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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9549
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English Except, of course, rare cases of "reading" them on the mechanisms of ancestral memory. (This phenomenon is partly seen in the Hindu concept dhvani.)
This concept leads to unknowableness false reading of the text - even iconic heart and reproducible. Hence the abundance of suvereniticheskih sects and the famous, and even described in the Gospel of the phenomenon that ardent admirers of the ancient prophets who murdered great-grandfathers of the fans themselves a new prophet is accepted (merely repeating what has been said before) and even kill - as it was with Jesus and many of his predecessors. The idea of the concept of closure is not something that old, but old texts for the perception of many readers is difficult - adherents of belief systems so-called. world religions and sects that bright acknowledgment. But for literary translators, at least for a smart - a common place. Comrade, Stalin - fortunately, they have not guessed it from us to hide - not just about have guessed while studying at the seminary (because from there and went), but he translated, wrote (before the Revolution and shortly after was editor of the newspaper "Pravda"), as well as adults to relax, work on the scientific works on problems of linguistics. • 189 Thus, the leader, the power-hungry of the world (or at least sympathetic managing meta nation), to understand the phenomenon neugodnichestva, aware of the fact that the books of some ancient Successor not do - it is necessary for the success of modern Successor, speaking with one These language and the same with him emotionally biasing each word. After such an explanation is not a sin and repeated every leader hates Neugodnikov, stay the same in the implementation of this hatred he can only force of reason, logic thinking - and logical constructions of the mind can only be borrowed - and only successor. Because of the great leader and will be the successor not only appreciate, but cherish. Remember this position - it is a serious reserve to comprehend the personality of Stalin. Knowledge (depth) of neugodnichestve can be based only on its own - neugodnicheskom! - Experience. Napoleon and Hitler theory of the pack was known only to the extent of the first and second stages. Therefore, all their lives they were both only saints. But Stalin knew what Neugodnikov. Sneaks sang Joseph Vissarionovich differently. While he was alive, and so podvzlizyvali and commercials, and in every one, but the main thing that determines the scale of the individual - his relationship with Neugodnikov, especially with the Successor - not noticed. It is only natural that such Neugodnikov, sycophants experience and as a result, firmly know and successfully used in the construction of Fashion & World di not given. The best among authors suverenitistov notice that Stalin from Gytlera distinguished by the fact that if Hitler 190 • around him suffered only sycophants, Stalin, on the contrary, he singled out those who objected to it, and in the interests of the case was ready to defend the expressed opinion, even under pain of forced austerity Siberian logging. Examples are innumerable. Although the literature does not fall far from the stories of Neugodnikov, but the commander, the independence of which the neurotic origin. Gktler, choosing to support the sycophants, it was certainly right - in terms of the Conqueror. Only the Pyramid of the absolute sycophants and can provide sverhvozhdyu lightning victories. So it was - as quickly as Shtler, one Europe not won. After Napoleon, of course. Moderately armed forces surrendered Shtlera giant mountains is equipped with weapons of the army. The world's best tanks and their numerical superiority and did not save the Soviet and "defenders of the Motherland" - the summer of 1941, members of the Komsomol scattered divisions. But the surprise adherents suverenitizma blitzkrieg only so long can be successful as long as the mind is not coerced by nadlogichnym sverhvozhdya (for the mind suverenitista) resistance of individual non ugodnikoa But when the mind is coerced by sverhvozhdya when blitzkrieg failed, the pyramid of sycophants from naieffektivneyshego tool victory becomes naieffektivneyshim tool self-destruction. (Third Reich collapsed immediately not only because of the skill Gktlera convince themselves contrary to fact (!), That victory is near. Read the memories of his entourage, say, over the last two months of the war - you wonder.) To counter the phenomenon and the relationship sverhvozhdey Neugodnikov, if you can not hold back the need necrophilia in the wars, the leader can only two ways: • 191 - The first, on the methanation not to attack, - The second, at the moment of fracture in the Great War to replace the environment sverhvozhdya of sycophants, if not on Neugodnikov, at least in the rich neurotics. But Hitler, being unable to understand the phenomenon Neugodnikov, understood, and features all the great stages of the war - in the autumn of 1941 he was senior commanders of troops is not replaced, and if someone took off and then replaced them with even greater sycophants. For example, he removed from the affairs of recent analysts like chief of staff of the ground forces of the Third Reich Gkldera that the theory of the pack at least in the amount of Le Bon owned. That is Gktler did the opposite to what would make a man who has mastered the second stage of the theory of the pack in full. Sycophants continued dominance in the Third Reich, and all subsequent years: who fawn Gktlerom before the beginning of World War II, and they escorted the Fuhrer to the last of his life in the bunker. There are already studies that gather together idiocies German leadership at the final stage of the war - for example, the "suicide" of the patient thoroughbred suverenitizmom Rezuna- "Suvorov" ("cohort" or "iudo- liners"). But Stalin, who is now fashionable to discover some really quite special sverhzavoevatelnye intentions (all leaders secretly dream about an even higher position - it is not a feature), at the beginning of the war until it had acted differently. The management of the sea sycophants he persistently tried to draw the few who are somehow able to remain faithful to her if you do not think logically, the individual neurosis. Another thing is that the Russian people to climb into the power of the scum. Of course, Stalin's proteges, marshals and generals were not Neugodnikov - because they were 192 psychoenergetical subordinate regiments, divisions, factory groups and the army. And this level of power without necrophilic "Charisma" is not possible. Needless to say, in the recruitment of Napoleon and Stalin Gytlera different, but not the most pronounced greatness of Stalin. Completeness of the third stage of development is evident not so much in relation to the general Neugodnikov as on the ability to identify the contemporary successor. Successor and the circumstances surrounding it are interesting to any Neugodnikov as such - simply because they are interesting, how interesting all his, native and currently significant. But reflecting on these circumstances are valuable for leaders who want to rule the world or self-sacrifice have decided to sacrifice his life in eternity for worldly prosperity methanation. Succeeded in each generation on the planet alone. Why is it so long conversation. Long least because it is necessary to start, as it is surprising, unexpected person - Pontius Pilate. And the phenomenon of vocations. Here begins the fourth (third-A) level of theory of the pack - the universal principle of ancestral memory, which is in contrast to the first stage (transfer of a negative array "inadequate") opens the way to a positive knowledge. But this is the aerobatics. Neugodnikov, has allowed himself to learn how to use intuition, can refer to the book "Pontius Pilate psychoanalysis of murder." In the stinking mass of writers suverenitistov discern that a single author, with whom communication can be considered as a great success in life, Stalin was able to - when it did not distinguish anybody. • 193 Durilka All that broadcast henchmen now entrenched in the Kremlin "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" flocks of relations of Stalin and Mikhail Bulgakov, a complete lie. All the 90-ies of XX century ohlos be taught repeated media suggestion: say, Stalin pursued all how something yourself thinking primarily Katsman, Friedman and Zalkind and even Mikhail Bulgakov. Say, "critic of the communist order" Mikhail Bulgakov lived in poverty, and therefore supposedly (!) Wanted to join emigrated to France two brothers. Just stop it, say, nostalgia (for birch and other specific plants to Russia?), And, of course, the prohibition of all thinking Stalin's persecutor. In short, if not de Stalin, Bulgakov oh how to live well. It would be even more famous, example. Everything is a lie from beginning to end! All the contrary: if not for Stalin, Bulgakov lived would be incomparably worse - in all senses. And, high, and in household. To begin to dissolve the thread of "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" scolding gradually. Start with the easiest material level. Bulgakov, since the mid-20s, not in poverty. If you believe the "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" propaganda, it is the two emigrated to France in good brother had to help one poor guy stuck in damned Russia. Even simple arithmetic and the one on the side of the concept assumption: two contain one better than one - two. However, the brothers did not help Michael, and he would send them money regularly. So the material misery "persecuted" critic of the communist order (at that time "the Judeo-vnutrennicheskih") ... 194 • Such a material well-being should be social reasons - the large fees are always dependent on the favor of any hierarchy (or its leader). Only the ignorant believe that the writer becomes famous only for the sunshine of his talent. So if it happens once in several hundred years. Or less. In fact, well-known is the one who made advertising. Another thing that often advertises trying to stay in the shadows. This raises a number of questions. Advertising - is that only a direct appeal to buy books and attend performances? Or are there other methods? Who exactly did Bulgakov advertising? And How? And it is here that we find out: advertisement Mikhail Bulgakov did Comrade Joseph Stalin. Personally. Mikhail Bulgakov's really grass and tripped his feet - on all sides. And indeed prohibited. But the initiative came not from Stalin as the ideology taught plundered Russia "Judeo-vnutrennicheskoy" Exemptions provides. How easy would guess from the following, Bulgakov drove opposing Stalin. Yes, Bulgakov persecuted Trotskyists - more correctly, "Judeo-liners." For example, the director of the theater. The performances of the works of Bulgakov constantly trying to remove from the repertoire - and only Stalin's personal order to return them. The striking figure - Think about it - Stalin sixteen times (!!!) attended the "Days of Turbin"! Sixteen times! The number of the impossible. Sixteen times! This huge figure speaks volumes. Very much. You just need to know how to interpret it. At least psychologically significantly. • 195 7 * The only possible explanation of the three variants of the number of visits. First. Stalin from this thing stuck out fiercely, like a hysterical high school girl, in love, as is usual in any actor-bugger. Second. Stalin felt that the "Days ..." woven into some secret knowledge about the structure of life - and wanted to know. The first explanation I will not even discuss. But on the second stop can be. After Stalin's death in goskhranilischa been transferred from his personal library only those books which were his notes. And those scored five and a half thousand! And some books! What kind of person could not understand something in the "Days ..."? I do not believe! I read the "Days ..." eight times, and I do not see in them nothing, except for domestic suverenitizma. As in the "Heart of a Dog" or "Fatal Eggs". "Master and Margarita" - is another matter. But in these modern pleasures "Judeo-liners" - I do not see! Therefore, it suggests a third explanation: Stalin in some way realized that Mikhail Bulgakov's successor, the successor to the higher priesthood Shlei- Muscovy-Russia - and his personal visit to the productions supported him before the succession showed with all the power in "Master and Margarita". Hence, it is an incredible number of "sixteen". But we digress from the simple but interesting question, how did Stalin personally advertising successor? So Bulgakov has once again banned. But then the director of the theater beckon to the phone and he hears a voice with all the familiar Caucasian accent, a voice from which the director podgibayutsya knees shaking hamstring ... This voice so polite, but very powerful, said that he learned that next week 196 • will go "Days of Turbin," and he, in spite of the time, he decided to attend the performance. Director prishepёtyvaya emotion, wiping sweat and holding a nervous tic, expresses his complete delight ... He bows. Drops tube. Again bows ... And then he goes to tell everyone how much he loves Mikhail Bulgakov and his work, and that yesterday he scolded Bulgakov able to eclipse. And indeed he had been misunderstood ... They say he wanted to say yesterday that Bulgakov returns to the repertoire. Mikhail Bulgakov could be a fun person was, what can I say, satirist, and any situation, even morally sublime, could not peresmeyat. Preserved on this subject and memoirs .... Stalin. Now tell me what's wrong with you? Why did you give me this letter written? Bulgakov. What else! .. I write, I write plays, but no good there! .. Now, for example, lies in the Moscow Art Theater play, and they do not make money do not pay ... Stalin. Here's how! Well, hang on, now! Wait a minute. Make phone calls. Evil Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: