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Menyailov AA Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law.Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 9493
Автор: Menyailov A. A.
Название: Menyailov A. A. Durilka: Notes glavravvina-in-law. Формат: HTML Язык: English You have not yet advised whether or not presented with this book?
Tom can be only two possible explanations: - If your co-workers and acquaintances do read, but you do not recommend or not presented, they all think you are a slave to nature and pettiness and act so that you continue to remain in his capacity as puppets do not understand anything; - If they have not read this book, it means no one is recommended not given - they are natural slaves themselves. The book is unique, does not have even a remote analogy, it would seem, in the pervasive sea of information, and therefore the "read - not read", "recommended - not recommended" a very accurate description of the man and his environment. Meeting with a good book is always a holiday. Only very infrequently occur such holidays. Zhores Alferov Nobel Prize Laureate I am happy that I was destined to live in Gilee-Russia and, accordingly, to learn Russian - happy also because there is no-no and even caught the eye revealing such books as "Memoirs glavravvina-in-law." Yes, and all the books are less nyaylova. Joost Rugeley, a citizen of Slovenia, The president of "Dr. F. Preshern" One can only wonder what the author of "catharsis' has not thundered. Apparently, it protected - so far - except that all his previous books have been made so that he was not in the mind anyone of our SMIsiteley - and in spite of the significance of the circulation and dazhё reissue knowledge about the topic of his research has not gone beyond a narrow Circle able to remain silent. But "Notes ..." Menyailov made such that after a while did not meet with them unless it is absolutely animal. And because no prohibitions will stop - will breed printers and rizografy. Also we began to translate into other languages ... But this book is not what to write, but poreko- mended something with reference to its origin scary. Anonymous In the event of my death, whether violent or very similar to the natural, species, in the case of my reluctance and even refusal to republish "Notes ..." or any of the three volumes of 'catharsis' (and this is possible unless at pharmacological intoxication, or state intimidation Threat to deal with my family or friends), in the event of my disability, real or imaginary, and so on. n. I allow all interested persons without prior registration contracts to replicate this and all my books published before, on any type of media. In case I, and after the book I'm still alive, but I will not republish his books himself, or through an authorized me publishing, then, since I have to eat and drink (and the "overlapping of oxygen," I certainly will bring to the end), with my hand rightly demand that the publisher handed or sent me a fee of $ 10 % wholesale price of publishing - not later than three months after the release of the first copy of the next edition. In the case of my death, of any kind or disappearance and innocence to my last wife, I will list the specified fee it - post factum, that is, without obtaining any prior permission to reproduce and provided the transfer fee no later than three months after the first copy of the next edition. In the case of her death and the moral obligation of the publishers of not less than 4% of the circulation pass libraries, both public and in detention. Since the meaning of this regulation to remove all kinds of artificial legal impediments to the widespread theory of the pack in the primary source or distortion of her forced pereskazchikami, it is an order in the future can only be changed in the part of the heirs of copyright - but not freedom of publication. Alex Menyailov My first test hit me because of the circumstances, the implied conclusions seemingly unambiguous, he made conclusions for the masses is clearly unusual. At first I even thought - unnatural. Father in law, based on this "unnatural" way of thinking, acting always successfully - in contrast to the subordinate, who, following the "natural", then scratch "turnip" with a sigh, he says, "I wanted the best, but it turned out as always" .. . Moreover, now I understand that anyone, even with little ability to lead, having mastered the secret, but it is knowable knowledge that my father in law, being the offspring of glavravvinskogo kind of got a gift, inherited, also gets an advantage - comparable only to that advantage Hitler's tank ambush burst into a walking column of soldiers, none of whom there is not something that anti-tank grenades, and even Molotov cocktails. In owning this knowledge advantage about that. I am fully aware that the very first line at the following related to natural slaves could cause indescribable anger - say, as it can be assumed that there is a description of the world other than the one to which they are forever fooled, so used! Well, then do not read this book. Go and scrub "turnip" until his death. Yes pouserdney. Maybe it will help. 9 However, the book could start in another way. So to speak: Fellow citizens! We (you) lie all the time, everywhere and always, lie, even those from whom we (you) least expect it. But to extract reliable information can be learned. Produce even where it carefully concealed. For example, under Stalin, widely stated that won the Great Patriotic War Stalin. The evidence cited many reliable facts of social life, and archival documents. When changing Stalin Khrushchev same journalists told the people that won the Great Patriotic efforts mainly to the front section, which appeared Khrushchev personally. The evidence cited many reliable facts of social life, and archival documents. When changing Khrushchev Brezhnev told reporters the public, that the Great Patriotic War was won on the Malaya Zemlya, where the Commissioner, it is easy to guess, he Leonid Brezhnev. The proof is an extremely important fights on Malaya Zemlya led many credible, you know, the facts of public life and official documents. Brezhnev, Andropov when you change the same journalists told the people that the war determined the Karelian guerillas, in particular, seems to be a couple of hundred people. And results in a lot of reliable facts and documents of public life. When Gorbachev still the same journalists (the second oldest profession) with a completely genuine sense of discovery realized that the war was won Vlasov and other categories traitors. 10 But under Yeltsin the same journalistic tribe dawned - the Jews! Say, someone who, as the Jews understood that by the Nazis they will not be spared - and, therefore, understanding their benefits, fought like lions. And "gorbachёvtsy" and "eltsinoidov" brought a lot of reliable facts of social life, and archival documents. The conclusion: in the performance of their intentions will be successful he is able to at least the rudiments of analytical thinking person who through scolding "the true facts of social life and archival documents" learned to see the real life - for themselves will be a completely different description of reality than the Phantom, which the majority of population with prochёsannoy to holes "turnip." To understand the meaning of what is happening with the people at large intervals of time, know the historical facts of social life on a global scale - like seditious it may sound - is not necessary. Strictly speaking, the facts of social life can not be - at all. Sure. In fact, during the Soviet public was told that the pre-revolutionary industrialist Savva Morozov financed the Bolshevik Party. It's true - funded. What about the ordinary point of view is clear: he foresaw the future, and only for a small share of the income to buy their future indulgence. From this point of view, a fact of everyday social life, strictly logical reasoning, you must come to the whole system of consequences, determining the ratio of the different aspects of life, such as: policy eleven cal, historical, and even as it is at first sight strangely intimate. After a decade and a half since the beginning of Perestroika, some already know that the manufacturer Savva Morozov funded general all existed before the 1917 Revolution Party - which is, generally speaking, with the ordinary point of view is also quite clear: whoever of these guys either came to power, they were Savva Morozov would have to. The system of consequences from previous promise - true !! Our Sawa actually financed the Bolsheviks! - Becomes a nonsense: the fact of expanded space. But the fact of the space and can expand further. In fact, it is natural to ask the question: why would the manufacturer Morozov was so fantastically successful? Maybe it's not a commercial success? Maybe his factory were just a cover for money laundering? And the true origin of the money - the German special funds Gёneralnogo Staff? Then, too, everything is clear: for a little, in fact, money is the German General Staff gained a reliable instrument of influence on the political and military life of Russia. All clear. But the fact of the space can be expanded even further: for example, it may turn out that the person who distributed the specific amount of special funds of the German General Staff, was in fact a Russian spy. Again, everything is quite clear: a very simple way the Russian economy received the royal grant for development - by Kolbasnikov. Hence, too, the whole system should be conclusions and emotional outbursts. Identify the chain extensions of fact could go on and on. For example, among the leaders of this level like Savva Morozov pederasty is no exception, but the norm, in such cases, the lover is often more important than the desire to family well-being, prosperity of the motherland and all the rest. Moreover, the wife, right, degeneratka notorious - it also requires its own, and for such as Sawa, including homosexuals, according to his wife - the law. Thus, the chain increased by one more unit. And so on and so forth. To continue makes no sense, and so the principle is clear - that the event has acquired the status of fact (the absolute truth in the whole system of interconnected objects) in his description must be enabled every citizen of the world, moreover, should be included, and the entire solar system, and even a magnetic storm on zvezde- Sun Alpha Centauri - which affects living creatures. Only a complete idiot not clear that such a description of any one of the events at the non-WHO-can. Therefore, the facts do not exist. That is, they exist - but only as a tool of manipulation. But not as a description of reality. So delve into the facts, stubborn, do on the basis of these conclusions - and then scrub "turnip." That assertion that slaves built world largely on the facts to be clarified. Savva Morozov Now no one cares - and therefore selected at this stage as an example. • 13 But Nicholas II still worried. As recently as today, coming out of the grocery store, could not help overhearing a noisy argument between two women on the steps, one of them argued that the king of the Jews killed and others argue that, on the contrary, Lenin. And both operated by the facts. Since everything is repeated, who killed really important - if the Jews, it is necessary to prepare for another "restructuring" the looting and is doing new holes in the belt, and if Lenin (it is believed that he Kalmykia), something else to something below either. It is also important for building a family - who should be in this case to imitate? It is not hard to guess that the distribution of any fact and therefore is paid (in cash or emotional energy) that bends man in the service of a particular hierarchy. By the way, about Lenin within suverenitizma by the method of expansion of space is easy to prove the fact that Lenin was an Eskimo. This is me as a son-in-glavravvina you say. So, to understand the meaning of what is happening around, I repeat: "know the historical facts of social life on a global scale - like seditious it sounds - do not need to." And then what you need to know - to not constantly be provided in a position where the hand involuntarily reaches scratch "turnip"? For our zahrebetnikov a lot more dangerous if we will conduct research on a deep level - and free of the graft we suverenitizma, to master the theory of the pack, with which, among other things, freely and easily manage to penetrate everywhere, even through closed doors and guarded the perimeters of the walls of government residences where often descend on us, and so-called facts of social life. 14 Oddly enough, but to study what is happening behind the walls of government residences, really, the best thing is their limits - watching grassroots performers, suverenitistami, involuntary puppets. Looking at the black eyes, armed with the theory of the pack, you can see everything on the spot. This I learn all my life, but began to study with his father in law, son glavravvinata. Now, acquired knowledge and is willing to share with their "brothers and sisters" - any degree of kinship. The reader is rather happy owner of critical thinking, apparently, can not wait to find out what it is - the theory of the pack? The fools are fools for every ruler and every government - their way of thinking is similar at all times. They are those who in the future will be called the suverenitistami and their way of thinking - suverenitizm. But there is obviously some little-known principles of thinking that are very different from the usual - and owning these principles (theory of the pack) leader will be easy to manage those who are vaccinated stupid belief in the facts of social life and historical documents. The first in my life, the person who owned these little-known principles and therefore successfully manipulated the others, was the son of the main pre-war rabbi of Belarus (subordinate to hundreds of thousands of Jews), a very close copy of his father's, my first test. I can even say that I still have not met anyone who would have owned the subtlety of these techniques hidden control, but for me, intellectuals Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: