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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9552
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English mye conscience, fighting for a happy life tribesmen. But these days, to denounce sin no practical sense. And not only because of these accusations have long since no one pays any attention, and exposures will be enough of the black PR. For a man with a conscience and do not mind Kholuy practical sense there is only work on initiation "Sviatoslav". No propaganda puppets not revive, there is no leader - nothing. Fish goes out from the head, from the head and is reborn.
"Svyatoslav" necessarily passes through the stage of an outcast, besides it 'vneshnik ", and given that his passion for injustice judge must" good time "primarily on its opposite, among the twelve wrongfully convicted content" vneshnikov "and Neugodnikov not It can not be substantially higher than the average in the population. So, given that "Svyatoslav" people read, then it may very well be that the shortest way to the well-being of Russia - after a complete set of camp libraries. Not only the "Notes ..." and all the "catharsis". Prison breaks human only if it is internally shit, and if not - he can not resist the urge to help this rogue and, accordingly, Russia and Eternity ... I wonder, what is the ratio of the first and second among returning from the area? We will see... One could refer to the Europeans - because they like buggers boasting ... One could refer to the Americans ... Balts priests ... ... the police ... the staff of the Audit Chamber ... the actors ... ... MOE However, the citizens of the judges, I turned to no one of the above categories who report • 257 themselves that they like no one loves truth, freedom and truth, and, as such, are eager to be able to prove it! And I said to the Jews - and that's why persecute me for anti-Semitism in connection with a clearly pro-Jewish "Notes ..." - cretinism. Or a manifestation of zoological anti-Semitism. I have finished, the citizens of the judges! " Jews! I invite you to take part in informing the public about the content of "Memoirs ..."! The country should know its heroes - and it is our duty (emphasize ours, not just mine) to convey to the people: the people who helped in the dissemination of this book (theory flocks], and who refused. In this case, the deception is impossible: after all those for whom manifestation of himself in the media is not possible, the translation remains the root of at least fifty copies of "Memoirs ..." for gifts. Why I introduced the title of the book "glavravvina"? Firstly, it is not a book but a promotion: for a theory of the pack is shorter than in the "catharsis", it is impossible to explain. Secondly, knowing the laws of bookselling, I had no right to put obstacles in the way of promotion of the book in the store of the provincial town. And so it came to this town, in the language practitioners Showbiz necessary "Fennec." As the saying goes, people love it: they say, do not light at the singer, and the gills, here, you see, he still had the scarf from his neck does not remove. Or take popular writers. Say Rezun ("Viktor Suvorov") - the millions. Each cover essentially says that he 258 • not a traitor, not a flunky, a courageous, self-will of man, the thinker, for which he was sentenced to death in Russia, but in spite of all the dangers of Russians opens his eyes about the world the example of the Great Patriotic War. But in fact, none of the singer no gills or Rezun- "Suvorov" was not placed under the Tribunal, respectively, he was not sentenced anyone, especially in the shooting. This, strangely silent except publishers, historians know and probably Rezun colleagues - but who under our "free media" with a distinct "Judeo-vnutrennicheskim" accent give them information platform? To tell the truth? And on the other hand, people love only "Fennec" ... "Fennec", in a private conversation, said NN Vashkevich in the translation from the second language of the brain of the system is - "durilka." What can be verified, taking Arabic-Russian dictionary. Of course, my book is not for those who are caught on Fennec, but break my reader through the expanses of Russia - the original! - Possible only with the help of "Fennec." It is necessary to overcome the barrier of a fine book wholesaler, and in addition to this kind of writing on the cover does not read anything at all. It is not difficult to guess that if I called the book "Forgotten treasures of Russian folk wisdom", the circulation would be fifty times less. Rather, it would be violated. But the "in-law glavravvina" not "Fennec" - because it is not a lie, I really was him. This is - the brand, that is a sign that in terms of product positioning "Catharsis" and "Notes ..." special items, rather unique. There is nothing similar in the literature. • 259 Many people intuitively aware of the role glavravvinata in the global system of power, thousands of writers have tried to describe it - but then he ran into a wall of silence. It turns out that there is no information (make a request at least on the Internet - torricheleva emptiness!) Glavravvinat closed to the outside observer, even more than the secret Order in the history of mankind. But the uniqueness of data and their usefulness for everyday life is not a reason for interest in that part of the population that is unique and identifies large circulations. Natural slaves do not need a brand, and "Fennec." Lying in the texts, I can not. I can err, lie - no. But here's the paradox: do not lie I have no right. And I came up with. I take the matches and substituting the ears - that bulged and seemed great. The nose is stuffed cotton wool in order to become even more. I do not know whether I podzavyu hair or not, but nasty ochёchechki - who do not carry on a life - to put on the nose. Squinting And because of them so that everyone who saw my photos in this state, I suspect unreasonably huge ass. What is there to do? But circulation is many times greater than those without such a photo. There is no escape - flock around us, who lives according to the laws is not Su verenitizma. Well, who wants to know what I look like in reality, can look at the back cover of "psychoanalysis of the murder," the last volume 'catharsis'. However, the need to consult with the designer: it may be possible to do a name change to "Refined techniques of covert control" to "durilka"? 260 • I do not know the reasons why it took me to recover a pack of theory in contemporary images and modern language. But it took an amazing and helped me a lot. And some even taught. But I do not glavravvinat teacher. If so I have someone of the people and the student, the honored assume that Gypsy baro. He is dedicated to completing the third volume of "catharsis', the most important -" Psychoanalysis is not of murder. " Dedicated Gypsy Baron city Bolgrad, all semantic levels dying act which I would be happy to understand during his lifetime "In the world, and death is red" - this proverb notices that there is nothing more difficult than to decide on high dictated talent act, knowing, however, in advance, that no one, not a single man you is not something that does not understand, is not something that not support, but condemned - condemned to death, and, moreover, immediately! - Including your wife and children, it would seem, are the closest people to you ... Several thousand years ago, something similar happened with Ilya-Laocoon, a priest of the sun-god of Ilium. That he is now a famous person (including thinking), and while his self-sacrifice up to a painful death act alone could understand the prophetess Cassandra, crowd, incidentally, is also quite understandable. It happened with the modern priest Gypsies - and that is dedicated to the final, including the chief • 261 "Catharsis" - but he did not seem to be a lot harder than Laocoon: for thousands of years, people have even more degraded, the hope that the crowd will be able to feel the warmth of truth from century to century is becoming increasingly illusive, and, most importantly, was not there Cassandra special look ... Yes, having thrown into the hype of a wooden horse, a gift besieging Troy Greeks, even when their only provision for the spiritual dignity spear-character Laocoon doomed himself disarmed, to a painful death in the compression ring serpent - all this for the sake of Cassandra - but he obviously knew with ancient writing prophecies as her fate when his own life and of her great destiny for centuries and descendants - after Laocoon was a temple priest who take higher Flamini and they certainly were people book, familiar with the content stored in the temples of books about fine levels of the future. It is quite another Gypsy Baron: like all Tabornoye Roma people, he obviously did not book, and therefore could not be familiar with either by the "catharsis" (and work on it progressed then only until the middle) or with a long of this book written prophecies - by virtue of the above items are only going to a painful death priest Roma was much more difficult than the Laocoon. But on the other hand, mean that the written sources for someone who obviously has mastered the essence of Secret Knowledge - the ability to draw and gained an understanding of the surrounding directly ?! Gypsies and so famous for exceptional ability to see the future (of course, only rough its layers), the Gypsy Baron, of course, in the future open and those layers that are not available assorted soothsayers from the crowd. Extraordinary acts of force only extraordinary people. 262 "Baron," the Roma are not an analogue-tyrant ruler of medieval Europe, the embodiment of the principle of subordination psychoenergetic human person in everything, including opinions about the world and the criteria that took the life or not. The Gypsy Baron embodiment of the opposite principle - the direct perception of truth. He - the priest. Like the word "baron", coming from the same ancient word "priest" is not just meanings, but its value even opposed. Roma, if not the last people on the planet, then, in any case, one of the few that elevates the ability to make judgments on the basis of moral justice (a measure which is not suppressed by "garbage" Staino-psychology slavish subservience) to the status of the priesthood. Differences of this priest might: for access to secret knowledge is manifested in all aspects of life of its carrier-Neugodnikov. Knowledgeable Roma say they Baron seen at once - from childhood, from the very first years. Seeing him among the playing children, watching him constantly, and so many years, and only finally made sure that really seen unconscious carrier logos hidden knowledge and that he does not stumble, his "crown" has formally. The meaning of life of the Gypsy Baron was not further structuring some Exemptions provides hierarchy, to aspire to modern elements of priestly hierarchies and authorities groups, criminal in a different way. There are actions for committing of which "crowned" Gypsy Baron must be uprooted from the land - and its killing is charged with the duty of every gypsy, except maybe the brothers and sons. 263 Rod uniting punishable by instant death actions - dishonor the ancient ideal of the Roma people; some forms of dishonesty specifically mentioned. For example, death is considered to be a crime that Gypsy Baron bow to bow to another person of the Earth, all the more if he bow to kiss the hand of the men to whom. It's in Russian this gesture means the highest degree of spiritual awe, the Roma, on the contrary - it is a sign of humiliation all the gypsy family, violation of his conscience, the spiritual ideal. So when Belgrade Gypsy Baron stopped me at his home and in front of his entire family in the threefold kiss the hand came to me as the author predrechёnnogo "catharsis", on the dialect of the gestures that only understand Russian, he did not leave himself no hope live a day ... Much (no one who has the baron at the gypsies, nor prophecies about the circumstances of the appearance of "catharsis") then I did not know, and not only saw his actions helping hand to know the mysteries of knowledge, but worse than that, fearing, apparently, with a distinct expression of disgust on his face, I ran away from him to friends from across the street to wash hands ... A day after three or four learned that Gypsy Baron already buried - he died just a few hours after that fateful meeting. But in those days when I was on what forces wonder .only so that his funeral had been unnaturally silent - unnatural for a town the size that it everyone knows each other, and for the Roma usually noisy - like kin they were ashamed. But arises: how could this man with the facial features of Vasnetsov Ilya Muromets (admixture of Russian blood? Sverhdrevny archetype - the defense of the sacred 264 • outside?), being on the eve of apparently healthy, so fast, in just a few hours, "naturally" die? No, I did not think ... And that Gypsy Baron was killed, I was at once more mundane route have guessed because the criminal case opened was not. Bribe? Or, more simply: relatives said nothing, and authorized persons, without presenting a motive for the possibility of intra-murder, it is natural and does not suggest ... All those years of him in front of the bow, I remembered - in difficult moments. What in the relevant chapters of this volume, and wrote. And as also "did not see a motive," a causal relationship they built with the opposite sign: natural, he says, preceded the death of the dying state, but not the highest expression of life. But the fix is already edited and corrected fellow - assistant voluntary and selfless! - I will not: I wrote, he wrote. Now think of what my insensitivity coupled with ignorance about the subtle levels of life of the Roma people and forced this wonderful man on the implementation of this form of talent - seriously hurt. But not one as I was involved in the fatal event ?! Nearby stood and arrived on a visit to the antediluvian car of unknown make it seem to the eldest son. There stood the rest of his children, his wife and a bit further yet some women. Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: