Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.

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But they hate Stalin not only knowledge of the phenomenon of national character. But for this, too.
They also teach us that everyone psychoenergetical is sovereign, that is, his behavior does not depend on the emotions of the leader (the surrounding crowd). In other words, any individual who allegedly did not gipnabelen. Not stages. Sovereignty.
Very they are hanging over us, insist on it.
This leads to the assumption that the knowledge of the mechanism of control of latent performers, that is 99, 9% of the population is very important.
What is dangerous for them, that the happy owners of critical thinking will recognize that the combination of hypnotizability people acting not individually but as a whole - and not realizing yourself?
Stein whether 99% of the people are sovereign, or psycho-energetic - a question, in fact, not a distraction. Not abstractly philosophical. You could even say that there is a practical issue.
Believing that people are mostly psychoenergetical independent (sovereign, not the herd), we, as caught in suverenicheskuyu ancestors faith, we remain outside of reality, and therefore represent a controlled performers. But he realized that the people in the vast majority of the herd, we have so much to gain - including the ability to penetrate the walls of the protected perimeter.
In fact, if 99% of people do not gregarious, from the fact that under Gorbachev newspapermen smoothly screaming that won the war traitors of the motherland, and under Yeltsin - Jews, absolutely nothing should be. It was just a choir singing unique personalities psychoenergetical sovereign. It's just that they had such an opinion. And the fact that the chorus - by accident.
Based on their coherence, we have no right to a judgment about who was the uncle Grbachёva (or rather, a kind of common biological ancestor, in which
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On both gone). And looking at the antics dissidentov- pravobortsev, we can not predict tsunamis of moral filth within which the looting of Russia - only a small bar.
Of course, it is all talk and monkey, randomly poking red ass in the keyboard can be "War and Peace" print. But when "accidents" are repeated in a systematic way, the happy owner of critical thinking takes place in the direction of the concept of "flock" - so the theory of the pack, of course.
To put it in Russian, in no uncertain terms, the "pack" - a flock of sycophants at the leader, psychoenergetic whole. For more psychoenergetical handling zombified sycophants, among other things, also on the fact that all of them - the sovereign individual.
But all of them - no more than a continuation of their leader, besides himself to be not conscious. There is a Russian proverb (principle psychologically credible descriptions of reality): the fish goes out from his head. And here, too, it is not about the gifts of the ocean, and about the way the existence of a hierarchy-pack ...
But the current "Judeo-vnutrennicheskie" "wise men" in a multilevel preaching suverenitizma not original.
Ancient texts admired by all who had the opportunity to meet them - a significant depth discern them clearly. But almost no one notices the presence of these texts certain bundles, namely the double bottom and of hidden treasure there.
It's amazing, these ancient texts! Most of them are from the ruling families,
occupying key positions in the state, even priestly. So, the owner of critical thinking in them discovers that the texts according to their destination penetrated by two opposite (!) System of philosophy.
Complex postulates suggestible subject population as the faith we have already called suverenitizmom (consonant with idiocy, is not it? It is not surprising). The axis of this belief is that people psychoenergetical with other people (especially with the leader - formal or informal) is not connected, it is sovereign. The other system - the theory of the pack - the rulers used to control the performers and to communicate with each other.
For submission to the minds of artists suverenitizmu ancient rulers used the hidden techniques. For example, they rounded up the population in theaters (cyclopean structures for hundreds of thousands of spectators) to free representation - they went from morning until night for fifty days a year. Ostensibly unselfish concern for the population and serve the gods. But every story involves decoupling the audience guessing, and after the "curtain" - a conclusion that is a logical generalization of the principles of device life. Stories, of course, constructed in such a way that the consumer "free lunch" involuntarily became adept suverenitizma.
Suverenitizm taught, of course, and in public schools - also "free". The meaning of the so-called religious ceremonies was the same - the processing of consciousness to a complete inability to make correct judgments artist ...
Processed suverenitizmom adept, of course, cease to be guided not only
in the social, political and economic affairs, but even in the "ins and outs" of family relationships - and, as a consequence, are constantly in a situation "like the best, but it turned out as always." The same fate awaited his descendants. And their descendants potomkssch theaters ... I collapsed, and "spectators" in prezhne- mu "sit" on the stone steps of their ...
But in the dialogue between the representatives of a ruling families, as has been said, we take a different paradigm - the theory of the pack. Or at least it possessed essential elements - that allowed them to manage successfully passed through the mill a population of free performances.
If this part of the world declared that a philosopher, who managed to restore some elements of the theory of the pack, it is in the ability to destroy (Jesus of Nazareth, Socrates et al.), As in the case of at least some of the popular intervention Media sense of his intellectual developments perverted (Lev Tlstoy, Mikhail Bulgakov, Lev Gumilyov, Plato, Jesus of Nazareth, and others.). Neugodnikov media stoked the crowd psevdoposledovateley-the same Leo Tolstoy, who managed to live longer than others, and that is not descended from the pages of the press, was horrified by his so-called "followers."
Centuries passed, the ruling national labor wiped out - there are in strife, but more often in the wars against foreign invaders or by poison at banquets. Besides, no one is subject to degeneration as the ruling clans ... Only Jewish women to collect fresh blood (of course, in the form of semen) elevated to the rank of worship.
The natural consequence of the disappearance of the national ruling families and, consequently, the loss of knowledge about the real unit of power: the population chose leaders from their own kind, "theater" and the entire hierarchy, they systematically flowed from one position, "we wanted the best, but it turned out as always" in another - is same. What determined the onset of the pores of the multinational empires - the real rulers, foreigners, and they sit at the council delegated by enslaved people managed clowns ...
And no matter what words of love for his homeland and his people did not say these "elected people", no matter how sincerely believed in his words, these themselves, they unwittingly found themselves the enemies of his ethnic group.
And so blunt, to the point of sovereignty, that he did not understand his treacherous features.
To restore the lost knowledge of the theory of the pack caught in such a sad condition of the people tried. Clearly, with varying degrees of success.
There are names of known, apparently, there are not known. I have to refer, of course, only known.
World Classics crowd psychology is considered Lebon, a Frenchman. In his books, he learns all the famous masters of the XX century, such as: Mussolini, Hitler, Trotsky, Lenin, Stalin, de Gaulle and so on. With knowledge of the psychology of crowds as a whole are in the art of governance, as shown by the result, obviously we bypassed the representatives of royal families, falsely posing as full descendants of the ancient rulers.
In Lebon the crowd is not the totality of individuals, as a whole, - add psychoenergetical. Elements of this whole is so devoid of critical thinking, which is not able to notice even for a herd of screaming signs.
Higher rulers (gentlemen areal speakers) of Lebon, the crowd opposite: in contrast to the rabble, they realized themselves as individuals.
For over a hundred years Lebon worldwide rehash darkness professors and hordes of writers, but none of them brings nothing new - in fact, they are constantly pulls into the maelstrom suverenitizma.
A higher level of theory, the pack is only available in Russian.
It is not by accident - to understand the reason for the exclusivity of Russia in this region is possible only from the viewpoint of the pack.
The comprehension of peculiarities of Russia we will turn on the roundabout way. For relax.
The fact is that in addition to Russia's brutal, which the natives of all countries have heard from all sorts of "media" (actually means drowning in suverenitizme), there was another Russian, open eyes only a narrow circle of initiates - Russia intimate, methanation .
All those who have carefully read into line tracts of ancient philosophers, knows that many generations of famous thinkers divided Scythia (the ancient name of the European part of the former Soviet Union) into two parts - Scythia Scythia North and South. Even Herodotus true Scythia - wooded northern part. It is often called Gkleey, and its northern part, in turn - Hyperborea. If South Scythia (now Ukraine and
Moldova) was inhabited, according to the sages, people limited to the extreme stupidity, avid just hype in the forest part Gklei systematically detected people of the opposite warehouse. Among the sages ecumene (Mediterranean) are reputed holders unprecedentedly uninhibited thinking. Wanderers, sometimes wanders out (rather then to return to Gkleyu), depth of thought is simply amazing.
Ancient priests of different boards, knowing that the solar Apollo (originally the god of intuitive knowledge of the truth and insight of the future) birthplace in Hyperborea, and the birthplace of the god obviously must be different from other places, and in all the centuries that followed, in recognition of the exceptional TK - Lei-Hyperborea philosophers naturally joined.
For some reason, the mind is so surprising to people just gravitated Gklee?
Maybe because of some peculiarities of these places? For example, due to the nature of life in the woods and swamps?
In fact, on the wooded banks of the tranquil lakes, no place is like another, so in order to survive, you need to strain, virtually all mental powers and, moreover, all the time. (Immolation rigidity of northern nature compels settled there to respect Her Majesty The reality, comprehend it, while the same husbandman South Scythia, to survive and to continue his race, on the contrary, quite entirely different. It is enough just to follow cerebral phantom
(it may be a simple suggestion from the oppressor), that is, nabychivshis the plow, "stretch" and repeating the same movement. The reality is not seen, is not recognized, and sometimes etched. What "plowman" - uterine prosperity when, and when not - stupidity and personally pays and their descendants.)
Or gileyane are due sobering severe frosts?
Or because of some unknown radiation of the earth?
Maybe these people in those days were going to Gileyu from different lands over the centuries? .. Nowadays, after so many centuries and millennia, the true reason for the age-old features gileyan can only guess, but be that as it may, from age to age at least some residents Gylei-Gkperborei confirmed its exclusivity - it is clear, distinguishable only by the few who have attained at least the rudiments of wisdom.
What has not changed for centuries long, it can not be changed - without exceptional reasons on that -iv millennia.
Fortunately, that Russia - successor to the breast-bands can be seen indirectly. For example, almost merged into a single hierarchy of planetary mob (anytime, anywhere with the wise men not only incompatible, but they are opposite) breast-bands residents must hate - for the same spiritual and psychological mechanisms that hated and Christ. An important detail: before the spiritual mob was allowed to crucify him, she said, in the face of "authorized" its leaders (glavravvinata, ancestors of my father in law), tried to defame him (for
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trying to convince about Him phantom representation). And it's easy and free smanipulirovala suverenitistov crowd.
Tell me, have you ever wondered about the true depth, and therefore, the causes of the global hatred of the crowd toward Russia, hatred is a phenomenon of the irreconcilability of two kinds of spirit is clearly not understandable?
Mob everywhere and at all times does not change - it is, sadly, is represented by all, without exception, estates and social groups: the military, a servant of specialization, including the "elected" politicians (flesh natizirovannoy phase of the electors), shopkeepers and prosperous not so, the guild of artists (to fool the black), hordes of sovereign renitistov writers and so on ...
So, the underlying causes of the strange hatred for Russia, you wonder? That's just it! Irregularities stone steps of the ancient theater is still no less tangible than the Dnieper rapids ...
So the championship in the knowledge of the hidden spaces of the pack theory and conclusions from it that are important for practical life, naturally must be for Russia. The path to understanding the theory of the pack can be tortuous - for example, through the stage of knowledge and other secrets alcove glavravvinata.
My father in law did not like me. Maybe he hated.
He was the son glavravvina prewar Belarus, which was subordinate to no less than half a million Jews died during the German occupation, or whether he was killed by the Germans - is unknown. But what is known reliably, the only son he sent to Moscow time - in those few hours before
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the arrival of the Germans, who were able to find their way, of course, not all.
No, my father in law was not trying to stuff my face - I was larger than twice to the same, although due to a knee injury from the wrestling mat had to leave for a long time, chances are physically "load" when such is tucked in, say, logging or unloading of wagons, never missed.

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