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Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in lifeКатегория: Psychology | Просмотров: 8042
Автор: Paul Verbnyak
Название: How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life Формат: HTML Язык: English Money - it is a game. We need to understand and learn the rules to start winning. You can go up to any level of income, if you just repeat what others have done, seeking the same results. Perhaps no other area where the universal laws have been so obvious as in the acquisition and preservation of money. Your most strong beliefs about money determine the amount of money that you collect for their working lives.
Brian Tracy in his book "100 absolute laws of business success," says money has its own energy and are attracted to people who treat them well. Money tend to aspire to those people who are the most productive uses in the production of goods and services, and is able to invest in the creation of new jobs and opportunities for other people. At the same time, the money goes to those who use them incorrectly or spending unproductive way. Money gives you a choice and allow you to live the life what you want. Money opens up many doors. But the obsession with them, for that matter, and something else, may be harmful. If a man so obsessed with money that they forget about the simple truth that the money - only a tool to achieve the happiness they will bring him only harm. The Bible says: "The love of money - the root of all evil." It does not say that money - the evil, but the love of money - the root of all evil. The problem is it is an obsession with money at the expense of really important things, not the money. Money - the foundation of life in society. And they are neutral. They are neither good nor bad. They benefit or harm are determined only by way of their acquisition and use. In our world, there is an abundance of money. They have enough to anyone who really need them and who are willing to obey the laws that govern their acquisition. You can have almost everything you really want and what really need. We live in a lavish world, and surrounded on all sides the opportunity to gain a lot. Your attitude to money ("setting the abundance" or "installation on poverty") having a huge impact on the way you will become rich or not. People get rich because they decide to become rich. Since they sincerely believe in their ability to become rich, and they act accordingly. They are constantly taking the necessary steps that turn their dreams into reality. And you can always identify a person by their actions of his views and beliefs. Money - a consequence, not a cause. Your work is the cause and the money you get for it - a consequence. If you want to change the result, you have to change the cause. To increase the amount of money that you get, you should increase the value of work that you put. To earn more money, you have to develop their knowledge or skills or improve their working habits, or to work longer and more intense, or more creative or do something such that allows you to achieve greater effectiveness of your efforts and get better results. Sometimes you have to do it all at once. The most highly paid people in our society are those who have constantly improved in one or more of these areas, increasing the value of the work performed. Financial security is one of the success factors that often gets too inflated value. No matter how much money you earn, success can not be determined by the amount of rubles or dollars, in the end, what is the value of money, if you do not have anyone to share them? Prepare a detailed financial plan for years and follow it. If necessary, consult with a specialist in finance. Proper financial strategy is very simple: put off 10% of your earnings (remove that amount from your paycheck before you spend it). If you set aside $ 200 a month for 30 years at 15% per annum, you will have $ 1.4 million. Reliable financial situation leads to personal freedom. The growth of your material well-being will fit your personal growth. I do not advise on financial issues with ruining people. If you have unpaid debts, make it a rule to pay in advance. Napoleon Hill called on to do more than what you pay for, and soon you will be paying more than what you deserve. This takes care of the law of increasing returns. They say money can not buy happiness. But that money helps to find happiness, longevity, pleasure and peace of mind. Randy Gage, a modern scholar in the field of personal growth Rights, wrote that poverty forces people to lie, cheat, steal, and even kill. In poverty there is nothing sublime. The most that you can do for the poor, the hungry and the oppressed, it is not be one of them. Tactics multiplying savings is simple: you have to learn how to save money and to distribute them intelligently. Anyone can become rich if it is to postpone part of the earned (the lower 10%). The money is invested in investment, you should give each year at least 12%. Stick to this scheme, and you will certainly become financially prosperous. Money intended to multiply them, and not to spend. The main function of money - to grow. Money must work, and work for you and bring you a favor. If you just spend all the money you have, you will never be able to become financially independent. In this case, the money will control you. Think about it: every time you raise salaries, you just grow up queries, but the money was never enough. To live on one salary is not possible, no matter how much you earn. You will always want a better car, apartment, cottage, clothes, going to the more upmarket restaurants. In this case, you start to work more, spend less time with your family, pay less attention to their hobbies. You actively work more earn more want to purchase and receive ... and again looking for new ways of earning. A vicious circle, is not it? Delay! To become financially independent, it is necessary to postpone part of their income. Every time you get the money, asked: "What percentage of this amount I will postpone?" Be sure to delay as much as you choose. How much delayed - depends on you. But it is recommended to postpone at least 10% of their income, no matter how much you earn. Some of the most patient and motivated people to set aside 50% of their income. Do not waste that was postponed! Do not, under any circumstances. Remember that the idea of borrowing from himself ("I'll take today, and a week later will return") is not working. You never get the money, in this case, again, the money will control you. Invest the money you set aside. Investing is possible using: • shares; • business; • deposit in a bank with compound interest; • other investors who are intermediaries; • mutual funds, and so on. D. Remember that money does not have to lie just so: they will "eat" inflation crises, and so on. Before investing money, conduct a thorough analysis. This is one of the most important financial laws. In the study of the question, where to invest some money, you should spend no less time than it took you out to earn that amount. Do not hurry to part with their money. You're too much work invested in it, to make them, and too much time spent on something to save them. Learn all aspects of the investment before making a decision. Demand that you fully explained all the details. Try to get accurate and complete information with respect to any investment. The investment philosophy of Benjamin Graham and his disciple Warren Buffett deserves attention. One of its paragraphs reads: "The investment must be rational: if you do not understand why you do it, do not do." The more information you have in investing, the less risk and more confidence you will have. Consider the rules of investing: 1. Before taking a decision in favor of some form of investment, it is necessary to clearly define what purpose it will help you to achieve. Investing can be a perfect way for you to form a personal pension plan to accumulate funds to pay for the education of children or, for example, payment for the purchase of a good country house. 2. Remember: the use of a single financial transaction puts your investment is totally dependent on its functioning. To guarantee your confidence in the financial world, it is necessary to diversify the objects of your investments are optimally combining them in a diversified investment portfolio. No one not known for certain how to behave in the stock market tomorrow. Therefore, waiting for a better time for your investments, you risk missing the active growth. By investing for a long time and creating savings through regular contributions, you will be able to cope with fluctuations in the stock market. 3. To process the investment held for you as comfortable as possible, you need to have an objective vision of the future of your investments in certain assets. To help you in this will be able to professional financial advisors. Remember that past successes can not guarantee you consistently excellent results in the future. Growth performance of the stock market is never the same. It is not necessary to strive for the best result today - it may not be so tomorrow. Stability results for several years - that's the true test of professionalism of the manager. 4. When choosing a fund, it is important to understand what risks it carries and what the expectations of profitability are based. In making decisions without taking into account all the risks you may incur unexpected losses. Risk - is also possible. Unreasonably high a risk assessment based on emotional reasoning or prejudice may not allow you to make the right decisions and achieve their goals. First you need to decide for yourself what you expect from the investment process, as well as to determine the level of risk that you are willing to assume in order to achieve this goal. Remember that any tool with a non-fixed-income fluctuations inherent in varying degrees. It is important to determine the best for you the level of risk. Choosing a strategy should be in accordance with the investment objectives and stick to this strategy until realized. Change strategy is only in the event that changed the purpose of investment. Going from one strategy to another in an attempt to improve the investment result, you expose yourself to any undue risk or missing time of active growth. For the most effective management of the entire savings funds should be allocated among the assets with different risk levels. After all, the money "does not work", not only can not bring you profit, but also inevitably affected by inflation. Replace the money "for a rainy day 'investments in liquid assets. Keep in mind that mutual fund - a tool much more easy to manage than, for example, a bank deposit. It does not require you to fix the timing of investment, and so you can fully concentrate on the implementation of specific objectives. Remember that investing in mutual funds are liquid, and you can always fully or partially convert investments into cash in your account. The investment process, like any business, requires a professional approach and an appropriate level of training. Professional financial advisors can help you make the right decisions based on the knowledge and experience of the stock market. With the help of professionals, you can create an individual investment portfolio and achieve your goals. Carefully putting money and allowing them to grow, using the method of compound interest, you will eventually become rich. Compound interest - one of the great wonders of the economy. Albert Einstein called it the most powerful force in our society. When you let the money accumulate at a rate of compound interest for a long time, their number increased to a greater extent than you can imagine. To determine how long your money will double the number, you can use the so-called "rule of 72". Just divide the number 72 by the interest rate. For example, if you invested at 8% per annum, dividing 72 by 8, you get the number 9. This means that you will need nine years to double its contribution at an annual rate of 8%. The meaning of compound interest is to put money and never touching them. Starting to save money and give them to the growth, do not waste them under any circumstances. If you do this, the law of compound interest would lose its power: spending a small amount today, you are depriving yourself a huge amount later. To begin the process of accumulation, you should exercise self-discipline and perseverance. It is necessary to maintain devotion to the matter for a long period of time. Every great financial achievement is the result of many small efforts and sacrifices that nobody sees or appreciates. Achieving financial independence requires an enormous effort on your part. At first, you will not see any changes, but eventually your efforts will bear fruit. You will begin to stand out among equals. Your financial situation will be continuously improved, the debt will disappear. Your bank account will grow and change your whole life. The more money you put aside and accumulate, the more of them you are attracting. The Law of Attraction has been described more than five thousand years ago. He explains a significant share of success and failure in all areas of life, especially in financial matters. The money goes to the one who loves and respects them. The more positive emotions cause you to money, the more you will be able to get them in even more. In the parable of the talents (the latter word is also the name of the currency of the day) Jesus said, "everyone who has will be given, and abundance, while not having taken away and something that is". The modern version of this parable is this: "The Rich richer and the poor get poorer. " Your financial future is not determined by how much you earn and how much you save. Success in life In twenty years you will be more sorry for what he did not do than what you did. So drop the doubt. Sail away from the safe harbor. Grab your tail wind sail. Explore. Dream. Open. Mark Twain Success comes as a result of an unscheduled commitment more important than yourself. Create yourself a life, what you will be happy to lead the rest of his days. The concept of "happiness" includes what they are looking for it. Happiness - it's fun, which is usually associated with positive activities. Jim Rohn, as it is often called the "philosopher of business," called happiness by thinking that determines feelings, actions and lifestyle. In other words, it is a way to interpret the world and events taking place in it. Spend more time with their children. These 10-15 years pass quickly. The best gift for children - is your love. The purpose of life - to live with purpose. In difficult moments, the goal will point the way. Your happiness in the ongoing efforts to achieve the goals and progress. Stop living in furious pace. The hectic pace of life is not provided by nature. Slow down the pace of your life. In this complex world we live in a crazy speed. Focus on what really matters, and begin to take steps to slow the pace of your life and you will be returned to the natural mind. Get down on the grass and admire the blue sky for half an hour. First, it's not as easy as it seems, and the man was trying to get up after a few minutes, such a useful relaxation. Once you are accustomed to a healthier pace of life, with regular periods of time to devote its simple pleasures, any other activity would be more effective and pleasurable. Thriving inherent nature of human existence and is a natural condition of his life. Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: