Exercises for warm-up at the training Projective Techniques |
Technique counseling in a systems approachКатегория: Psychoanalysis and analytical psychology | Просмотров: 1190
Название: Technique counseling in a systems approach
Формат: HTML Язык: English Technique counseling in a systems approach.
1. Transformation of static characteristics in behavior. Individual, static characteristics are derived from the repeating patterns of behavior. They need to get back to the level of behavior, asking about the following questions: How to behave as a husband, to be seen as "the mattress"? How does the wife when her condition is described as "depressing"? 2. Accounting context in which manifested psychological characteristics and behavior. Rate the value and effectiveness of the psychological characteristics of behavior is possible only in the context of a particular situation. Questions: How, exactly, manifests itself problematic behavior? What situations actualize problematic behavior, and how hard it manifests itself? What people are present at the same time and how they react? What precedes the problem situation? What is the sequence of steps in a problem situation? 3. Demonstration of the relative positions of the victims and the perpetrators. Based on the fact that every member of a problematic situation is an actor, respectively, there is a share of its participation in the issue. For example, in consultation with the mother of his son. Question son: "If desired, the behavior of your mother, which now complain about how you could do this?" Answer son: "I would have Question to the mother: "If you want to get the son, so he did as if you had to do?" And the like. 4. Consideration of issues in the time term. Issues related to the changes that were in the past and may in the future. It is suggesting that the transformations are possible in principle. When you feel that the situation has become a problem? How long do you think it can last? 5. Clarification of values: family and individual. Issues related to agree or disagree on the basic values of family and cultural environment, to which the family belongs. Who seek autonomy, and who, above all, think about the good of the family, and what are their motives? In case of a conflict of values, who would choose what position? What values are dominant in a particular family? 6. Family myths, stories, concept. Family history form the general interpretative schemes peculiar family, allowing to explain that for the family as a whole and for its individual members means the behavior of participants in a conflict situation. What are the stories and myths about the past, present and future are told in the family? How it is made to explain what is happening in the story? Are the presentation, based on which is due to what is happening in the history common to all members of the family or not? What are the views on how to achieve the goal, there are in the family? Specific issues: Questions about intra coalitions and subsystems. Between which family members at the moment, there are coalitions and how they are stable and predictable? What, who, and who does? By what criteria can be determined that the coalition has changed. What are the rules exist in certain respects? Whose goals, opinions and the like, the same, and whose not? Questions to some one, about the relationship between the other two. How, in terms of, for example, the mother looks like the relationship of father and son? What, who, when he does? The alignment of the hierarchy on any criterion among family members. Drawing as if the hit parade or scaling (estimate something in points). For example, if a hierarchy in a relatively who would have been the first, the second, the last Intrafamily relationship changes and changes outside the family. What changes are at work, at school, in relationships with friends and acquaintances, age, biological changes, any of the members of the family can be associated with changes in family relationships? The desire to preserve unchanged something that is directly related to the problem. What should not be changed under any circumstances? What is the situation that prevailed at the moment of good? Issues relating to the assumptions and thought experiments. Assumptions, thought experiments, make it possible to lose the possible alternative scenarios, whether in the past or in the future. Every question has a suggestive influence, making certain assumptions. In this sense, interviews simultaneously has properties of intervention. Edward Makarenko Связаться с администратором Похожие публикации: Код для вставки на сайт или в блог: Код для вставки в форум (BBCode): Прямая ссылка на эту публикацию: