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The Anatomy of PEACE. RESOLVING THE HEART OF CONFLICT. The Arbinger InstituteКатегория: Psychology | Просмотров: 14909
Название: The Anatomy of PEACE. RESOLVING THE HEART OF CONFLICT. The Arbinger Institute
Формат: HTML, PDF Язык: English Скачать по прямой ссылке "I love this book. Having read it, the circumstances I encounter every day seem different to me—whether in sports, business, or family life, the ideas apply to every facet of life. I can't wait to share this book and its concepts with others."
DANNY AINGE, GENERAL MANAGER, THE BOSTON CELTICS "Having been intensely involved in peacemaking, I can hon¬estly say that this is a significant and important book that lays out innovative strategies for building sustainable peace." URI SAVIR, PRESIDENT, THE PERES CENTER FOR PEACE, TEL-AVIV, AND FORMER DIRECTOR GENERAL, ISRAEL MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS "After years of applying these ideas with youth and their parents, I can say that this is powerful medicine for the soul. These ideas change hearts, heal deep wounds, and bring parents and children together." MIKE MERCHANT, PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, ANASAZI FOUNDATION "The Anatomy of Peace, a truly inspirational book, could change the face of humanity. The world would be a dramatically bet¬ter place if even a few of us would be guided by its powerful ideas. The Anatomy of Peace should be required reading—for everyone." MARION BLUMENTHAL LAZAN, HOLOCAUST SURVIVOR, COAUTHOR OF FOUR PERFECT PEBBLES "A powerful work that has a profound impact on all things per¬sonal and professional. It illustrates that the path to peace and to the resolution of our most troubling conflicts requires not only different actions but a different way of being. Even bet¬ter, it shows you how to get there. It is a book I will share widely and return to again and again." LAURA WHITWORTH, COFOUNDER, THE BIGGER GAME COMPANY AND THE COACHES TRAINING INSTITUTE "A stunning work of wisdom and insight Everyone, from neighbors to the heads of nations, ought to read and live the teachings of this book." KENT MURDOCK, PRESIDENT AND CEO, O.C. TANNER "The Anatomy of Peace is one of those rare works that somehow finds its way into the heart. Before you know it you will be emo¬tionally invested in the same process as the characters in this story. Be prepared to be at once challenged, moved, and called forth to become the person you know you should be." MIKE BUNDRANT, PUBLISHER, HEALTHY TIMES NEWSPAPER "Profound in depth yet simple in message—an astounding work of immense impact, both personally and professionally. This is the next major lever in terms of how organizations improve performance." NICK JESSETT, PROGRAMME MANAGER, ROLLS-ROYCE "I can't begin to explain how much I love The Anatomy of Peace. It goes twenty times deeper than Leadership and Self- Deception in the same amount of space. It's an amazing, inspiring book that has opened up new ways for me to think about my life. I look forward to reading it again and again! I can't recommend it more highly!" DAREN CONNEL, CEO, COMMUNICATE WIRELESS "A true masterpiece with far-reaching implications. I couldn't put it down." NAN O'CONNOR, MASTER CERTIFIED COACH "Simply phenomenal. Arresting. Words escape me. The Anatomy of Peace is a tremendous resource for people who are looking to improve their quality of life." MURALI IYER, VICE PRESIDENT AND MANAGING DIRECTOR, THE REVERE GROUP "The Anatomy of Peace is an emotionally moving and fascinat¬ing work with the potential to have a profound global impact, one person at a time. It has me thinking new and deep thoughts—about myself, about others, and about problems we are facing in our communities and around the world." JOHN NICHOLS, PRESIDENT, DISABILITY RESOURCE GROUP, INC. "This book is a joy to the jaded. It gets beneath highly regarded behavioral theses and shows how change in behavior is not enough. A simple tale, quietly told without condescension, it shows the potential and strength of our ordinary humanity. I feel I have grown from inside by reading it. The book helps people to know their neighbor without fear. And that is about as good as it gets." STEPHEN PRYOR, VICE CHAIR, GRUBB INSTITUTE FOR BEHAVIORAL STUDIES (LONDON), FORMER ENGLISH PRISON SERVICE GOVERNOR "The Anatomy of Peace is a brilliant work that takes Arbinger's concepts to a new level and applies them to all areas of our lives. The book has true everyman appeal, as everyone will see themselves in the book's story. The takeaway is huge: no matter our circumstances, we always retain the choice of being at peace." SCOTT DUGAN, PRESIDENT AND CEO, MID-PLAINS CENTER "A deep and insightful book! It is an extremely powerful tool for shifting individuals to a new space and dimension where solu¬tions can be found and applied to challenges facing most peo¬ple in the world today." VINDRA NAIPAUL, CEO, XTRA FOODS, TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO "Reading The Anatomy of Peace is truly a wow experience. The book offers a way out of conflict that relies on my choices. How incredibly empowering! It is an extraordinary book that will help you find peace in any situation. It has changed the way I look at life." SISTER MAUREEN FITZGERALD, ASCJ, DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND ACADEMICS, COR JESU ACADEMY "Nothing I can write will do justice to this work. I have used these ideas professionally to resolve organizational conflicts that