, too. All true, but the reason for the feeling and more significant - because Serbia as strangely attacked before, when drugs have not yet had time to train so many drug dealers and not yet able to influence the government. Remember, after all, World War I began with Serbia on the territory of which the Jew had killed the Austrian Archduke - and kill "for it" were somehow Serbs. Shtler attacking Serbia, too, was no more logical ... The reason for hatred of the Serbs suverenitistami never found - and even those who agreed at the level of feeling with great meanness bombing of 1999, the injustices of the First and Second World Wars. Meanwhile, from the viewpoint of the pack's simple: the world wave of hatred comes from the world flocks to the side and methanation metaoblastey. In Russia it is not very much and napadёsh, vast territory and not only, and the position of "Judeo-vnutrennichestva" in Serbia, seems stronger than in Russia. In short, subme- tanatsii have to first feel the hatred of the present inquisitorial zverino- Caudle planetary moralists. Neugodnichestvo centuries of accumulated (about this in the "catharsis-2") in the blood of the Serbian people (though not in all, it is manifested, there is less 151 degree and in some nations bordering them, perhaps in Slovene), hence, the hidden enemy for planetary sverhvozhdya and flocks - the morality of the Serbian people as a whole. That is why all the people were destroyed (and too tough for them as long as such), and is satisfied that pushed the people - as a whole - to betray a sense of justice, the expression of which was Milosevic's extradition World "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" pack. It's a pity not Milosevic, he arranged everything so that it was given. Feels - and it is easy to prove - his surrender was not the first stage of his complicity in the process of pushing their people-submetanatsii in moral filth. Incidentally, it is the ruler submeta- nation primary duty was to understand at least the basics of the theory of the pack, and explain to the people - what's the ultimate goal of the world "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" flock in the war with the Serbs. But Milosevic did not. So, for the mere neglect of their official duties let soared in the dock. It is advisable, however, to understand why. Generally speaking, Milosevic take the opportunity that all his words on the court to silence does not work, could explain to the world that if judging it took podvzvizgivat of justice and humanism, that before him, Milosevic would have to be judged, and other moral freaks, especially those whose conscience more crimes and victims. The same Yeltsin, for example. Who has forgotten, let us recall, Yeltsin - Russia's first president, a typical "Judeo-liners" in which theft in Russia has reached unprecedented proportions, and the rate of extinction of Russian even very blunt forced to think. It should also be held accountable, and the leaders of the participating countries of aggression against Yugoslavia. Also 152 • Latin American rulers murderous regimes, and only then, even flawed suvereniticheskoy justice, it Milosevic. And in that kind in what is happening now in the court of The Hague, it is just another event "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" flocks of fooling (submission) of the global population. Hague Court nothing more than an appendage of the "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" press. By the way, after coming to power to replace Milosevic completed "progressive Serbs", whose hands, in fact, was extradited Milosevic moral filth in the country must drastically popribavilos. Well, yes it is by Serbs (among the lucky owners of critical thinking) know better. But let not look at the Russian show weakness Serbian people down. Russians and without bombing pushed under the same bias when candid moral degenerate Yeltsin did not help the Serbian people - and in fact he sent a couple of Serbs modern air defense systems S-300 "Judeo-liners" in Serbia would not snooping. Complexes expensive, but for Russia, even plundered under the authority of the pro-American Democrat, not a loss. In addition to the Yeltsin family stuck amount incomparably greater than the value of the C-300. But Yeltsin for treason submetanatsii did not shoot any of his guards, who came from the Russian people - it's a shame not just the secret services in general, but nationwide! No one, even in the face did not give it a moral freak! Not spat it in the "Judeo-vnutrennicheskuyu" mug! Something all this reminds drape 1941 ... first ran commissioners, their "covered" enkavedeshniki running track, and only then commander drunk and closes all the crowd Red Army conscripts. • 153 There is another oddity in the events in Yugoslavia: the surrender of Milosevic's time. With abstract-military standpoint, NATO bombing except to murder Serb civilians nor to no avail, anyway, air defense systems - air defense system - although outdated for two decades, destroyed almost was not (intelligently can defend Serbs!) , and even nasshibala lot of American missiles and aircraft. In addition, Americans spent nearly vassals of the entire stock of missiles and bombs, they had just a couple of days - and then it will be clear that the next "blitzkrieg" failed, and the Serbs won another moral victory .. But then, Milosevic surrendered (made its people one more step). A strange moment he chose to do. If we give up, then it was necessary to do this even before the bombing. But it is strange only in terms of suverenitizma. From the point of view of the theory of the pack all the strangeness of Milosevic's actions fit into one simple scheme - if we recognize, or at least to suggest that Milosevic himself "Judeo-liners." In fact, Milosevic and who psihotipi- cally? From the point of view of the theory of the pack? He obviously did not Neugodnikov otherwise he would never give up, and, most importantly, would not have been president. From what he, as a man of power, planetary pack? Not found in his life no details indicating that he "vneshnik" or "son." It remains "cohort" or "Judeo-vnutrennichestvo." Can only help his biography. And from it, and then we learn the characteristic detail - to the presidency Milosevic was a banker! That's it! "Judeo-liners"! 154 • Then all the "strange" behavior of Milosevic easily explained - and strictly natural. Every "iudo- liners" - involuntary psycho-energetical puppet center of the world "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" hierarchy. Every puppet of the world hierarchy, at the mercy of me.tanatsiey will necessarily seek to destroy the people under authority (as in Russia) or to provoke the attack on him - in both cases, the people trying to push down the slope of moral degradation, and therefore closer to a state of "ideal artist", embedded in the global pack. In the logic of the theory of the pack actions Milosevic strictly logical and very comparable. First, he gave a reason for the attack - albeit weak, so weak that he had to exaggerate more than forty times, and in this form it is not for everyone seemed serious, but still gave. Then, when the war Serbia was, in fact, won, Milosevic humiliated his people that gave up. And surrender his pushed his people to slide into a moral betrayal dirt Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: