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Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life

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Sharma advised to be kind, considerate, polite, perceptive and know when to be tough and masculinity. It is a sign of a well-formed character, and you are sure will command respect. Highly
useful to read books that say how to strengthen the friendly relations: Be attentive listener, give people real respect others and improve interpersonal skills. In order to achieve real success, we must understand that the conventional wisdom and insight - the most important features that need to educate yourself in.
Become an expert on the psychology of the individual and learn to identify the human essence. Do not let yourself be used to account for what is happening around you. Do not stoop to petty gossip
and intra squabbles, but I understand that they do exist, and you know what's going on behind your back. So does every great leader.
Leader - a person who leads the people. Leadership begins with the ability to control himself, and, first and foremost, their thoughts and emotions.
After all, as you know, from the thoughts and emotions depends on your whole life. Before commanding others
and lead them, you must learn to govern themselves. This is the first and most important step in the lead. So you go through the practice: you are and to manage and perform. If you can reasonably manage so that the contractor is subject to the joy, then you are given the ability to manage a large number of people.
The leader - it's not a manipulator, a leader - a motivator. His actions are based and are aimed at creating and maintaining the well-being of others. Of course, we will not hide the fact that each person is first of all thinks only about himself. If someone says something different, you know that he's cheating, and perhaps even unintentionally and unknowingly, sincerely believing that he cares more about others. The leader is able to think of others, because he copes with the care of himself and he still energy
and power to give them to others. It's like with money when you earn enough to live in the most fun, you are able to give their money for the benefit of others. But when you do not even have enough for themselves, something about the other, and can be no question.
Because the leader - is first and foremost a person who perfectly manage your life. He has in excess of the free energy, it is in full swing, and it is due to a strong and stable power it is able to lead people.
Under the free energy we mean the creative energy that a person uses for creativity. Most enough energy just to maintain the current level of life, some even this is not enough, and then they strap is reduced. And only a few have enough energy to ensure that, in addition to maintaining the existing level, create more and the future. Free energy - this is free money that you can manage after all bills paid. By the way, the amount of energy and money are directly proportional.
People who artificially seek leadership experience primarily self-doubt, they want to show how important they are in this world, and because of other people trying to subdue and control them solely in order to raise their self-esteem. They are leaders, just to satisfy his own ego. The true leaders are those of choice
other people. They do not aspire to be a leader, a surrounding feel a strong personality who is able to take care of them, and unite around such a person. People do not have enough free energy to do great things, and when they see that the person from whom it emanates positive energy in excess, trying to approach him and to get at least a piece. Leaders never regret their energy, because the more they give, the greater the gain, the stronger you become.
It is a spontaneous process. Leaders know who they really are, and their confidence can not be shaken. Remember that the first step to leadership is to manage them. If a person copes with it, then other people are not able to change anything.
Leaders have deep confidence. This belief is the core of their attitude and approach to life and to other people. Confidence enables them to accept themselves as they are. Confidence seemed creates a protective layer between them and the world that allows leaders to move through life more purposefully. In our world works the 80/20 principle, that is, the 20 leaders represent 80 ordinary people.
Man is able to effectively manage their lives only in the quiescent state. When you experience negative emotions begin to poison the mind, and as a result, you are taking the wrong decisions. Man, confident in its future, it is impossible to shake. That peace of mind allows crystal clear thinking and make the right decisions. Remember the proverb, "The dogs bark, but the caravan moves on." Similarly, the leaders: their inhabitants are trying to denigrate, insult, but leaders feel their strength and a smile in return.
Here are the 5 steps to leadership:
1. Find a good reason.
Ask yourself honestly to the question: "Why do I want to become a leader?" Try to clarify this issue, as clearly as possible. The more closely you realize what you need to be a leader, you are the easier it will become.
As a leader, I:
For example:
• The leadership will bring you moral satisfaction;
• possible, as a leader, you will significantly raise their level of income and be able to provide yourself and your family a good life style;
• You may feel that leadership - this is your vocation;
• Maybe you want to help other people, or simply want to manage;
• maybe it's just a stepping stone to the next achievement.
Do you feel that there should be a leader, and in the soul feel a burning desire to lead. But remember, without unity of mind and heart, you will not achieve significant results. Wish you could stay at the level of emotion. But the mind need facts. Explain to your mind, why do you become a leader. Explain to him logically, and it is 100% will support you in your decision. Write down the answers on paper.
So you will be able to more clearly articulate the causes, rather than the mind. You can not do this, but then do not be surprised, why you can not become a leader. We need clarity and concreteness. The mind perceives numbers. Be as concrete, as well as a shop where products come over. You always clearly know what you want. Make the same order in the shop of the universe.
So you have determined what you want to become a leader. The reasons are clear and specific. The next stage - a commitment and willingness to become a leader. That is the intention.
Be prepared to act - it means to know that you can become a leader, just working hard. If the reasons are good enough, you will find the strength to act. Be prepared to act - means to carry out the work that is necessary to carry out, despite the fact that you do not want or do not have the mood. Be prepared to act - is to take action! If you are ready to start tomorrow, you've already lost. Tomorrow - means never. In the dictionary of the leader is not the word "tomorrow". In his vocabulary there is only "now".
A leading expert on leadership, John Maxwell believes that to be prepared for leadership is to take responsibility for their actions, for their own lives and the lives of others, which will affect your actions. This means thinking
not only about themselves. You have to start thinking like a leader.
The desire to learn - this is the most important quality of a leader. Any knowledge that you do not have enough to be an effective leader, you can find in books, on the Internet. You are able to develop the all qualities that are needed, but you must be willing to learn. Learn - means progressively and consistently acquire knowledge in a particular area. Just saying, "Who has the information, he rules the world." Look for the necessary knowledge. Invest in the acquisition of knowledge time and money. It will be repaid at 100%. You definitely want to be a leader in a particular area. You should study this area thoroughly, hold all the information. Form the habit of investing time, 1:00 on weekdays and 2:00 on weekends in their education. It can be as self-education, and technical education in a particular field. The starting point for leadership is a willingness to learn! If you do not have or you think you already know it all, sorry you and successful way.
Since the role of the leader is to effectively manage and coordinate, it is important to be able to find common language with people. Leaders need to be a real team player. They are able to lead the team game and be in the middle of the game, instead of hiding behind and indicate who
and what to do. An important quality of a leader - is modesty. He must take full responsibility for the mistakes and solve problems, and for all the successes publicly praise of others, that is, to act as if he was not involved in the success and all this - the merit of his team.
Errors need to meet with courage and do everything to avoid them in the future. These leaders are able to admit mistakes and turn them into
blessed gift, making a lot of conclusions from the situation. In this case, the error play a positive role.
How do you deal with mistakes and difficulties, it is a key factor in leadership. First
and an important condition to errors must be a positive response. Take your mistakes and remember that the leaders - the same people, they have every right to be wrong.
Leaders are not born, leaders are. For the development of leadership skills need some suitable for the human environment.
Leadership - is a matter of choice. The leader is a person who is able to take care not only
About Me. An effective leader achieves its goals, helping others realize their dreams. It operates on the principle: "You will attain anything in life, anything you wish, if you help other people achieve what they desire." This is the philosophy of a leader. It implements its objectives indirectly.
Leaders are always doing more than any other. People can be tremendous leaders in one area and have them in the other. This is normal.
Leadership begins within you. Leadership is also the ability to control their own lives. The skills that are inherent to the leaders, namely the ability to make decisions, the ability to plan the work, coordinate actions, hard work, responsibility, foresight and others can apply in their own lives. You can be a leader, not controlling others. For example, you can be a leader and create an excellent business on the Internet, and for this you do not need other people. You just need to
in this case, to lead himself. Leadership is needed in the family. The family is leadership
in understanding their children, their spouses. Even if you perform most routine work, leadership is its implementation in good faith. Leadership is devotion to a particular case.
Leadership - it is not the destination, leadership - this is the way. Leadership does not imply a beautiful package, leadership - it is hard work, especially at yourself. Leadership - is the process of improving himself and his qualities.
Leaders have the ability to create in his mind a favorable image. They instilled an ability that allows them to see all the events objectively. The leaders perceive the problems as they really are, and the possibility of seeing exaggerated.
Leaders do not use the word "problem." This word gives rise to a negative image that attracts other negative situations. They excluded the word "problem" from your vocabulary. Instead, leaders use the word "situation".
The leaders are closely monitoring the use of the words that trigger negative images. Word - it is just a means for transmitting the image of another person. With words can convey exactly the image that is formed by the imagination.
Thought leaders as follows:
1. Leaders use only positive images, because they know that the mind perceives images, and try to create a picture that is conducive to work. In the dark or the alarm state can not be achieved effectively.
2. Leaders are aware of the problem and are trying to present it objectively so as to simplify it. If Tiger reduced to the size of a cat, it is not terrible. Usually people exaggerate the complexity of the situation, which leads to its actual complexity.
3. Leaders smile. Try to smile and at the same time to think about anything bad. You
will not work. Or the smile disappear or change to positive thoughts.
4. Leaders may seem severe, but at heart they are not serious. Severity increases the importance and size of the problem. Smiling, conversely, relieves the tension, reduce the importance of, as a result of which the situation is easier to solve. Awareness of the importance of the issue blocks of thinking. The more important a task, the more experience. In the state of experience it is very difficult to adequately respond to the problem and solve them properly. The leaders understand this and therefore try to minimize the seriousness of his subordinates.
5. Leaders use volumetric images. They build big plans. Vivid images capable of much more to motivate people.
6. Instead of wondering how long the path to the goal, the leaders focus attention
on how much has already passed. Leaders know and try to show the people who are like a lot of work has already been done.
7. leaders see the matter in perspective, in the future. Each businessman who started his business, it is in the period of full bloom, and for that it works and is ready to overcome all difficulties. The fact that there is now - it is just a transitional stage towards the goal. Your real life is going on in your mind
but the reality - it's just a reflection of the events of consciousness.
8. Leaders have a positive attitude to all events. They see every situation in a positive light, even if the latter did so
They are not. Each case bears the seeds following the victory. Our life - is a series of choices. Reacting positively, you transform negative situations into positive ones.
To penetrate the spirit of the great leaders. Learn from them, read their biographies and books. This is a powerful energy. Examples inspire and make you move forward. The leader - a man who has learned to turn dreams into reality.
Leaders choose the target and just devote myself entirely to this goal. They are not sprayed. There should be a total concentration of efforts.
Financial Literacy
The number one problem of today's generation and the economy is the lack of financial literacy.
Alan Green cn en
One of your main goals in life, perhaps, is financial independence. Your goal should be to reach the point in life when you have enough money to never have to worry about. Today, financial independence to achieve easier than ever was. The law of cause and effect applies to money. This law states that financial success is a consequence of the well-defined, specific reasons. Having established these reasons and considering them in their life and activities, you will achieve the same success that have hundreds of thousands or even millions of other people.

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