Exercises for warm-up at the training
Projective Techniques

Art therapy training on the formation of a conscious relationship to the process of self-discovery

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Conceptual introduction:
Self-knowledge - a study of the personality of their own mental and physical characteristics, understanding of himself. It begins in infancy and continues throughout life. Formed gradually as the reflection of how the outside world, and the knowledge itself.

The main ways of self-knowledge include:

analysis of its own activities and behavior on the basis of comparison with other people;
self-observation, is both external, with the help of means of recording video and audio, and internal - monitoring your thoughts, feelings, reactions to certain events;
self-report (internal report to yourself).
The process of self-knowledge is closely related to the subject of self-reflection, which contributes to the expansion of self-consciousness and the development of social and perceptual intelligence. Social psychology, exploring the issue of communication and interpersonal perception, widely uses the concept of "self-reflection." Self-reflection is present at interpersonal communication and perception. In social psychology at the individual's awareness of self-reflection to understand how it is perceived by communication partner. It is not just knowledge or understanding of the other, and the knowledge of how the other person is aware of his partner, a kind of process of mirroring vzaimootobrazheniya each other, deep sequence display, the content of which has a re-creation of the internal world of the communication partner, with those in the inner world, in turn, It displays the inner world of the first [3, p. 128].

The principles of the group:
refer to each other as "thou" and the name (without status);
to be responsible for their words and deeds;
"Here and now";
everything that is done in the group is on a voluntary basis;
to accept themselves and others as they are.
The estimate own qualities occurs independently on the basis of information obtained in the group.

Purpose: formation of a conscious relationship to the process of self-knowledge, motivation to further self-reflection.

the formation of a conscious attitude to the process of self-knowledge;
awareness of their behavioral patterns;
the development of spontaneity and involuntary behavioral patterns;
the development of self-reflection.
Stages of work: I. Stage - heating:
Objective: To perform non-verbal and psihogimnasticheskih exercises promote self-knowledge, self-expression and the convergence of the group members.

Materials: music.

Exercise "Awakening" [5, p. 29]
Objective: analysis and introspection of their own feelings, emotions and feelings.

Materials: music.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Procedure: The members of the group to create a circle. By turns portrayed through pantomime process of awakening in the morning, reflecting the accompanying feelings. In terms of feedback members voiced the feelings portrayed the protagonist, and analyze their own feelings. Protagonist They reflect the content embedded in pantomime. In the role of the protagonist are the band members.

Questions for discussion (feedback):
"What you are trying to portray?"
"What feelings did you have the job?"
"What feelings were after the assignment"
"How to reconcile the image of you showed with the way his team apprehended?"
"Have you encountered any difficulties in that you want to show? Was it difficult to carry out this task? "
Exercise "The road of my life" [5, p. 31]
Objective: analysis and introspection of their own feelings, emotions and feelings. Reflection of the life experience of each member of the group.

Materials: music.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Procedure: The members of the group to create a circle. In turn represent a process through mime their way of life, reflecting the accompanying feelings. In terms of feedback members voiced the feelings portrayed the protagonist, and analyze their own feelings. Protagonist They reflect the content embedded in pantomime. In the role of the protagonist are the band members.
Questions for discussion (feedback):
"As far as you were able to experience the inner world of the person doing the exercise?"
"What do you feel at this?"
"Were you able to do the job"
"Have you ever had someone like" the road? ""
"Obstacles in the exercise?".
Exercise "Partnerships" [1, p. 26]
Objective: To analyze their own behavior patterns, the development of spontaneity and involuntary behavioral patterns.

Materials: music.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Procedure: in pairs, members of the group are back together. Options can be offered as harmoniously together to sit down and stand up. Settings to silence the head does not. Analyzes the behavioral responses of group members, their comments in the context of the interaction.

Questions for discussion (feedback):
"I trust you completely to your partner during exercise?"
"Have you encountered any difficulties with the exercise?"
"Did you plan in advance its interaction with the participants or acted spontaneously?"
"Was the reaction of participants to the range of your actions such as you expected?"
"What are your feelings after vozikli exercise."
Exercise "Hit the circle" [2, p. 58]
Objective: awareness and analysis of their own behavioral tendencies and characteristics of his personality.

Materials: music.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Procedure: to stand in a circle, holding hands. One of the participants is outside the circle. Those who remained outside the circle, must first get inside and then go out. The other group members are entitled to it in terms of let or let out of it, depending on the behavior of the user cause during their interaction with the desire to see it in its range or not.

Thus, in the simple form of a game participants are encouraged to understand and to analyze not only available in its aggressive behavior and power trends, but also closer to the knowledge of their own individual psychological characteristics, the internal contradictions of the personality, to discuss possible constructive behavior in such situations.

Questions for discussion (feedback):
"What did you do to get into the circle and get out of it?"
"What do you feel at this?"
"What is your attitude toward those who stood in a circle?"
"Did you plan in advance its interaction with the participants or acted spontaneously?"
"Was the reaction of participants to the range of your actions such as you expected?"
"Were you able to do the job?" Etc.
II. Stage - the main activity:
The goal: self-knowledge of its own "I" because of the metaphorical material.

Materials: drawing paper, paints, pencils, brushes, dough, audio player, relaxing music.

Time: 1.5-2 hours.

Conceptual introduction:
The dough - the most appropriate and safe plastic material for the job. Plastic material allows you to make many changes in the work and, therefore, as it were, to correct emotional well-being. Modeling provides a wonderful opportunity to model the world and their perception of it. As a result of modeling dough product appears (figure painting), which provides numerous possibilities in the choice of techniques for further work. This staging of test performances, and reconstruction of the image, and modeling.

Modeling can be individually and collectively, can be used in a dyad "adult-child", "adult-adult" can be applied to the painting, and various additional materials. Dough promotes the desire for freer expression. A particular in the modeling is that you can combine features to transfer the characteristics of one object to another, thus work with the unconscious informative material. The dough can be painted, make the volume or flat figure (mandala), flat with the addition of junk material (test formulation).

To produce salty test:

1 cup flour and 1 cup of salt to mix, and then pour 125 ml of water (approximate amount, as the amount of water may be dependent on the type of flour you took for the test). Stir this mixture again with a spoon and then knead until smooth hands. Just do not overdo it! If the dough will be too soft, kneaded with a small amount of flour and salt mixture additionally. Salt dough should be firm. Salt dough is recommended for 2-3 hours to put in the refrigerator in a plastic bag. There you can simply store it for future use.

Procedure: participants are invited from salted dough. Each participant takes the necessary amount of dough to fashion any images that arise from them, and find a place on a common sheet of paper. Because of the cooled dough piece vyleplivayut figure agreed by all participants (circle, square, or any other), the master or the participants themselves. The color of the test participants give themselves. The main stages of work:
Free activity.
The process of creative work.
Verbalization of feelings and emotions.
Words, symbols enliven the thrills and real sensations that can run the natural mechanisms of self-regulation. The emotional component is certainly an answer engine components, as well as the change of the course participants and the nature of thought. Therefore, creating an image of dough, you can experience the fun that will affect the result and come changes in facial expressions, gestures, respect for self and others. Especially useful in the mainstream of therapy to take positive themes. Working with expressive material and non-judgmental reaction allows us to express a wide range of emotions, which in itself is healthful.

Questions for discussion (feedback):
"How are you feeling?"
"What is your mood now?".
"What the figure turned out?"
"How I would call it?"
"What kind of feelings for this figure to the figure and the other participants?" And others.
III. Stage - completion:
Purpose: removal of emotional and behavioral rigidities.

Materials: music.

Time: 5-10 minutes.

Exercise "Candle confidence" or "Bell" [5, p. 34]
Procedure: all participants are in a circle shoulder to shoulder, arms bent at the elbows, put forward. Palms raised upward. One of the participants becomes the center of the circle. Arms down along the body, eyes closed. He falls on his hands relaxed standing. Group picks up his and slowly, carefully passed around. In the center should visit each participant. After a discussion of the exercise is conducted.

Questions for discussion (feedback):
"How are you feeling?",
"Have you encountered any difficulties in this exercise?"
"Did they change your feelings during exercise?"
"Describe your feelings. What are they? "
"You can compare and analyze the sensations and feelings before and after the training. What has changed? ".
Abramova GS Practical psychology. A textbook for university students - 6th Ed., Revised. and add. - M: Academic Project, 2001. - 480 p.
Vachkov IV The basic technology training group. Proc. allowance. - M: Publishing house "Os-89", 1999. - 176 p.
Komar TV Discourse samorefleksії have psihologії / Zbіrnik Naukova Pratzen іnstitutu psihologії IM. GS Kostiuk. Problems of zagalnoї that pedagogіchnoї psihologії, ie. 5 - Part 1. - S. 128 - 133.
Fopel K. Psychological Group: Working Papers for the lead: A Practical Guide / Trans. with it. 5th ed., Sr. - M .: Genesis, 2004. - 256 p.
Yatsenko TS Theory and practice of deep psychological correction: The first author School of NAPS of Ukraine Academician TS Yatsenko / Comp. AV Gluzman (et al.). - Yalta: RIO KSU, 2008. - 202 p.

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