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Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life

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Paul Verbnyak. How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life
Foreword 5
Introduction 6
How to use the intellectual potential.
The power of the subconscious 7
Imagination 10
Words that carry force 19
Alone with a 32
The Law of Attraction 34
Formation of self-37
His path 42
The concentration of 44
Optimism 45
Time management 49
Defining goals 57
Solution 69
Time to Act 71
Discipline 75
Perseverance 77
The defeat - of the success of 79
Overcoming obstacles 84
The strength of the 92 thanks
Success Habits 97
Lifelong education 99
The relations with the surrounding 109
Teamwork 115
The main benefit of life 117
Attractive personality 122
Leadership 125
Financial Literacy 138
Success in life 148
Serving 154 people
Conclusion 156
List of recommended reading 158
Greetings to you, dear reader!
Thank you for having decided to read my book. Should a person understand his true nature and learn to live in harmony with it, it is easy and without any effort will gain health, inner balance; relationships with people will bring satisfaction, will fill a person with energy and enthusiasm, will bring material well-being.
I hope the book does not leave you indifferent. The aim of my work is the desire to help you. I want people to reach the heights in life and that everyone has come to this success. The book, in addition to general considerations, describes the practical steps you can take immediately to improve your quality of life.
These are lessons that changed my life. I hope that you acquired knowledge and experience, thanks to the book, make your life more joyful and full of positive developments.
We would be shocked to the core, if carried out all that capable.
Thomas A. Edison
We live in a wonderful time. Never had granted so many opportunities for large numbers of people to achieve great accomplishments than today. And every year the situation is improving.
In his book "How to disclose their potential and achieve more in life", I outlined the steps leading to the realization of the principles and priorities in life, which is based on a true understanding of the laws of nature. When this knowledge will be an integral part of your consciousness, you will be able to achieve success in all their endeavors effortlessly.
On this topic written many books, I have attempted to summarize all that stuff
in a brief, understandable to a wide audience. Large contributions were made in the study of the subject people like Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, W. Clement Stone, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Anthony Robbins, Jack Canfield, Robin Sharma and others, many of which we will mention in the book.
I would like to thank first of all the relatives and friends, friends for help and support extended to me during the writing of the book.
How to use the intellectual potential. The power of the subconscious
Today, you are there, where you lead your thoughts yesterday. And tomorrow you'll be there, which will lead you to thoughts today.
James Allen
Scientists engaged in the study of the human brain, came to the surprising result that a person uses in the life of a maximum of only 5-6% of its potential. How to start a process of reasonable disclosure of the potential inherent in us? Let's find out how our mind works.
At the source of all wealth and success is the idea! Our mind is like a muscle. First, it needs to train, and then later load the work to make it stronger. It can be painful at first, but the improvement will come soon, and the most positive impact, including on your character.
Mind like a garden - you reap what you sow. When you cultivate it and to feed its flowering exceeds all expectations. But if you allow weeds to grow, we will never implement their potential. Think about the person you want to be, because we become what we think about most of the time. Think about success, health, protsvetanii- notice that this becomes more than you have in life. Change the thought, and you will change not only their lives, but the world will open in a completely different form. Therefore Dream big.
We have repeatedly heard and read that thought is material. This magnet. Good thoughts attract positive circumstances, evil thoughts - negative circumstances. The film "The Secret" and the eponymous book by Rhonda Byrne is very clear and clearly inform us of the so-called "law of attraction", with whom we will meet in this book.
The human brain is unique. The power of the subconscious mind is amazing. It is known that it controls and all vital functions of the human organism from the blood circulation to the respiratory and digestive system. The subconscious is embodied everything that happened to the man. It logs every event of our lives, as well as the associated thoughts and feelings.
It often helps a person unconscious, directing its activities. Through intuition, dreams, feelings and premonitions, it tells us the necessary ideas and solutions. Once you open this amazing ability, people will no longer be helpless in any situation. You can embed in your subconscious plan, thought or feeling that would materialize soon and are sure to get the material equivalent of the plan. Subconscious fruitful and always ready to serve you, but few know how to use his power.
Consciousness is like the gardener, and your job is to choose what should get into your "inner garden". Due to the subconscious person perceives the information already prepared a positive or negative attitude towards it. If you want to change your life, you must wonder how you use your mind? You can not think both positively and negatively. In particular moment is always dominated by a certain type of thinking. Thus is formed a habit, so you need to ensure that positive thoughts and emotions has always prevailed over the negative.
To change external circumstances, you must first change the interior. Most people try to do it the other outer image. If you do not change the thoughts and beliefs, such attempts to nothing lead, or give only a short-term effect. Your subconscious mind will do, depending on what you put in the images of him
in their everyday thinking. So going on your destiny. Your life is in your hands, and you can do it the way you want.
Due to the proper development of the subconscious mind, you get what you want. Your powerful inner "partner" will drive you to the people and pushes on the circumstances necessary for your purposes. The subconscious mind continuously receives energy vibrations of success, pulling to you people and circumstances necessary to achieve your goal. It should be added that with the same success can attract the subconscious and fail if you have negative thoughts prevail. It does not discriminate and does not take thought, but only works with those desires, hopes,
and fears that are present in your brain.
When you mentally associate yourself with positive, what you want to achieve in reality, your subconscious mind reacts to it accordingly. Your habitual way of thinking and the prevailing mental images you create the reality around you to form your unique destiny.
Mighty expect your subconscious uka¬zany.
Let us remember the words of the English poet Edmund Spenser Renaissance, who argued that the only reason we do good or evil, making us miserable or happy, rich or poor. Your brain - a faithful servant, he is willing to wait for any of your team to accomplish all that you wish.
If you can imagine it, you can accomplish this!
Walt Disney
Visualization, or mental representation related to the brain's ability to see objects in obra¬
Zach is the most powerful instrument of voluntary suggestions, which is known to date. The brain can not distinguish from the real events submitted. For it represents the event a reality. It's common knowledge. The most successful speakers, athletes use this technique. They are in a relaxed state clearly and in detail see themselves as the first to reach the finish line, where the athlete or the skier; victory over the opponent, if a boxer or wrestler; the audience applauds and admires, if the speaker. Regularly practicing this technique, you become more confident in a particular area and to achieve the results that you cook yourself, do not take long.
Consider the three elements that determine the success of creative visualization in each situation:
1. Desire. You need to have a genuine desire to create what you choose to visualize - a clear, strong performance objectives. Cherished desires are given to us with the strength to implement them.
2. Faith. The more you believe in the goal and in the possibility of achieving it, the more chance you have to achieve it.
3. Perception. You must take very much and want to be desired.
The great physicist, philosopher, writer, author of the theory of relativity, Albert
Einstein believed that in his mind everyone is free to paint as an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination around the world, generating evolution.
We are forming our own reality! Presenting the various situations we attract these events
in his life. And the more often and brighter your visualization, the more likely it will happen in reality, so be attentive to your thoughts and imagination. Here's another reason to start thinking positively. In this case, you will think of pleasant picture and bring it into their lives them.
So what exactly is visualization? This drawing in the imagination pictures, images, events ... Every person in your life regularly engaged in rendering, but often this process takes place unconsciously. A simple example of imaging are images that appear in your head while reading a book. You are not attached to the process of forming images of any special effort, they appear by themselves.
Visualization technique is quite simple, but in order for it to take effect, regular employment is important. The more you visualize, the better you it will turn out. Continue to engage,
and soon it will become your healthy habit that will be great in life. Learn to visualize everyone can, as well as to learn to think positively and to master other useful skills, some of which have become a way of life and allows us to do the very reality of the way we want to, to get the desired easy and fun.
Visualization - a representation of the desired in your imagination. But that was really the rendering process
effective, you need to follow a few basic rules, more precisely, a specific algorithm as visualization involves a specific sequence of actions. Your visualization can only be positive and carry only a positive charge, its implementation should please you and do not cause any harm.
Do this daily and can be twice a day - morning and evening, and it is possible and more often if there is a desire and opportunity.
Let us more detail on the three rules of successful visualization:
1. clearly know what you want.
Before you start imaging, determine what you want. The selection should be based on a strong emotional desire.
2. Regularly repeat the mental images.
Be sure to repeat steps to achieve a
the same purpose as long as it does not reach. Repetition is the basis to visualize the goal. The efficiency increases with the number of imaging repetitions. You will feel the efficiency as the mind begins to believe in what you visualize. Even after the visualization you will feel that it really has happened. The extent to which you are easily repetition depends on the goals you have set ourselves. The process of repetition helps to ensure that the goal of becoming the dominant thought in your mind,

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