Exercises for warm-up at the training Projective Techniques |
Drawing 'Man in the rain.'Категория: Psychology | Просмотров: 26080
Название: Drawing "Man in the rain."
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Less common, but it is interesting and informative method of "Man in the rain." It is focused on the diagnosis of ego strength of man, his ability to overcome adverse situations, confront them. It also allows you to carry out diagnostics of the personal allowance and the features of protective mechanisms. GENERAL PROVISIONS Instruction in the classic version is simple: on a blank sheet of A4 paper which is oriented vertically, the subject is asked to draw a person, and then, on another sheet of the same - a man in the rain. A comparison of the two figures to determine how a person reacts to stress, adverse situations that he feels at difficulties. During testing, it is important to observe the painting and pay attention to all the statements of the test. For more accurate information is necessary to conduct additional interviews with the child. INTERPRETATION OF THE TEST In interpreting the figures it is recommended to be guided by the following provisions: ● When the image is ready, it is important to accept it in its entirety. ● It is necessary to "enter" into the picture and feel what mood stays character (joyful, joyous, dejected, and so on. D.), Feels he helpless or, on the contrary, feels the inner resources to deal with difficulties, and possibly calmly and adequately perceive difficulties, considering them as ordinary phenomena of life. Thus, it is important to track a global impression of the picture. This intuitive process. ● Only then can proceed to the analysis of specific details in terms of logic, relying on the basic of the guidance on interpretation. INTERPRETATION changing the exposure figure "Man in the rain" in comparison with the figure "man", usually found significant differences. It is important to see how to change the exposure. For example, if a person shows outgoing, then it may be due to a trend towards avoiding difficult situations, avoiding trouble (especially if the figure of a man portrayed as if observed from a bird's flight). In the case of displacement of the human figure in the rain in the upper portion of the sheet can be a tendency to assume the test to escape from reality, to the loss of support under the feet, and the presence of protective mechanisms by type of fantasy, excessive optimism, which is often not justified. Regulation figures in the profile or on the back indicate the desire to turn away from the world, to defend itself. Image placed at the bottom of the sheet, it may indicate the presence of depressive tendencies, feelings of insecurity. The rest in the interpretation should be based on the methodology of "man." For example, the image is offset to the left, possibly due to the presence of impulsive behavior, focusing on the past, in some cases with dependence on the mother. The image shifted to the right, indicating the presence of orientation environment and possibly dependent on father. Transformation pieces. Increasing the size of the figure is sometimes found in adolescents who are in trouble mobilizing make stronger and more confident. Reducing the figure holds when the subject in need of protection and patronage, seeks to transfer the responsibility for their own lives on the other. The guys who paint small figures are usually shy to show their feelings and tend to show restraint and a retardation in the interaction with people. They are prone to depressive states due to stress. Image of a man of the opposite sex may indicate a certain type of response in a difficult situation, "including" behavioral programs borrowed from specific people from the inner circle (mothers, grandmothers). Changing age indicates the sense of self in a situation of troubles in life. If the figure of "Man in the Rain" at the figure of skipped any part of the body (legs, arms, ears, eyes), it indicates a specificity of protective mechanisms and features displays of ego-reactions. The function of clothes - "the formation of protection from the elements." The abundance of clothing indicates the need for additional protection. Lack of clothing associated with ignoring certain behaviors, impulsivity response. Attributes rain. Rain - a hindrance, undesirable effects, induces the person to close, hide. The nature of his image is associated with how a person perceives a difficult situation: occasional drops - as a temporary, avoidable; heavy drops or painted line - a heavy, constant. It is necessary to determine where rain "comes" (right or left side of the person) and any part of the figure is exposed to a greater extent. Interpretation is carried out in accordance with the values attributed to the left and right sides of the paper or the human figure. The clouds are a symbol of waiting trouble. It is important to pay attention to the amount of clouds, clouds, their density, size, location. The doldrums are portrayed heavy storm, which occupy the sky. Puddles, mud symbolically reflect the impact of the alarming situation, the experiences that remain after the "rain." Note the manner of image of puddles (shape, depth, spray). Importantly, as the pools are located with respect to the human figure (whether they are in front of or behind the figure, surrounded on all sides by a person or he is in a puddle). Further details .All Accessories (houses, trees, benches, cars), or items that a person holding (handbag, flowers, books), are seen as a reflection of the need for additional external support, the support, in an effort to get away from the problem-solving way switching and replacement activities. A more complete transcript of parts based on the symbolic meaning of the images submitted. For example, lightning can symbolize the beginning of a new cycle in the development and dramatic changes in a person's life. Rainbow, often occurs after a storm, heralds the appearance of the sun symbolizes the dream of the impossible quest for perfection. Umbrella is a symbolic image of psychic protection against unpleasant external influences. From the point of view of interpretation of images can be seen as an umbrella to show the relationships with her mother and father, who are symbolized in the form of an umbrella: the dome - motherly and pen - his father. Umbrella can protect or not to protect from the weather, to limit the field of vision of the character, and may be absent. For example, a huge parasol mushroom may indicate a strong dependence on the mother solve all difficult situations for humans. The size and position of the umbrella relative to the human figure indicate the intensity of mental protection mechanisms of action. Distortion and missing parts No significant details may indicate the region to be a consequence of the conflict and displacement as a defense mechanism of the psyche. For example, the absence of an umbrella in the figure may be evidence of the denial of support from parents in a difficult situation. Colour in the drawings. Drawings can be done in pencil. Nevertheless, many prefer to use colored pencils. Keep in mind that the exact interpretation of the color decision can not be made if the test is not just a set of colored pencils. Colors can symbolize a certain feeling, mood and attitude of man. They may also reflect a range of different reactions or areas of conflict. Well adapted and emotionally deprived child typically uses two to five colors. Seven or eight colors indicate high lability. Using the same color indicates a possible fear of emotional arousal. 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