threatened to shut down a contractor operating a Navy base and to diffuse grievances from disgruntled employees determined to rid themselves of their managers. In each in¬stance, disasters were averted and hearts of war were turned to hearts of peace. If the world were to read and adopt the prin¬ciples contained in this book, my profession would be a relic of the past." RUSSELL PENDERGRASS, CAPTAIN, UNITED STATES NAVY "The Anatomy of Peace is a moving, powerful, wonderful book. It awakened me to the need to look more intentionally inside my heart. As much as I want peace in the world, it must start with my own deep understanding of why I sometimes create my own little wars or participate in others." PATRICK WILLIAMS, EDD, MCC, CEO AND FOUNDER, INSTITUTE FOR LIFE COACH TRAINING "Inspiring and thrilling! Once you start reading it, you can't put it down. The story is beautiful because it's so real. The book doesn't lecture but rather invites the reader into an experience of profound learning. I immediately saw myself in the charac¬ters and learned as they learned. Thank you for this inspiration! It has filled me with a passion for peace, both inside and out." ECE SIRIN, COFOUNDER, BEE CONSULTING, ISTANBUL, TURKEY "This is a masterful and important work that shows how we blame others for problems we ourselves have created. It gently leads the reader to take a hard look in the mirror." SCOTT BARTON, SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT, CAPITAL ONE "The Anatomy of Peace takes the reader to a deeper level of understanding of the Arbinger material. It has opened my eyes to how my heart has been at war. I feel a renewed commitment to continually examine my way of being. I can only say bravo and thank you!" SUSAN VALDISERRI, CPCC, PCC, PROFESSIONAL AND EXECUTIVE COACH "Parents and children, brothers and sisters, liberals and conser¬vatives, blacks and whites, Irish Catholics and Irish Protestants, Muslims and Christians; what a better world this would be if only we would read and apply the teachings of this book!" GARY DYER, CEO, FARM CREDIT SERVICES SOUTHWEST "Excellent! Even better than Leadership and Self-Deception. A book with tremendous power to change perceptions and lives. As you read it, you will not only be rethinking many of your assumptions about life but also wanting to make positive changes right away in relationships you have, both personally and professionally." ELLIOT SAINER, CEO, ASPEN EDUCATION GROUP, INC. "Powerful! I am a better person for having read this book. I felt compelled to see myself more clearly and then enabled to resolve conflicts in my relationships. I'm excited to see how far I can extend the influence of these truths in my life." RICH ANDERSON, MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER, TAHITIAN NONI CAFE "I still have goose bumps from the thrill of reading this beauti¬ful book. An easy and compelling read, it is a rare book that has equal application personally and globally. At the same time that it powerfully and poignantly points to solutions for prob¬lems as deep as those in the Middle East, it delivers a deeply personal message that awakens new hope, motivation, and commitment toward inward peace. It has empowered me to improve every relationship—at home, at work, and in the political sphere. Thank you!" MARK SHURTLEFF, UTAH ATTORNEY GENERAL "The theoretical work underlying this book is deep and signifi¬cant in its diagnosis of the ills of our society—from the small scale of individual self-deceptions to self-deceptions of whole cultures." ROM HARRE, PROFESSOR OF PSYCHOLOGY, FELLOW EMERITUS, LINACRE COLLEGE, OXFORD UNIVERSITY "A book all human beings can relate to, lighting up flashbulbs every few pages. The simplicity of the story is a vehicle for a deep philosophy to positive relationships, starting at the family, reaching out to the larger community, and relevant to all creeds and cultures. An empathic understanding of others is the cornerstone to a peaceful world." ROSALIND PORTMAN, COFOUNDER, FAMILY LINKS UK "I love this book. It is a dramatic and deeply penetrating look at how to achieve peace in one's heart and then how to extend it to others, even under the most difficult circumstances. It is an extremely powerful work—better than I can express." MICHAEL MARCHESE, COO, GRAND CANYON COUNCIL, BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA "An impressively clear expression of a solution for peace. How different our world would look if we were willing to practice and integrate these concepts in our lives." MARJOLEIN HINS, MANAGING DIRECTOR, Q-SEARCH, THE NETHERLANDS "Great, great read with powerful insights into how our personal choices preload us for war or peace in all of our relationships." TOM LEONARD, GROUP CHAIR, VISTAGE INTERNATIONAL "A clear and moving account of how issues relating to race, reli¬gion, and color can become perverted by the overpowering need for justification, and how this need is at the heart of war itself—both internal and external. An absolute must read." ISHAK BIN ISMAIL, SINGAPORE "This beautiful book reminds us that the foundation of a happy, peaceful life is compassion and humanity and reveals how our hearts may be at war in everyday relationships at home or work. It challenges us to use this insight for active and continuous change. It should be on the curriculum for all caring professions and studied by all leaders who want to create effective teams." JANET SAUNDERS, MATRON, ROYAL UNITED HOSPITAL, BATH UK "An intriguing book that provides the tools for transcending dif¬ferences between people. I believe and hope that it will help people to see the divinity in others, even when it is difficult to do so—a profoundly important message that resonates deeply within me." TODD CROWE, AIA, PC, CROWE ARCHITECTS "The Anatomy of Peace lights us up in two places: the heart and the world. For the first time the dots have been connected between inner heartfelt peace and outer world peace . . . and in this entertaining novel, full of lively dialogue, the connec¬tion is a thrill." STEVE CHANDLER, AUTHOR OF THE STORY OF YOU "This book is powerful. It not only identifies the problem but presents clear and workable solutions for challenges at work, at home, and in the community. It is an empowering book that will change the lives of all who read it." STEWART HUGHES, CEO, UNICITY INTERNATIONAL "The Anatomy of Peace is truly transforming and powerful mate¬rial. Arbinger has taken the burden out of leading in our orga¬nization by teaching us to truly care about our colleagues and individually take responsibility for creating a powerful organi-zation, which will ultimately transform the level of care that we can provide to our clients." DON SERRATT, FOUNDER AND CEO, LIFE WORKS, UK "Reading this book is an extraordinary experience. It shows how to become an agent of peace—at home, at work, and in the world. This is an important book and a service to mankind." DAVID SMITH, PRESIDENT, IDAHO GROWER SHIPPERS ASSOCIATION "Having finished this book and absorbed the wise words that fill every page, I wonder why we teach mathematics to enforce logical thinking, languages for intercultural communication, and so on, but we lack the essence: a proper method for social behaviour! I say let schools and universities offer courses designed by the Arbinger Institute, train politicians and states¬men in The Anatomy of Peace, and invite Arbinger to train all kinds of people in the understanding of their very own contri¬bution to the advancement of peace in the world!" ANNELIES VAN DER HORST, EQUAL PROJECT, CENTRE FOR GENDER AND DIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY MAASTRICHT, THE NETHERLANDS "A penetrating and dramatically moving book that unearths how we go to war against others in our hearts and deny their humanity through self-justifying views and behaviors. It makes me weep with recognition and hope." PADDY FREEMAN, COO, SIMON GOLUB & SONS "To adopt the essence of this book is the true road map for peace." EYTAN BENTSUR, FORMER DIRECTOR GENERAL, ISRAEL MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS "On a personal level, I found many examples of how I was look¬ing at people wrongly and, by doing so, was treating them wrongly. On a more global level, I could apply these lessons to any international conflict seen on CNN and see how this pro¬cess can be used to end age-old conflicts that have plagued society for many years." —JACK COVERT, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, 8OO-CEO-READ "Delivers some powerful insights...No matter whom you wish to change your relationship with—your child, parent, friend, or colleague—this book can help you identify problematic behavior and show you a way to better relate to others. It war-rants a place in the library of those who seek to advance the cause of reconciliation and peace." —THE WORLD & I, A PUBLICATION OF THE UNIVERSAL PEACE FEDERATION "Offers specific tools that can be used any time a defensive reac¬tion to an offense or an injustice springs up_ The Anatomy of Peace is at once a challenge, an invitation, and a way through to a place of peace inside all of us that is not only attainable but the very nature of who we are." —SHIFT, THE MAGAZINE OF THE INSTITUTE OF NOETIC SCIENCES "Offers a realistic portrayal of conflict and is prescriptive with¬out being preachy. It is difficult to read The Anatomy of Peace and not recognize the role we all play in perpetuating conflict. One can't help but fantasize that, somehow, the book could become required reading for world leaders." —GREATER GOOD MAGAZINE "Rarely have I read anything that held my attention the way this book did. To find that kind of reading experience in the con¬text of a book that covers such disparate topics as parenting, managing employees, Middle East peace, and self-actual iza- tion is truly astonishing." —JO ELLEN GREEN KAISER, SENIOR EDITOR, ZEEK "Phenomenal_compelling_vivid_poignant. This is a book that every manager, teacher, advisor, and parent should read and apply." —STEVEN C. WHEELWRIGHT, PROFESSOR EMERITUS, HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL "The Anatomy of Peace is a brilliantly written, stimulating read with a rare clarity that awakens reflection and compels action. I recommend it without hesitation to anyone interested in finding solutions to conflicts ranging from the personal to the global." —GILEAD SHER, FORMER CHIEF OF STAFF OF THE PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL AND CHIEF NEGOTIATOR WITH THE PALESTINIANS "The Anatomy of Peace is more than just a book to read or an idea to consider, it is a life raft for the countless many who are suffering in silence and drowning in fear." — IYANLA VANZANT, AUTHOR, LIFE COACH, AND FOUNDER OF THE INNER VISIONS INSTITUTE FOR SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT The Anatomy of PEACE This page intentionally left blank The Anatomy of PEACE RESOLVING THE HEART OF CONFLICT The Arbinger Institute Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: