Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Important questions that can be asked in a given period of work of the psychologist with the client.

Категория: Psychoanalysis and analytical psychology, Psychology | Просмотров: 1370

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At what point does it become a problem for you so much that the idea to go to a psychologist? What happened in the family or outside the family?
It was decided to go to a psychologist? Whose idea was it?
What does the customer expect from a psychologist?
As a psychologist was chosen?
Do those in the family who are skeptical, objecting, doubt or fear in relation to the work with a psychologist?
Do the customer experience with a psychologist? What parallels can be drawn with the current work with a psychologist?
That, according to the client, the psychologist should do the same as the previous one or the other a psychologist, a psychologist than the previous one?
If the purpose of the psychological work is achieved, on what grounds it can be determined? People affected by this change? How to change their behavior? For some, these changes are positive, but for whom the negative and what they are?
What the customer has to do in order to achieve the goal? Whether the goal is achieved, or comparable with that condition ever before?
What are the basic values that orient customers?
If the therapist is not there, then what would be next?
Who are the family members most likely would take, or would assume the function assigned to the therapist?
If the goal of therapy is achieved, what happens next?
How much time, in terms of customers, presumably to be held before the goal can be achieved?
Are there important issues that still have not been affected?

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