Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Art therapy training and self-reflection

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The introductory part
Reflection (from the Latin. Reflexio rear-facing) the process of self-entity internal mental acts and states. The concept of reflection arose in philosophy and refers to the process of thinking of the individual about what is happening in his own mind.

The overall objective: the development of self-knowledge, reflection in the group, forming a positive emotional climate.

Stages of work: I. Warming
Purpose: creation of a positive climate conducive to the group.

Materials: no.

1. Exercise "Greeting" [1, p. 7]
Purpose: Greeting the participants, the group charged with energy.

Time: 10 min.

Materials: no.

The course exercises
Participants are invited to form a circle and divide it into three equal parts: the "Europeans", "Japanese" and "Africans". Then each participant goes around and greets all "their way": "Europeans" shake hands, "Japanese" bow, "Africans" rub noses. Exercise can be repeated several times, each participant was able to visit different roles.

Issues for discussion:
It was easy for you to carry out this exercise?
In what roles you have been more comfortable and why?
In life, you respond in kind when you greet unusual for you?
What feelings do you feel at this?
Exercise 2. "I'm glad to see you [1, p. 15]
Objective: To determine the positive aspects of the participants.

Time: 15 min.

Materials: no.

The course exercises
Each of the participants turns to his neighbor, saying: "I am delighted to see you because Continue this statement does not need the external description of the person and personal qualities of the participants.

Issues for discussion:
Was it easy for you to do the exercise?
How do you feel when you approached your neighbor?
What do you feel when you had to turn to another person with the words "I'm glad to see you It was easy for you to identify why you are glad to see your neighbor?
How often do you have to say in the life of people compliment?
II. Primary activity
The goal: self-knowledge, the development of reflection.

Materials: paper, pens, crayons, paints.

1. Exercise "Who am I?" [1, p. 10]
Objective: To contribute to the rapprochement of the group self-examination.

Time: 20 min.

Materials: paper, pens.

The course exercises
Participants are invited to ponder the question "Who am I?", And then write on a sheet of numbers from 1 to 10, in front of each digit to write its own characteristics, traits and interests. Then, each leaf hands over his master, the leaves are mixed in the bag and everyone chooses the piece, which he took from his bag. Specifications shall be read aloud and participants must guess who owns these features.

Issues for discussion:
How do you feel during exercise?
It was easy for you to carry it?
It was hard to some of you to guess who owns the characteristics?
How often do in life you have to be wrong?
In your opinion, all of the characteristics of a person came to this party?
2. Exercise "Draw your name" [1, p. eleven]
Purpose: to extend the idea of ​​himself.

Time: 20 min.

Materials: paper, colored pencils.

The course exercises
Taking a pencil and paper, participants are placed in any convenient place of the audience. On the piece of paper they have to draw the image of his own name in allegorical form as they are currently being introduced. After all finished draw, each participant presents his drawing. Leading in the presentation read out the meaning of some names.

Issues for discussion:
It was easy for you to carry out this exercise?
Do you agree with your definitions of names provided by the leading?
Do you like your name?
What do you think is right for you is your name?
Would you like to change soё name?
3. Exercise "A day in the life of a student" [Custom].
Purpose: consolidation of the group.

Time: 40 min.

Materials: paper, colored pencils, pens, paint.

The course exercises
The training participants are invited to draw a normal student day, each determines for himself what he will paint. Participants are invited to complete freedom of choice. The main task to agree a honey.

Issues for discussion:
It was easy for you to work together?
How do you feel performing this task?
Have you submit, give in?
What do you think, were you able to draw a day in the life of the student?
I Did you make any changes or add?
Looks Does your present day painted?
III. Ending
The goal: the preservation of a positive climate in the group at the end of the training.

Materials: no.

1. Exercise "Tell circular movement" [1, c. 12]
Objective: To develop non-verbal understanding in the group.

Time: 15 min.

Materials: no.

The course exercises
One of the participants are invited to come up with any movement and give it to another person by means of gestures and facial expressions, and so the circle.

Issues for discussion:
Was it easy for you to do the exercise?
It was hard to guess the movement that you showed?
Do you feel that you are trying to confuse the purpose?
Do you think that someone is wrongly conceived showed movement?
Do you often in life have to communicate non-verbally?
Literature: Kireycheva EV, AV Kireychev Psychological training of self-concept. Yalta, 2006. 80 p.

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