Exercises for warm-up at the training Projective Techniques |
Training: 'Team unity'Категория: Trainings | Просмотров: 1457
Название: Training "Team unity"
Формат: HTML Язык: English ![]() Teambuilding - a concept that reveals the features of interpersonal relationships in the team, the unity of value orientations, unity of purpose and motives of activities within the joint venture. Friendly contacts during and at the end of it, cooperation and mutual assistance form a good social and psychological climate. Factors affecting the socio-psychological climate in the team, due to the individual and psychological characteristics of each of its members. Through the prism of personality characteristics of human refracted all the impact that both the production and non-production. Therefore, for the formation of a social and psychological climate of the collective are important not so much a psychological as a member, as the effect of a combination thereof. Overall objective: to achieve good interpersonal relations (the specifics of formal and informal institutional ties in the community and the relationship between them), the level of democracy in a team, the optimal level of psychological compatibility of the collective. Exercise "Square" (5-10 min.) The goal: to experience each group member. The course exercises Build the whole team in a circle, and let the participants close their eyes. Now, without opening his eyes, you must rebuild the square. Usually immediately begins a farce, all shouting, suggesting its strategy. After some time, it reveals the organizer of the process that actually builds people. Once the square is built, not allowed to open his eyes. Ask whether all sure that they are in the box? Usually there are a few people who are not so sure. Square really should be level. And only after all absolutely agree that the cost is in the box, ask the participants to open their eyes, glad for a good result and analyze the process. You can also be built in other figures. During the exercise, participants are experiencing strong emotions and make a lot of conclusions, so after each stage can organize small discussion where you can talk to your colleagues suggestions for improvement. The main question here is how the job could have been done better and faster? Very well, if the training, each participant will be marked by the leadership, and even better if the team get good prizes. 2. Exercise "Collage" Time: 40-45 minutes. The goal: to rally the team and get to know each member. Materials: drawing paper, glue, colored pictures of different subjects, colored pencils, paint brushes. The course exercises Group sits at the table, proposed drawing paper, glue, colored pictures of different subjects, colored pencils, paint brushes. Of the proposed images, each member of the group selects the image corresponding to the way he sees and feels in the group. Select an image, and each has their sticks on drawing paper like feel their position in the group. After the work, each participant (optional) adds background pictures using paints and pencils Issues for discussion: Why did you choose a particular picture? Does the location of your pictures as you'd like? Do you feel well in a group? Were there difficulties with the exercise? 3. Exercise "theater: the play that will suit all" Time: 25-30 minutes. The course exercises Divide people into 4 groups of 4 people minimum. One group - the writers, the second - the director, the actors and the third quarter - criticism. The challenge for the whole team: to write and stage a play that will suit everyone. And should arrange and play by genre, and title, and content and everything else. Writers write the first act, and then criticize him criticism, make the amendments, then the text is given to the directors, and they begin staging with the actors. At this time already written the second act, and then a third. And when you're done, all seated in the "hall" and the actors begin to play (see. Video 1). Loud applause, a sea of emotions. Now plant the people and ask everyone, whether staged his play? What could have been done better? At this point, participants can share positive and negative experiences of working together and of individuals. And if the play has arranged all, or nearly all, then, team effect is obvious! Compiled Boritko A. Yu Takmakova Связаться с администратором
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