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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9548
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English Tulln elitist writer polustёrty social boundaries.
15 As experience shows, the simple (not hidden from us in the protected areas) Jews do not possess this knowledge. What, in general, indirectly confirms that the ancestral glavravvinat as some genetics, there is a separate branch of humanity. I am for the reconstruction of these principles - my father-in their attempt to hide from me - spent half his life. But now it is not worse (I think better) I can, stripped himself stretched more scolding from my ancestors faith in the facts of public life and official documents, obtain information, even where it carefully concealed. As is well known, even Buddhist Master is everywhere. Consequently, in the shameless lies. Lies generally the most voluminous mine of information - For those who are unable to accept the theory of the pack. Or at least the level of theory precedes the pack - the principle of psychological authenticity. Here is an example. The entire population of the Soviet Union and the CIS knows what the monster was Lavrentiy Beria - our contemporaries already takes aback when he looks at his portrait. Since childhood, I remember how people whisper recited sexually manyachnye adventures of Beria. Say, out on the streets at night, stalking women, then carried away by force or deception to his apartment and there raped, raped ... A natural way - and unnatural, of course. A method of dissemination of information on Beria's known as a maniac and - ironically - never hiding. When Khrushchev every Communist, is at a more or less significant 16 position, called the regional committee there when it fetched from the safe stapled sheets of paper, took receipt of the NDA, and in particular given the room to read about the adventures of Beria heart's content. Of course, about the adventures of a maniac in a week knew all the people. And smacking repeats until now. But the writer Yuri Mukhin, in contrast, offers a thought experiment on the basis of psychological authenticity. Let's imagine that Moscow was held rumor that the man with the then popular Beria evenings out to hunt for women - to rape. Since Beria portraits appeared in the press more often than Stalin, likened it today can be except that only the current ruling Vladimir Putin. Thus, Moscow recognizes (of course, as always, all) that such and such a street hunts "Putin." What happens? Firstly, all the prostitutes in Moscow and the Moscow region will gather in a moment on the street and will defile powerfully swinging hips - the whole street will be crowded. Just gather a gallop and Moscow whores - are crowded and nearby streets. Similarly, thousands of moms bring their innocent children. Even the very young "innocent children of" these, you know, the creation of the heavens will not yawn, and also "accidentally" will be there as well. In short, in order to get to this sector of Moscow by car will have to call the cavalry police to disperse the crowd flushed women. And then the question arises: Who will be raped? "Putin" -Beriya one of the women, or all of them - him? Anyone interested in the traditional way of exposing the fact that almost everything is now circulating in the media and among the people "knowledge" of Beria and Stalin is the fruit of Khrushchev 17 hack writers, and though the fruit is not very smart, can refer to the book Yuri Mukhin, "The murder of Stalin and Beria." There are reviewed and archived fakes - say, to dig up the pre-war Democrats allegedly document the action takes place on the railway, which was built just after the war. And so on and so forth. For us, exposing the lies of Stalin and Beria's not a goal, but only one example to facilitate the transition from the idiocy suverenitizma to the theory of the pack. This lies about Beria as a sex maniac for an intelligent man lies an abyss of information. Firstly, the fact that slander of Stalin and Beria, concocted with the participation of Khrushchev (Perlmutter) are not exposed in the media so far, it follows that all the post-Stalin Russia's rulers belong (psychotypical) one gang Lake and the speed at which degradation of Russian natural. The fact that Stalin hated thieves, it follows that when Beria thieves pressed. The fact that these thieves, we are still "happy around him to witness," it follows that Beria could not cope with them, and he constantly had to fear the murders of both himself and Stalin. After the murder of both of them certainly were slander. The chain of reasoning can, of course, continue, but we consider the principle of psychological authenticity rather than age. So, lie more information - if you know the theory of the pack - it is fraught with the picture era, particularly information about the type of ruling Flocks or Exemptions provides. And what can we learn from the given at the beginning of the book is about as changeable list of winners in the war? Authentic? 18 The first and easiest lesson: if everywhere say that the war won Brezhnev, it means only that this time the Kremlin predsedatelstval Brezhnev. If we say that the war is won Karelian guerillas, it follows that a man sitting in the Kremlin, such as those linked sites. If you do not participate in the war Grbachёve journalists us choking, talk about the ambiguity of actions traitors and even the special hill of their souls, if we say that actually won the war voluntarily surrendered to the Germans degenerative General Vlasov and his ilk, the happy owner of critical thinking It concludes that deaf reports that Uncle Gorbachev served the Nazis elder are true. Uncle, nephew - the apple does not fall far from the apple trees ... You can add the traitors like the chanting of Russia - a sure sign that Russia expected, alas, difficult times like those in which we are immersed in the Grbachёve. And the fact that Yeltsin suddenly became clear that the Jews won the war, too, can draw some conclusions. You can predict that Russia will wait times are not just hard, but very difficult. You can predict that Russia's population will drown in loans - employed as a percentage of the money will be part of the stolen part will go to projects known to be unnecessary; in the case did not go. You can predict that the standard of living of the population voruyuschey not fall sharply. You can predict that the moral mud reached such an extent that Russian want to die - along with his entire family. And Russian, indeed, begin to die. Crooks in Russia will feel 19 freely - the police will only exist for their protection. They will be more and duharitsya posing as benefactors - pardon the word stupid eltsinovskoe - rossiyantsev ... And all this can be predicted just by what they say around. Never mind that the five-pointed stars on the Kremlin towers have not changed in the six-pointed. They do not change. It is too direct management techniques characteristic of "vneshnikov" rulers warriors. But the current rulers of quite different psycho - "Judeo-liners." Russian proverb theory flocks known - is natural to assume that our zahrebetnik to deprive us of the sight and understanding slaves brought to a completely bestial state, we will be hard to civilize. For example, our children are now under the threat of prison, they hammered all men are equal. But one of the formulas of Russian folk wisdom: the apple does not fall far from the apple trees (apple by apple trees did not fall) - says, of course, is not about fruit. But not only that you can see with the naked eye: a son like his father (the present, not the one who passes on those documents). Famous Chicoutimi was a serial maniac - and his son also was engaged by something similar. Although Daddy little son on the night "walks" to the city park bed of loose soil did not take. (Son of luck - it quickly calculated. Again, thanks to the principle of "an apple from the apple-tree" - on the pope. In other words, the phenomenon of "apple" - psychologically authentic.) So, the son like his father, and his father, in turn, like his father. A great-grandfather to great-grandfather. Here we come to a new level: from praprapra-ah-a-grandfather 20 thousands and millions of descendants. What is important, they like him not only the proportions of the skull or eye color, but most of all the features of the internal mental system (type root defect). They - desyatiyurodnye brothers, not remembering kinship. Expressed as usual - ethnicity. And we come to the natural conclusion that such an entity as the national character, the real Dnieper rapids. He Said, "Gypsy" - and everything is clear: you know where in a strange city to buy drugs. He said "Jew Decrees Aboriginal path to a happy future" - and too much is clear. Thus, the "apple from apple-tree" - a formula by which actually describes the phenomenon of national character. The phenomenon of national character is that increased susceptibility to a particular type of defect is inherited, they are people united in clans and nations (actually pack) - this is the first step in the theory of the pack. Clan leaders can hide from our sight behind the screen, but his entire clan of performers gives it that involuntarily repeats his "movement" - the issuing of lust is not so much his as leader. This is also a "bull's-eye on the apple-tree." But they raked out of our pocket money to them to teach our children that people - mostly fruit lifetime circumstances on only superficially similar to his great-grandfather, and relatives - the notion of the ephemeral and the loss of documents relatives is absolutely strange and alien. Do you want to make? Look at the textbooks. What these perverts reality suggestion they reach? That's right - from under us as from the sentenced to be hanged, beaten out support for judgments about what is happening in the world of men. 21 Driven by them, of course, is not the aim of the good friendship between the peoples ... Just being in their bondage artist must believe that even if he says that the war was won by the traitors of the motherland - the way it is. Sophisticated principles of hidden control (durilka) simple - it is necessary to inoculate the population controlled phantom view of life and its laws of ... In other words, to civilize. "We wanted the best, but it turned out as always" - the lot zamorochennogo (who does not know the theory of the pack) rights. But troubles, based on which we think so that we are on the shoulders zahrebetnik can be calculated. These problems are not much and not too little, but no matter how many they may be, are reducible to the system. Knowledge of the system eliminates the need to memorize and process of comprehension turns into a pleasure. Teacher is everywhere. But only decent (Neugodnikov) He raises the theory pack shortest route. But you can certainly seem like circuitous routes. For example, you can porassprashivat still surviving participants of the war (and better their children, son, father reported the most sacred, that does not tell even his partner at work), where they are in war met Jews - in the infantry there, including tankers whether pilots whether or among staff hairdressers, aides and orderlies, clerks, surprisingly abundant nagrazhdeinyh military orders. You can listening to the memories of veterans to know that in war, these clerks medal "For Courage" can be purchased, along with premium sheet for the price of two bottles of vodka. Order, of course, were more expensive. But to get a Hero of the Soviet Union, the adjutant was enough to "organize" General of the Army several cars "trophies." The Presentation 22 as told to the hero, of course, about the heroic battles at the front. (For example, in Belarus, where among the leadership of the guerrilla units of the Jews was like nowhere much to each deflated derailed German train - including obscure singles - claimed an average of five to six guerrilla groups. But in the list of the most successful pilots where Jewish proportion of the population would have to be 3%, no.) Now let's see where we get if we go by on which they are pushing us to: obtain access to the archives, zasyadu for "storage unit" ... According to statistics obtained in this way, the most heroic people during the war - the Jews. This is the official data. But these statistics (facts) known only specialist historians - all others will know it only when the last participant of the war will no longer rebel forces. Roundabout way (through the witnesses), it would seem, not bad. But though we are from war veterans and learn that the Jews in the war with a few exceptions were orderlies, barbers, heroes grocery stores and other special distribution centers, this knowledge for everyday life, we enrich little - because behind all of this, it is desirable to identify a principle. For trailing to comprehend the depths of the theory of the pack is much more useful to look at the modern Jews (not to their stories about themselves and their real life - for example, becoming a son-glavravvina) and extrapolate their behavior, feelings and motives in the era of the Great War. After all, "an apple does not fall far from the apple trees" ... And what about the stolen luxury trains for higher commanders can learn from the investigation files - yet; 23 it is believed that it was for authorizing these cases a detailed investigation and were killed by Stalin and Beria - is preserved but the case, of course, just the tip of the iceberg. In short, our knowledge of the ancestral memory (the principle of "an apple from the apple trees ..."), its power over each of the people and, as a result, understanding of the phenomenon of national character, they will be hated. This immediately suggests that they (civilize Russia) will inspire the public that the ancestral memory - fiction, national character - no, actually, everyone - essentially new, since sovereign. A new time, a man on his ancestor (this) psychotypical not like. Therefore, we do not draw any conclusions about the case in the past outside the archival scheme can not do - because, they say, can not know the intentions and calculations of each "novnyuka." In fact, Savva Morozov helped the Bolsheviks in reality because the hamster his wife occasionally happen indigestion, sensitive wife "was delayed" for her husband, and the funding of the Bolsheviks in those days was for a sovereign Sava form of revenge his "shark", because - oh miracle! - Showed up on this account the new archival documents ... The fact that the ancestral memory does not exist, we were taught at school, they are all - and the Communists, and Communists before and after them. Only here neugodnicheskaya Russian folk wisdom disagrees. Yes, and my father in law, son glavravvinskogo kind on the concept of "unique personality" would laugh. Stalin, too, interestingly enough, adhered to a realistic view of the people. And in their actions, too, was successful. 24 Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: