David Bohlke with Stephanie Parker, Ben Cevik with Steve Longworth, Claire Hart, Colleen Sheils, Karen Richardson Keynote Elementary. Student's book. Workbook. Teacher's Book.

Категория: Учебники для школы » Готовые домашние задания по английскому языку | Просмотров: 858

David Bohlke with Stephanie Parker, Ben Cevik with Steve Longworth, Claire Hart, Colleen Sheils, Karen Richardson Keynote Elementary. Student's book. Workbook. Teacher's Book. Автор:   
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Through life-changing stories, respected thinkers and authentic presentations, Keynote promotes a deeper understanding of the world and gives students the courage and means to express themselves in English. Communication, collaboration and creative thinking drive students towards real 21st century outcomes and encourage them to respond to ideas and find their own voice. Both students and teachers will emerge with new confidence, new ideas and a new determination to communicate in this increasingly information-rich world of Global English. Twelve TED Talks provide a springboard for students to develop their authentic listening, critical thinking and presentation skills. Clear communicative aims of each lesson are linked to 21st century outcomes and encourage students to respond to ideas and find their own world. Language is presendet using real-world input, including infographics, varied text types and profiles of exciting innovators, companies and organizations making a difference.

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