Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.

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Ultimately, unless there is not attended by all those to whom his dying act was in any way know that? ..
Maybe the whole thing is that we, the people, over thousands of years since the fall of the progenitors of degraded so much that it becomes meaningful to us only
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an event which is "attached" someone's death? Moreover, self-sacrifice personally, is the internal movements of the pack?
Yes, I was running from him for a long time. Each time, being in the center of Bolgrad (all eight years that went there), I constantly ran into a close look "Ilya Muromets". But he tried to speak only once. In that same summer, when the events took place as described in the "catharsis-1" - five years before his assassination. He was the first person I saw in Bolgrad V. - Baron on his horse pulled up to the bus very close (meet?). The attempt was unsuccessful speak not his fault - I just recoiled, mindful only of the well-known negative aspects of the Roma people.
He turned to me, is true, I knew beforehand that I sharahnus aside as true, and he knew that, and after five years, I'll break away after three rush to wash and kiss his hand. Forgive me, Ilya.
And yet he must have known that the time will come and I will understand the meaning of his gesture - it in the circumstances contribution in the creation of "catharsis" - the excitement factor important - and perhaps in the distribution of news for those feats of ancestors lined path to happiness possession of secret knowledge - and the ice of misunderstanding people, in which he and incinerated his heart ...
About who this Gypsy Baron, I learned - in the following circumstances.
The next day after the completion of the latest volume of "catharsis" I lay raspyalenny wire sensors resuscitation table cardiology department when the beeps hung around my instruments could not drown out the groans of the dying - just raspyalennogo on a nearby table - old professor with Chekhov beard, wildly fearful moment of death,
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I could not bring myself not to hear the incoherent babbling of other men and women, the subsequent fate is unknown to me - my thoughts quite consistent position:
Maybe stop, back off? Maybe the text from the editor to return and burn? After all, that's up to the agony left half-step ...
Indeed, it is difficult not to guess that the resuscitation table for him incongruously young man is not a random event. Especially if he tried to restore the desecrated about Pontius Pilate the truth; truth opens the door wide to a secret knowledge, and because they hide. Just sorokadevyatiletny Mikhail Bulgakov and less a mere symbol of the doors, and, moreover, paid a painful death ...
But Bulgakov was not half, his care for anybody not a loss, but I leave an orphan wife? ..
Is it worth it wider door otvorёnnaya this?
Judge for yourself: neither do that nor write, it is the fools remain fools, and the few who have been given, will understand themselves, except that wander a little longer - even a couple of decades or even dozens of generations ... And you pay hearts now ( it floats, it turns out, some of the liquid, which should not be!), from threats and insults wipes also now, again "closet Pope Carlo" ... And what lies beyond? Who does not know that the best advertisement for the book - is the death of the author? It is desirable that violent? And even more desirable - painful?
In the same way: who is familiar with the history of literature knows that exceed the general level of the texts are in incredible conditions: either in a cold basement or dusty attic, but when it comes to fame and reissue fees for permit
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move at least in time for the usual conditions, the depth of text disappears. Life and I was not allowed to avoid this condition, although I was born in a wealthy family, which to my education does not mean, to say the least, but the lives of all facilities robbed, driven in basement (the attic, however, was not his place was wintering in a dilapidated house with a kitchen stove cools down instantly). So if was executed law beginning, why not fulfilled and the other - on the completion of? ..
I can not stand it anymore! Honestly, I can not! .. Maybe withdraw? ..
When I was transferred from the intensive care unit to the general ward, the nearest neighbor in the ward turned out to be an old, old Roma, already squandered limit infarction, - I understood everything immediately, after all, not the first time. And the first question I asked him when he could move his tongue, was, of course, 6 Gypsy Baron ...
And at the very moment when it was almost palpable the loneliness (lack of understanding of relatives and even the eldest son of Roma punisher believes that makes moral act, a man to whom he bowed, to change in the face, pulling out a hand and ran it to wash) in which Ilya Muromets went to death - in the world, after all, and the death of red - when it became clear that the death he chose consciously (and all this in flёre yet stёrshegosya image agonized in wild horror holder of intellectual "Chekhovian" barb) when the idea was born: instead of whether my death Ilya took over? - Yes, even if it is not mine! - And it was decided to dedicate the murder of psychoanalysis Gypsy Baron of Bolgrad, whose talent raise him, died, but not dead, the Second Coming of Christ.
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(well worth reading by itself)
AUTHORITY - suppresses the individual (involuntary hypnotist), assess which are decorated in the words unspoken and even for Tolparov convincing; moreover, the only one of its proximity makes hypnotizability individuals feeling ecstatic. Every psycho-energetic authority certainly bright necrophiliac, characterized by voluntarily obeying him withered necrophilia a criminal past (mainly ancestors see. SVERHVOZHD).
Academician, Academic - these words in the "catharsis-1" used in laudatory sense, but in "Catharsis 3" - in the opposite, abusive. In short, just like in ancient languages. Praise the intonation associated with work experience in the field of natural sciences - SRI industry workers against the backdrop of academic scientists professionally looked just arrogant moron, at least in my time it was chemistry. Accordingly, the epithet "academic" - the highest possible praise. Over time, it became clear that the real purpose of human "sciences" is the same as that of the executioners - subordinate hierarchy of performers. In the humanities "science", "relaxed" academics in the Arab sense of the word ("muddle"), fawning deceivers, hence the new abusive tone in the "catharsis-3."
Biophilia - love for life in the highest sense of the word; A closer look at the people it turns out that, contrary to the ideas imposed on us
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Credibility and academics, the ability to enjoy life in the literal sense - the acquisition of only a small proportion of the population, what, incidentally, is also mentioned in both Testaments of the Bible. The term "biophil" was introduced in the "catharsis-1" is synonymous introduced in "KATAR- Sise-2" Neugodnikov term.
"Swamp". In contrast to the unilateral "extra-Schnick" or "liners", "swamp" - individuals ravnoprestupnye, meaning they performers of the kind in which the replacement sverhvozhdya a psycho on sverhvozhdya another psycho internal structure of the psyche changes abruptly (and, moreover, spontaneously): changing the system of values, "the signs of power", favorite characters, and so on. n., say "extra-Schnick" becomes "liners". This transition occurs naturally within the mass.
"VNESHNIK" - one of the psycho Tolparov, they form flocks and Exemptions provides, out of the pack they can not make any judgments; sverhvozhd- "vneshnik" obsessed neurotic need to kill and inhibit not only through the unconscious, but also through the outer layers of human nature (for example, through torture, threats, hunger or staining marshirovok on the parade ground), ordinary doers are pursuing will necrophilic leader, hence part of their household specifically "vneshnicheskih" inadequate. To find out what type of individual belongs - to the "vneshnikam" or "cohort" often does not make sense; then used a root termin- "vneshnik."
"Internal" - psycho Tolparov, they form flocks and Exemptions provides, out of the pack they do not exist; sverhvozhd obsessed neurotic greed, ordinary doers Exemptions provides the essence of a continuation of his necrophilic will, hence their spetsificheski- "vnutrennicheskie"
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inadequacy, whether domestic, religious or otherwise. Sometimes it makes no sense to figure out who the individual is - "liners" or "iudovnutrenni- com"; whereas the term "liners".
JOY (RAPTURE) - a state close to suicide (easily demonstrable paradox, see. "Catharsis-1"), the state valued necrophilia in sexual relationships, and the hierarchy.
DEMOCRACY. Tolparov no doubt that it is a way of coexistence in which a continuation of actions taken collectively logical decisions. In fact, democracy - it is an effective way to promote shaped duped faith in SUVERENITIZM. Democracy is always ochlocracy [see. "Catharsis 2" ohlos - the crowd), always psychoenergetical controlled hierarchy of Tolparov. Democracy - the highest (completed) form the herd. Tyranny "vneshnikov" spiritually more humane, because the inner layers of human nature does not apply. Trotsky liked to be worshiped directly, regardless of his position - the quintessence of democracy. Jude, apparently, was also completed democrat.
Performer (synonyms: necrophiliac, junkie, individuals Tolparov, sadomasochist, the element hierarchy) - any charismatic boss is always junkie: to bend, it is necessary to melt into submission.
"Judeo-liners" - reproduced from generation to generation psycho Tolparov, they form flocks and Exemptions provides, it is the pack "Judeo-liners" do not exist. Chief obsessed neurotic need to play their prapredka- "liners"
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modified with complicity in the treasury of God. The organization headed by vozhdёm- "iudo- liners" except withered "Judeo-liners" relatively conflict-free and may include "liners" to the "cohort". Picture flavors of psychotic scopic heterogeneous hierarchy is a more motley than in the case of "vnutrennicheskoy" or "vneshniches- Coy" Exemptions provides.
Catharsis - in Greek - moral purification, accompanied by a strong pleasure. In the "catharsis" with "Catharsis" is often designated in accordance with the path of secret knowledge. See. PSIHOKATARSIS.
"Cohort" - reproduced in generations psycho Tolparov, out of the pack they do not exist; This type of leader is obsessed neurotic need to play your best nekrofilichnogo ancestors of "race" which stretches from complicit in executions "vneshnika." If there sverhvozhdya- "Judeo-vnutrenni- ka" "cohort" ultimately serves him (against Neugodnikov) despite demarches independence (this ambivalence - part of a neurosis).
LOGO. No matter how people may have been logical, but if in the arguments it relies on a false initial postulate, and even more so for the whole of their system is entangled in the wrong conclusion, he said, disoriented, will psychoenergetical obedient instrument of a subvozhdya, and even more sverhvozhdya. The current deplorable state of the inhabitants of our planet as a marriage, and the mediocre work - a direct consequence of faith in suverenitizm, the core of which - the concealment of labor laws (genetic) memory. This volume Private underlying idea denoted by the word "logos" (with a lowercase letter), and the fullness
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Logos - Logos. Only the acceptance of the Logos and, moreover, in the heart could release the person. So He said, "The truth shall make you free." (John 8:32).
Methanation - the people (nation, ethnic group), within which Neugodnikov collected from different nations. Neugodnikov assimilate, but only in the language, domestic and partly culturally - not merging into a spiritually-psihologocheskom respect. In other words, the methanation is as if the two peoples, mutual influence on each other. Methanation were Jews in the era of Abraham to Christ; Now the most notable - Russian Serbs (the theme of spiritual and psychological separation Peoples devoted to the "Catharsis-2").
The peculiar tragedy methanation that matrix ethnic group controlled functionaries of hierarchies, the planetary centers are geographically with methanation never the same, hence its distress. Examples of XX century: the sverhvozhde- "vneshnike" Stalin was a puppet of Hitler, hence the terrible defeat of the summer of 1941, while sverhvozhde- "Judeo-vnutrenni- ke" the looting of Russia and the Russian genocide in the post-communist period was when pravitelyah- "iudo- liners "natural.
Necrophilia - the love of death. Inherent in the vast majority of the population. Sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden. The most common two forms: a literal desire to die and terror before the moment of death, which is the essence of the moment will stand before the hated truth (see chap. "Nontrivial effect").
Neugodnikov - people who are alien to pack all types. He, being a person has a positive dynamics of development of critical thinking (see. "TARSIS KA-2"), and he is, anyway, looking for talent.
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Subject halves halves requires extensive and despite the naturalness, a significant mental stress. Nekrofilogennaya culture crush everything and all knowledge of such opportunities for Biophilia - and therefore efforts. Halved not just the union of two different sexes Biophilia, but the only possible Biorhythmic complementarity, by the way, from the point of view of the theory of probability completely impossible: and twenty-fold increase in the number of our planet is not enough to half was born by accident. The topic discussed in "KATAR- Sis-1," a concrete example, that, apparently, can facilitate the solution of this issue, seeking the truth Neugodnikov.
Protevangelium. The canonical New Testament is composed of the Epistles, Revelation and the four subevangely, of which the first three transparent fourth exhibit features secondary to some extensive primary product, Protoevan- helium. Awareness author protevangelium strikes, he knows even the secrets of the palace prefect-procurator.
PSIHOKATARSIS - cleansing process "body memory" of the suggestions. This process is only available until the end of Biophilia (this issue is dedicated to all the "Catharsis-1"). Are common to all, without exception, inappropriate behavior caused by the effects of trauma. They can be removed as a result of the subconscious, without logical thinking slowly, with the participation - faster. Last subspecies of catharsis itself, and named psihokatarsisom, sometimes with the addition of the word "healing."
Rationalization - a false explanation for their own behavior. From lying different sincerely
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Stu rationalizing faith in their own self-explanation.
SVERHVOZHD - the leader of one of ravnoomerzitel- GOVERNMENTAL Exemptions provides that temporarily subordinated to all the other most of the planet. Sverhvozhdyami was Alexander the Great, Gktler and apparently within Europe, Trotsky. Sverhvozhd - vozhdists--energy source - in the criminal experience, firstly, lifetime, and secondly, a total of ancestors, the latter is more significant. Young Gktler participated in magical rituals, murder and other abominations, but to rise above the level of the corporal could not. Only Hofsburgskom initiation into the museum through the "power of the spear", "included" in it generic memory killer of millions, the emperor. Every thickness par Executive heading outside the will sverhvozhdya irrational; sverhvozhd Tolparov, too, but he is heading for the inside mechanisms of ancestral memory, so, too, are constantly inadequate, but not as an ordinary Tolparov, and in his own way.
Flock - hierarchical mode of existence of necrophilia. The theory of the pack - for consideration "Tarsis KA-2" and "3-catharsis." See. THEORY pack.
STRANGENESS - keyword in practice the knowledge of the Truth. For devoid of critical thinking Tolparov everything that happens around it is understandable from the standpoint of being duped suverenitizma. Neugodnikov the power of the critical mind says "inconsistencies" like these are explanations (like the strange behavior of commissioners in the summer of 1941, a strange attitude of the crowd to Pilate, Russia and so on. P.) And identified oddities as the steps, select the level THEORY STAI and then the theory of life.
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Passionate love - a painful relationship withered necrophiliac from brighter. Subspecies Delight (RAPTURE). Part of necrophilia is revered for the highest value.
SUVERENITIZM - swallowed whole planet has the belief that people from each other psychoenergetical independent and for the most part the fruit of information flows society. The most annoying "troubadours" of this form of obscurantism for many hundreds of years are Jews, Protestants and swindlers.
"Son" - psycho Tolparov, they form flocks and Exemptions provides, out of the pack they do not exist; leader obsessed neurotic need to play devotion to the spiritual ancestors - the only begotten Son of the Great Mother; subst in the end of time will produce Antichrist and will be honored for community Tolparov true disciples of Christ.
MYSTERY - well-forgotten truths.
THEORY STAI - compound ideas unconsciously hierarchical structure of society with the comprehension of the source of authority (criminal record, as an individual since birth).
Theory of life. In particular, answers to the question whether life took place or not?
Junkie - a synonym ARTIST, emphasizes that his side that the highest pleasure for junkie - full buzz (dying state) when disappear even traces of critical thinking.

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