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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9550
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English zn-law manifested in the fact that even when I married his daughter, he help me in fact refused - scientifically we have worked in related fields, even in the same institute housing, and help me he did not have. Tm in a backroom merrymaking - who does not know that the real scientific activity are much more significant than the actual natural science achievements, for which the only academic institutions, it would seem there.
He helped, and even willingly - but any Jew who happened to be near, and among them I found two such types, that even ordinary Jews (semitistov), they would have caused acute attacks of anti-Semitism. So this type of disgusting he helped, and I, his father in-law and his first granddaughter, kvazisynu (according to the laws of psychology daughter a husband chooses his father, at least on one of the many parameters of identification), - no. From his laboratory in-law made a general uniform synagogue - and no one, and he did not dare say a word. I Remember, I did not tell about the democratic and pro Soviet period. What do not we hammered current "Judeo-vnutrennicheskie" media experience every Russian citizen, says a privileged position in society, the Jews did not take in the post (just in a democracy everything is taken openly "otvyaznye" • 34 forms and no propaganda to cover up this no longer able to), but much earlier. During the Soviet era, they also did not hesitate and his lust not even conform to the Criminal Code. Q in Soviet times, too, representative of any nation could start to pursue for the slightest manifestations of nationalism and racism - anyone not a Jew. Just behind them was assigned a privilege to get up what they want - and need not fear prosecution. In the years of his youth (the ability to be judged only on their own), I did not understand how it can not help a person if he asks for help and give her absolutely nothing. (Test mine was the leading expert of the Institute and the Party - Why would you desire, all in Zirl fled to perform. Rather, as I now understand it, as a representative of the ruling family, respectively, inherited forgotten the other peoples of the principles of the theory of the pack (the first and second stages) first could achieve the execution of all, whatever you wish, and then, as a result, the surrounding could not resist walking, seemingly inside voice to dictate what he - the leading expert of the Institute and he alone is worthy to receive the rank of the party organizer Institute - both of them then write on the walls, "the mind, honor and conscience of our epoch.") It is a strange reluctance to help me though chut-hardly then my mind just did not fit. Now, however, understand principles of ancestral memory and reflect on the phenomenon of flowing for centuries bundle peoples spiritual and psychological principles already understand that if we what is peripheral to it, and the same (apparently not only the sign of the Zodiac), that differ in the main - he lab built the synagogue, and I have nothing more methanation (nationality is not important). I equate myself with it, and he - no. 35 However, this retreat. And now it is only important that in contrast to the surrounding theory pack my father-in-possession (received by inheritance), if only in the amount of first and second stage. With a sufficient level of suppressive abilities (strength of the necropolis) of the amount of knowledge, of course, is enough to achieve a hierarchical society in all - and he's got. After all, he was the sweetest place - for that time - which however any thinking person could only dream of. So, my father in law did not like me - of course, typical of Jewish benevolent smile in his eyes - and avoided not only me, but, most importantly, meaningful conversations with me. And I, on the contrary, tried to climb up to it "in the subcortex." I like young (16-24 years) and, accordingly, may have been stupid, still could not help but notice that he had some knowledge, completely different from that of ordinary life guided by scientists (in those years I with anyone except with the scientists have not spoken). I tried to be in his company, and sometimes I managed it "squeeze" - for example, on the balcony or anywhere during someone's birthday. "Push" - that is, to compel a meaningful conversation. And hear at least remember - and better experience for yourself. A simple example: One day, perhaps, only once falling into verbiage, he said that there are only two ways to study any science. Allegedly, the first method is that the person recommended by the Ministry of Education takes the book and starts to study - every page, every line, read, re-read and even memorize whole paragraphs. This is the only method and distributed - it is easy to make, looking around - but it is for fools. But there's another way. 36 You take as many books on the subject of interest, not necessarily from among those recommended by the Ministry of Education, and even better not to them, and read voraciously - especially the details are not going! No witnesses or cause a feeling of rejection space not read! You read so far, it has not yet come some sense of the subject. Only with such an approach and possible development of the present subject matter. And the first way, yes, widespread - but it is for fools. I do not know why, but my words about the two ways of studying the sciences struck. But the council, squeezed from the then future father in law, I took - and feel the difference. It is enormous. At that time I was still a student, a second, and perhaps the first course. I accumulated in the library of books on chemistry and read them voraciously (especially since I liked it all) - just a merely three weeks. And then all the remaining courses in all possible chemical subjects received only top marks. And this despite the fact that the exams almost ready. It was like a circus, and I strongly demonstrated that the exams (in chemistry) did not prepare myself - and still the highest score! (But it was only in chemistry. In other subjects, I rise to the feeling lazy, and before the exam cramming the highest score is not always provided.) This demonstration did not go unnoticed. Upon graduation in the distribution in the first place with a diploma was required to send and characterization, and our mayor, a Jew from Vinnitsa and zubrilka, wrote: "Despite the fact that Menyaylova Average • 37 tall, he still does not know anything "(say, because to know anything and can not). The chief of the personnel department of the Institute brought this feature to show my father in law, saying: "Thirty years of working in the personnel department, but such characteristics have not seen before!" (My invention in the alkylation was secret, so this feature is likely somewhere else stored. ) Unfortunately, described method of learning any kind of science, few holds, almost no one, despite the hordes of claiming to be enlightened, advanced, ubelёnnym repent, ascended and penetrated into the past, future, and parallel worlds, not to mention the cavalry badge "Honorary teacher ". They do not own even novice Neugodnikov who own this reception, generally speaking, are worthy as anyone. In what words glavravvin taught gathers Jews (incomparably more stupid than he), and is similar to him secret knowledge and teaching if they do not know. But to me "verbatim" slip of the tongue had a long time to decipher. It is now his innuendo I can interpret in clear images of our time, and then it was very difficult. So, a person has two systems of representation of reality, as it were independent: the logical and imaginative. One - the function of the left hemisphere of the brain, and the other - right. They work on different principles. When memorizing lines textbook, especially recommended by the Ministry of Education, the case involved only one logical thinking. But the purpose of logical thought - the defense of the subconscious (creative thinking) from psychoenergetic invasion necrophiliac-porabo- sorber. • 38 But for the comprehension of reality logical thinking completely useless - due to negligible in comparison with the subconscious, speed of action. But logical thinking is really trying to comprehend not only the sea of fools, but those few who are worthy to rise to the level of a servant of the Executive, but has not yet managed to do so. In general, the topsy-turvy forced to learn those, fool, want to make slaves, performers, puppets - including their descendants. So it was led not only to the ancient times, but since seems prehistoric. The second system of representation of reality - open spaces of the so-called unconscious. It is responsible for the comprehension of the meaning and interrelationships of complex phenomena of reality - and they are complicated. In the unconscious there is an inherent property: it comprehends besides logical thinking - but only if there is genuine interest. That is why reading a good (not quite the sovereignty) of the author, it is not necessary to dwell on is not understood and try to split the obstacle logical thinking (especially since, as a rule, enslaved suverenitizmom), relying on the word (obviously-valued!) And phrases (entangled suverenitizmom!) if there is interest, once you comprehend the concept as a whole, the sense particulars come "self." Just do not disturb yourself - in obedience to the instructions of teachers suverenitizma, stupid so stupid that they can not realize their stupidity. But given the words of my father-in knowledge about the practice of science (including the ability to live, and so that is no doubt a success life or not), viewed at least one more secret level 39 knowledge about successful orientation is always a hierarchical society. We are talking about the real purpose of the Ministry of Education and backed its hierarchy uchilok. Real, not that noble, that the elements of the hierarchy itself in words attributed. Did you discuss with my father-in-law glavravvinom general purpose of any educational hierarchies, including the Ministry of Education official, or only guessed (unconsciously) do not know. But I understand. Such an understanding is quite capable even for beginners. In fact, it is enough to understand only the second stage of the theory of the pack as it becomes apparent the actual appointment of any planet in the Ministry of Education, this "charitable" institution authorities. Appointment hierarchy uchilok, alas, the same as the old clown circus and theater - fooling the public and turning it into a crowd of disoriented performers. Reception on the mass processing of people into puppets while sycophants rulers for thousands of years have gained a lot. Direct substitution of the theory of the pack on the Su- verenitizm - are the easiest. There are techniques and more refined. I remember one fantastic story times of my childhood. The aliens came to Earth to study the natives. And it just so happened that they had landed next to a gas station - the life that they are under surveillance. Life at the gas station is well known: the car pulls up, jumps out of her people, one hole fills petrol car in the other - the oil and the machine, taking it served a man going on. On the vacant place becomes another car, it comes out of a person. .. And so on. • 40 That this process and watched the Martians. One machine ... another ... three ... one hundred and third ... The first conclusion of secret guests bipeds without feathers and with flat nails - servants of motor vehicles, their slaves. Therefore, the meaning of human life lies in servicing machines - testify to the facts of their behavior at a gas station. The facts are known, are stubborn things. After a while enlightened aliens tired of the monotony of a dull and they have decided to conduct an experiment. One of them crept to the next car and changed the hoses - oil in the gas tank went, and poured gasoline into the crankcase. There is an appendage of the car ran, ran ... is worried. I roll up your feet. Pounding his fists on the hood .. Martians think deeply why from such things as a change from the hoses lord, the man lost the ability to serve? And why is there a kind of aggression towards his master? Strange ... So with the two systems of thought - to make people idiots managed, enough to load food unconscious logical thinking, with download a "defensive" system, which would kill the unconscious hunger. If this "achievement" to impose on inherited suggestion to believe in a system of postulates suverenitizma not skimp on the free "education" and the spectacle (and with complete idiots and do over time is possible for it to take money], the artist definitely remain in slaves, his children, too and his children's children ... If anything surprising, since only the power of the passion of people (mainly among drunk prostitni and the so-called intelligentsia, that is particularly "trained" suverenitizmu), who claim that the unconscious does not exist, they say, people are led calculations of reason, calculations are based on the same facts 41 social life. These "experts" constantly whine, they say, they cheated, bypassed, de live in a rich country, and begging that de deserve a better position than they spit position of workers, even if paid (for instance, the Minister or General). What are you, drunk, complaining? Do you want to live not by feeling and not on the basis of the theory of the pack, and calculate their actions based on facts? Do you want to? Is based! Counts! And persistence, is the de facto social life stubborn thing. Turnips just do not wipe. But maybe you will reflect at least on the fact that the word "fact" brought into the Russian language from the outside? And not so long ago? Yes, our forgotten ancestors gileyane, once treated, not only without the word "fact" as such, but also without its analogues - ive slaves, no one had. What is interconnected. For gileyane it seems to know not only what is known glavravvinatu, but, as will be shown below, many more. Before glavravvinatom complexes is not necessary for another reason: they are just dead water. Remember gileyskuyu folk wisdom: dead water, but is valuable - it can splice body dissected (suverenitizmom?) Biped without feathers and flat nails. But the spirit back in the external whole body and make him a man can only living water. Dead Water Real Estate, because it may hide - before time! - But there is living water in motion, by definition. There are no obstacles that can stop it. Therefore it is impossible to hide. Living Water is much more important than actually needed dead. 42 Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: